
Russian President Vladimir Putin Announces He Will Run For Reelection In 2018
New Era World News and Global Intelligence EARLIER TODAY RUSSIAN PRESIDENT VLADIMIR PUTIN (age 65), with the majority United Russia Party behind him, announced his intent to seek a second term in the upcoming March 18, 2018 presidential election: "I will be proposing...

Korea Blest as Pope Francis Sends Marian Group on Urgent Worldwide Peace Mission
New Era World News and Global Intelligence THIS YEAR THE CHURCH IS CELEBRATING the centenary of the appearance of the Mother of God at Fatima, Portugal in 1917. Since that time Fatima has become the world’s most prominent center of Marian devotion, a place that John...

Clinton Warhawk for Global Liberal Agenda Trump Agent of Reconciliation and Peace
REPUBLICAN SUPPORT FOR interventionist foreign policy is so common place it is assumed that any Neocon Republican candidate for president must be a war hawk and for good reason: Following the demise of the Soviet Union, Republican think tanks, such as the American...