Pope Francis and the Ultra Conservatives – Francis is Right – “They Don’t Get It”


RECENTLY FOUR CARDINALS (Carlo Caffarra,  Raymond Burke,  Walter Brandmüller, Joachim Meisner)  presented Pope Francis and Cardinal Gerhard Müller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, with a series of five questions or “dubia” (or doubts) requesting that he clarify certain sections of his recent Apostolic Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love) which, they claim has caused “grave disorientation and great confusion” in the Church.

The central issue revolves around the admissibility of divorced and remarried couples to Holy Communion. The four cardinals assert that Amortis Laetitia seems to contradict earlier papal teachings, specifically Familiaris Consortio given by Pope John Paul II. Specifically, they point out concern with Chapter Eight paragraphs 300-305, which they claim are being used by some bishops to permit divorced and remarried couples to receive the sacraments in violation of perennial Church teaching.

Pope Francis is accused of being fuzzy, unclear and dogmatically in error.  The real problem really is that people who are making such allegations, for the most part, “don’t get it”.

The Church just passed through a “Year of Mercy”. Presently, the entire universe is resounding with the echo of Divine Logos: “Mercy-Mercy-Mercy” and of His Mother who is asking for reparation from her children for the sins of others, asking  penance from those who love God for those who are steeped in sin. Our Lord and Our Lady are asking for love, mercy, compassion, and sacrifice for sinners while Catholic ultra-conservatives are calling for their heads, calling for punishment, divine retribution, alienation and chastisement. The pope is correct, they “don’t  get it”. But neither do the ultra-liberals who make excuses for sins, condone them, militantly embrace their own sin and that of others and refuse to ask for forgiveness – they don’t get it either.

The Holy Father is the Vicar of Christ – His representative on earth. As such, he is expected to mirror the wishes, will, and desires of his King. And it is the King’s will, at this special moment of human history, that mercy be the theme of His Church, that mercy be showered over all the earth from the rising of the sun until its setting in every clime and place. Jesus, Himself, revealed to Saint Faustina that this gift of mercy is His last gift to the Church before He returns in glory as the world’s judge.

Until that time, between now and then, He desires Mercy, especially mercy for the greatest sinners. Thus, He further revealed to Saint Faustina that those who have the most right to His mercy are the most grievous sinners:

“Let the greatest sinners place their trust in My mercy. They have the right before others to trust in the abyss of My mercy. … Souls that make an appeal to My mercy delight Me. To such souls I grant even more graces than they ask”  (Diary of Saint Faustina Para 1146).


Jesus has a

“…special compassion for the worst sinners, because they are most in need of His mercy.”

Pope Francis is keenly aware of God’s mercy and of His desire to extend it everywhere, especially toward hardened sinners. He is acting accordingly as the Vicar of Christ; he expects Catholic clergy and laity to do the same. God wants forgiveness, mercy and compassion, not judgment, severity and legalism.

The Hour of Mercy is a time to pronounce, to pronounce the good news, not to renounce.

“For I came not to judge the world, but to save the world” (John 12:47, John 3:17).

With this Message of Mercy ingrained in mind, it is easy to unravel the confusion. We are living in an Hour of Mercy. Mercy is the universal theme of the Church being announced and lived by its universal shepherd. The pope is not in error; he has not forgotten or rejected earlier church teaching about the sanctity of marriage and the sinfulness of illicit union.

However, he is teaching as a pastor, as a “Good Shepherd”, the good shepherd who has “come to save that which was lost”, the good shepherd who leaves ninety-nine righteous people and goes in search of the one that is lost because it is the will of the Father than none of his sheep be lost:

“What think you? If a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them should go astray: doth he not leave the ninety-nine in the mountains, and go to seek that which is gone astray? And if it so be that he find it: Amen I say to you, he rejoiceth more for that, than for the ninety-nine that went not astray. Even so it is not the will of your Father, who is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish” (Matthew 18: 12-14)

Now, if no one goes after them, the stray and sinning sheep, but instead reject, criticize, judge and in their self-righteousness ostracize them, how are they to be saved? The pope unlike the self-righteous Pharisees who murmur, saying: “This man receiveth sinners, and eateth with them“, is willing to embrace a sinner with mercy and compassion; mercy and compassion are slow to judge but quick to love.

If the first thing a person does vis a vis a hardened sinner is judge, the relationship is over. The quickest way to the mind is through the heartit does not work the other way for most people, especially people who have been conditioned by a culture of sin, by a constant barrage of propaganda and manipulation, psychological warfare by means of association etc. In such a world as this, there are many sheep gone astray and they need a shepherd.  If clergy and lay evangelists act with a judgmental attitude, few will be evangelized.

Modern men and women are like sheep in desperate need of a wise and loving friend to shepherd them; however, they often remain without a shepherd because the shepherds on the extreme left are often too blinded by concupiscence and irascibility to properly lead anyone, while those on the ultra-conservative right are often too busy satisfying themselves intellectually and too judgmental to have compassion.

What is the attitude of Jesus the Good Shepherd? When He looked upon the vast throng of lost humanity, He had COMPASSION ON THEM” because they were lost and in agony  – being lost in deep sin is not fun!

“And seeing the multitudes, he had compassion on them: because they were distressed” (Matthew 9:36).

It was then that He said to His apostles, “The harvest indeed is great, but the labourers are few”.

Francis is acting like a good laborer in the Hour of Mercy. He is acting like St. John Bosco, a saint who did get it, a saint who reached out to the street boys, the gang-bangers, of Northern Italy and beyond when no one else, including many clergy, wanted anything to do with them – too upsetting to a comfortable life-style, too filthy to bring home – too risky to deal with – too impure to mingle with their cultural refinement. St. John Bosco had man adages, a man full of folk-wisdom. One of his many: “The time is long, but  the cure is sure“.  Dealing with sin requires time and patience, patience that grows out of love and mercy. With love, with mercy, over time healing can occur; it does not occur (in most people) by a quick intellectual fix following some sage advice from a counselor – this is for relatively advanced people, which a sinner – lost in sin – is not.

At  this time in human history, a time of MERCY, the Church must do its evangelical work pastorally.  To fail pastorally is to fail as a shepherd.  Shepherds pastor sheep, they do not discuss philosophical and theological treatises with them.  Clergy formation involves much detailed philosophical and theological formation and deep intellectual growth.  The proper place for this type of discussion is the seminary. It is hoped that before a man leaves a seminary that he makes a connection between his intellectual formation and the pastoral care he must give to his sheep. Intellectual learning is intended to facilitate his work as a pastor. A college professor is not a pastor.  Many clergy and laity, usually among the ultra-conservative, the crowd accusing Pope Francis of heresy etc., have failed to make the transition. They act as if they were still in the seminary; instead of love, mercy and compassion for sinners they are deeply dissatisfied with the state of things and want to lecture people about there faults and especially about the faults, short-comings and theological errors of the pope and bishops; indeed they want to lecture the pope himself. Instead of seeing a soul to be saved, they see a sinner to be disciplined and a pope to be castigated for not being more severe.  Correction and discipline should and must be forthcoming, but they work better after a relationship has been established on the basis of mercy and love. In the last analysis, love is greater than knowledge, love alone endures for eternity.

Saint Francis de Sales understood this well: “More bees are attracted by a spoonful of honey than by a barrel of vinegar.”

Some people, for whatever reason, just do not get this – do not get the intersection of learning and knowledge with love and mercy, the intersection of dogmatic and pastoral theology, the intersection of heart and mind.

Then, infected by this inability, they proceed to read papal teachings such as Amoris Laetitia.  Because they “don’t get it”, they approach the document as if it were an intellectual, exercise, when in fact, it is a pastoral exhortation.

They just cannot put the whole thing together. Like some Protestants who cheery-pick scriptures picking passages that support their point and neglecting or ignoring others that do not support their position, they act like the others do not exist.


Practical and Speculative Intellect- Have the Clergy forgotten Their Philosophical Education?

Every priest and many lay men and women have studied philosophy, but afterward many forget what they learned or fail to apply it to their service of others. Every priest and student of classical and scholastic philosophy has learned (or should have learned) the difference between the “speculative intellect” (SI) and the “practical intellect” (PI). In short, the SI begins its work by grasping first principles and reasoning from them to reach logical conclusions that must be accepted if the principles are true and the logic is correct (logical deduction from premise to conclusion: A-B therefore C). The PI operates differently; it is not involved in deductive logic, a purely intellectual exercise.  Rather, the PI involves the intellect in its application mode, that is when the intellect applies truths grasped by the SI to everyday practice. The SI operates in the intellectual realm of acquired wisdom, the realm of dogmatic truths that are discovered by the intellect BEFORE they are afterward applied outside the mind to practical everyday reality, where theory must meet practice if it is to be successful. The SI operates interiorly, the PI must operate in the real exterior world.  The mind and the world are two very different places.

The PI does not begin with logical first principles, it begins with the end or the conclusion reached by the SI as a result of reasoning to conclusions from principles, discursive logic. A logical conclusion or end is the last thing discovered by the SI, but it is the first principle of the PI, which must make prudential judgments about which means are to be chosen to reach a desired end. The human mind necessarily ascents to a logical conclusion derived by way of the SI, but the means derived by the PI to achieve a derived end are only probable. No one necessarily ascents to them because many other means may be discovered, some better than others, some faulty some not – no one knows for sure if the means they choose will actually result in the acquisition of the end – they are only probably sure. Thus, for the SI the end is last in the order of acquisition (the end or fruit of as long train of thought), but for the PI, the end is first in the order of operation because without the end no one would know where they were going or how to derive means to get there.

Thus, the work of the practical intellect begins with the end and is calculative and probable while that of the SI begins with first principles to discover an end and it is rational and certain of its conclusions. That is, the SI necessarily ascents to its conclusions in order to avoid a logical contradiction. The SI begins with first principles to reach certain conclusions, but the PI begins with ends to reach probable conclusions.

For example, if after an exhaustive study of the human soul, the SI determines that human beings should pursue happiness as an end then it is up to the PI to determine just how the end of happiness should be achieved. To achieve happiness, the PI must first know what happiness is and then figure out how among a world of constant change and flux that happiness can actually be attained. Because circumstances are always changing, what works in one time or place might not work in another. Even if the SI discovers necessary truths, no progress can be made toward their attainment if the PI is deficient. Knowing that happiness is an end to be achieved is a “black and white” issue – it is clear. But knowing how to achieve happiness in a given place or time among an endless array of possibilities and constantly shifting contingencies  is a very difficult exercise. It is this later that Pope Francis is concerned about; nothing is black and white in the practical ream of constantly shifting contingencies i.e., the pastoral realm.  Even if a priest, or lay evangelist, is certain of the highest truths, this certainty is practically useless unless the PI  is capable of making prudential judgments about how best to achieve these truths in diverse environments and among diverse people and cultures.

Clearly knowing the truth, knowing black and white dogma is necessary but insufficient for the work of evangelization, which is the major work of the Church!

Pastoral theology depends upon the PI as much as it depends on the SI, perhaps moreso. Pastors must deal with constantly changing realities and shifting situations that effect how they might or might not succeed given a set of unique circumstances. Moreover, before a practical or prudential judgement can be made, facts must be gathered, the greater the quantity and quality of the information the better. Clearly, it is a mortal sin to divorce, remarry, and receive the Eucharist.  This much is black and white. However, there are subjective and mitigating circumstances that might alter the judgement if they were known.

In the case of human moral decision making, the acquisition of facts presupposes proper relationships, making prudential or practical judgments requires information and knowledge of unique circumstances. Pope Francis is coming from this perspective, the pastoral perspective of the PI, while those who are confused are coming at the question dogmatically from the black and white understanding of the SI.  The latter only works in the classroom, in the university or seminary where truths are being ascertained and acquired. The real world, however, is not a place of truth acquisition, it is a place of truth implementation, implementation of truths previously acquired in the classroom.  A parish is not a seminary; it is a place of practical reality where souls must be served and saved among a constantly shifting array of unique circumstances. If a pastor fails to acquire this information because he fails at relationships, his parish will most likely fail and his sheep, will be poorly served.  He cannot treat them as a pedagogue teaching theology lessons; first the heart must be reached. This requires mercy and compassion, especially in a time as far gone as the present.

Practical decisions – pastoral decisions are not black and white. Priests must realize that they are no longer in the seminary. Moral casuistry (application of speculative or dogmatic truths to everyday contingencies) is always probable. While theological truths are unchanging and universal, their application is ever-changing and relative.  Thou shall not kill is a black and white clear moral precept. However, what about self-defense, what about soldiers defending their country, what about the mitigating circumstances of killing in the heat of passion versus pre-meditated murder etc. Things become quite complex when the move is made from speculative black and white principles to the grey are of their application – the realm of pastoral theology.

“Some priestly formation programs run the risk of educating in the light of overly clear and distinct ideas, and therefore to act within limits and criteria that are rigidly defined … and that set aside concrete situations.”

In short, people complaining that they are confused want everything to be black and white as Pope Francis asserts.

 “In life, not everything is black over white or white over black. No! The shades of gray prevail in life. We must teach them (seminarians) to discern in this gray area” (National Federation of Priests Councils).

No one can make a practical moral judgement without first acquiring the facts of a case (the gray area). But no one can adequately acquire the facts from a person living in sin if he or she does not first dismiss and overlook many faults and repulsive behaviors, which enable him to withhold judgement and enter into a relationship necessary for the acquisition of information and to make correct assessment of the state of a soul. If instead, a priest makes snap judgments based on black and white dogmatic truths pertaining to right and wrong behavior, relationships will be strained and end prematurely, or fail to develop at all, in which case there is no hope of conversion, the very purpose of evangelization.

Many rigid ultra-conservatives are looking at Francis’ teachings through the lens of dogmatic theology rather than through the lens of mercy and compassion, pastoral theology, which is often very confusing. Unfortunately, practical pastoral decisions are rarely black and white. Dealing with divorced and remarried couples is a pastoral issue. It certainly involves the application of black and white speculative or dogmatic principles, but no case is the same; shifting circumstances require prudential insight because sometimes circumstances that appear objectively sinful might be morally licit, such as the case of divorced-remarried couples living together chastely as brother and sister. If a Christian fails to acquire practical knowledge of the facts, in this case, a chaste living arrangement, but quickly jumps to a black and white conclusion thereby condemning an innocent couple, he or she sins not only against justice, but also against charity.  It is necessary to see both with the eyes of the intellect and with the eyes of the heart. One without the other is always deficient. Speculative wisdom must be united to and enlightened by emotive love because:

“Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, [love] is not pompous, it is not inflated, it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury, it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth” (1 Corinthians 13: 4-6).

Priestly learning does not involve education alone – it involves education and formation.  EDUCATION in knowledge, understanding, and wisdom, and FORMATION in self mastery, mercy and love. Without the later, priests and laity alike are “confused” and tend to see everything in “black and white.”  The remedy is growth in mercy and love as Pope Francis continually stresses!




Italy Next in Line to Oppose Liberalism and Exit the EU?


UNTIL YESTERDAY ITALIAN PRIME MINISTER MATTEO RENZI had been advocating a referendum to “slim down” and “defang” the Upper Chamber of the Italian Parliament (from 315  to 100). A move that would in effect eradicate a check on the lower house and empower the central government thereby enabling Renzi to more efficiently implement his pro-European program.  A widely advertised and highly emotional campaign resulted in a near 70 percent turn put of Italy’s electorate. Of this large group a significant 60 percent voted no for the referendum.

A “No-Vote” to the Renzi sponsored referendum could be interpreted as a vote of no-confidence in Renzi and his attempts to strengthen ties with Paris and Berlin in favor of the EU and Eurozone. However, it should be pointed out up front that this referendum did not involve an exit from the European Union per se. Unlike the Brexit referendum, the Renzi referendum sought to tie Italy closer to the EU.  Thus, its failure may be indirectly interpreted as a vote to widen the gap between Italy and the EU.

Renzi promised his countrymen that if he failed to get his referendum approved, he would tender his resignation and step down from office. In wake of yesterday’s referendum’s failure, Renzi is faced with a dilemma, keeping his word and actually stepping down or ignoring his statement as political rhetoric. Renzi, has chosen the former.

Being a man of principle, he has kept his word. Sunday morning the Prime Minister announced:

“When you lose you cannot pretend that nothing has happened and go to bed and sleep. My government ends here today” (Fox News).


“I take full responsibility for the defeat. I will greet my successor with a smile and a hug, whoever it might be” (CNN Money).

The main beneficiary of the Renzi defeat seems to be the Italian “Five Star” movement, which is in favor of imitating Brexit in Italy by spearheading plans for another referendum asking the Italian people to withdraw from the European Union and the Euro Zone thereby discontinuing use of the Euro and reinstating the Italian Lira in its place.

In the wake of Brexit and aspiring Eurospkeoptic movements in France, Greece and Spain exacerbated by successful Euroskeptic movements in Hungary, Poland, Moldova, and Slovakia, liberal globalists are awakening to the likelihood that another populist party, such as Five Star, will rise to national prominence in Italy thereby creating ever-deepening crisis leading to questions about the on going viability of the EU itself.

Matteo Renzi Accepts Defeat Giving Rise to Hopes among Euroskeptic Parties such as Five Star for an Italian Exit


As stated in the above video, Five Star is a “populist, anti-establishment, anti-European, increasingly popular” movement in Italy. Five Star was established by an Italian comedian, Beppe Grillo and web strategist Gianroberto Casaleggio in 2009.  As stated, the party is populist, Euroskeptic, and anti globalist. It is named Five Stars because it coalesces around five primary issues: (1) transportation (2) water (3) development (4) internet access (5) non-violence. Five Stars is in favor of direct digital democracy (direct participation of all citizens in public affairs by use of computer technology) and rejects foreign military intervention in the Middle East and specifically American intervention in Syria.

Five Star favors green technology, is anti-pollution and social justice oriented, ecological-minded, anti-capitalist and anti-consumerist. As such, it favors limited but sustainable growth, reduced production and consumption, and the growth of arts and more humane use of leisure time. Currently, Five Star has 109 deputies in the lower house known in Italy as the Chamber of Deputies, which consists of 630 members.

The BBC and other media agencies are focusing on Five Star and presenting it as the apparent front runner leading the way to change among Euroskeptic elements throughout Italy. New  Era does not agree with the BBC, which seemingly forecasts and implicitly promotes the rise of Five Star.  Five Star is a left wing movement committed to an aberrant moral agenda. The BBC is apparently pinning its hopes on a Five Star rise to power thereby presenting the movement as another populist party like those coming to the fore throughout Europe. Unfortunately, Five Star is not one of these.


There are other populist parties developing in Italy, parties more in tune with what is happening in Eastern Europe, France, Asia and Africa than Five Star.  Five Star has many valid and potentially good ideas, but without a moral foundation, it risks running the gamut of just another “hippie movement” backed by technological savvy.

Beppe Grillo, and Gianroberto Casaleggio Co-Founders of Five Star

Technological savvy and direct democracy, however, are not the answer to future problems.  Future problems  require deep roots in philosophy, theology, spirituality, social science and then technology and professional expertise.


Five Star is being presented favorably by outlets such as the BBC because the BBC and others are fully aware that the Euroskeptic anti-liberal movement is in full swing.  Unfortunately, although Five Star has an innovative political and economic reform package, morally Five Star is just another liberal program masquerading in progressive populist guise. In 2014 the party voted for gay rights and same sex unions.

That was 2014, given the current political landscape, Five Star is back peddling on the issue.  According to the Guardian:

“After seemingly supporting the legislation for months, Beppe Grillo, the former comic who heads the protest party (Five Star), announced that members of his party could vote their conscience on the bill (advocating same sex unions).”


“It was a reflection, analysts said, of the changing political landscape in Italy. The country’s conservative and right-wing parties are largely in disarray and Grillo likely sees an opportunity to pick up conservative voters in upcoming local elections if he can scupper or weaken the civil unions bill.”


“There is an element in this of M5S (Five Star)  generally not being reliable partners. They are also opportunistic. There is an opportunity to grab votes from centre-right parties, which at this point cannot even put forward candidates in key cities,” said Wolfango Piccoli, an analyst at Teneo Intelligence in London.”

This is an opportunistic vote and party that is not to be trusted.  Beppe Grillo is asking his followers to “trust their gut not their brain  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37aUvz-v0FE at 2:57 in video) as if they were a pack of animals unable to think for themselves.  Thus, BBC and others are hoping that people are still dim-witted enough to be unable to see through the propaganda, but that is exactly what the Euroskeptic anti-liberal movement is about: People are tired of the propaganda and will see through this campaign with just a little insight:

A win for Five Star is a win for liberalism.

To hide this fact, leaders of Five Star are beginning to strategize.  According to the Economist, “Five Star is “Smartening Up” :

“EVEN fans of the Five Star Movement, an Italian political group often described as populist, maverick and anti-establishment, would never have credited it with slickness.”

Slickness, however is not wisdom.  Given the current Christian family values renewal under way in Europe, and Five Star’s reluctance to form political alliances with other parties, Five Star’s chances of making it to power on a pro-gay agenda are slim. The Party has not definitively disowned or modified its agenda; it has merely refused to make a statement at this time and in an attempt to be “slick” it has merely left the vote to individual conscience. This ploy will have its effect, but it will not result in victory.  A more likely political party candidate for the future of Italy is Lega Nord.

As reported by the Guardian:

“When Matteo Salvini took over the leadership of the Northern League (Lega Nord) at the end of 2013, Italian politicians and the media said his job would be to officiate at the party’s funeral. Two years later, it is back from the near dead — and stronger than ever.”


“Whether you credit the refugee crisis, the Marine Le Pen bandwagon or what party insiders prefer to call the #effettoSalvini (the Salvini effect), the party that sank to an historic low of 4 percent in the 2013 election — below the threshold for seats in the Senate — now has 16-17 percent support in nationwide polls.

A likely scenario for Italy is a coalition movement consisting of Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia, right-wing Fratelli d’Italia and Lega Nord.

Lega Nord, promotes Italy’s cultural values, supports the traditional family, is opposed to same sex union, globalism, and the spread of liberalism.

Recently, Salvini, leader of Lega Nord, hosted a Milan Conference for a new group in the European Parliament known as Europe of Nations and Freedom Group (ENF), which includes Marine Le Pen and other Euroskeptic party leaders from throughout the continent. ENF is working to establish a “Europe of free nations in which power is fully returned from the European Union to the voters of sovereign states. The group’s commitments are to sovereignty, democracy, freedom and ending mass immigration so that members may advance their own interests at the domestic level.”

In the words of Marine le Pen VP of ENF:

“Each day, the Europe of Brussels unveils its fatal design: deconstructing nations to build a new globalist order, dangerous for the security, prosperity, identity, the very survival of the European peoples.”


“Faced with the proponents of federalism, we are the guardians informed of the national spirit and the defenders of the interests of European peoples.”


“An opposing force that embodies the patriotic alternative to the globalist Europe, Brussels…”


“This pole of resistance, which today unites the elect of eight European nations, pursues a compelling purpose: to free Europe from the chains of servitude…and build a continent of peace and prosperity.”

At the close of the Milan meeting of ENF hosted by Salvini, Salvini had a photo taken with Le Pen and others containing the caption:

““We will not surrender to the clandestine invasion.”

In a recent Facebook Post carried by the Guardian,  Salvini stated:

We are the real alternative to Renzi.”

Then he thanked supporters on Twitter and beckoned Renzi

 “We’re coming”,  #Salvini.

If Lega Nord or Five Star happen to pull a surprise victory (a surprise victory like the Trump surprise and the many similar surprises occurring throughout Europe) in the next election, Italian voters should expect a referendum to withdraw from the European Union or Euro Zone.

Polish Bishops with President and Prime Minister Proclaim Jesus Christ King of Poland

AS THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD move toward an Era of Peace, the prophecy is being fulfilled that out of Poland would come the spark that would lead to world change. On the Vigil of the Feast of Christ the King (Nov 21, 2016), the bishops of Poland in union with Polish President, Andrzej Duda,  proclaimed Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, as the “King of Poland”.

Church and State officials gathered at the National Shrine of Divine Mercy in Krakow, Poland to celebrate the 1,050 years of Christianity in their nation. Together, they implored Jesus to reign over Poland, over its people and political leaders as Sovereign Lord – Christ the King. The consecration was repeated in churches throughout Poland. The people united under the leadership of the Polish episcopate and statesmen raised their voices :

“Immortal King of Ages Lord Jesus Christ, we Poles stand before you to acknowledge your reign, surrender to your law, and entrust our homeland and the whole nation to you.”

“Humbly bowing our heads before you, King of the Universe, we acknowledge your dominion over the Polish nation, those living in the homeland and throughout the world. Wishing to worship the majesty of Thy power and glory, with great faith and love, we cry out: Rule us, Christ!”

In the presence of President Andrej Duda, Prime Minister, Beata Szydło, and other ranking state officials the bishops prayed:  “We entrust to you the Polish people and Polish leaders. Let them exercise their power fairly and in accordance with Your laws.”

“Rule us, Christ! Reign in our homeland and reign in every nation — for the greater glory of the Most Holy Trinity and the salvation of mankind”

(Coverage by Radio Poland)

The kingship of Christ is ontologically rooted in His incarnation and subsequent rule over humanity as their sole Divine Head. Jesus is Lord at His birth and sits on the Throne of David as announced by the Angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary. 

“He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the most High; and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of David his father; and he shall reign in the house of Jacob for ever. And of his kingdom there shall be no end” (Luke 1: 32-33).

Moreover, two thousand years ago, it was announced to the Imperial City, the city of the “Roman Emperor”,  that Christ alone is Lord”

“For it is written: As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God” (Roman 14:11).

Devotion to Divine Mercy

The Divine Mercy Message and Devotion is based on revelations given by Jesus Christ to Saint Faustina Kowalska, a poor Polish nun to whom Jesus appeared prior to World War II. Sister Faustina recorded the revelations she received about the Mercy of God in a voluminous diary, which contains the Message of Divine Mercy (PDF) that God intends for all humanity, especially for those most steeped in sin. Thanks to the love and work of Saint Faustina, Devotion to the Divine Mercy has spread throughout the world.

(c) Knights of Columbus Supreme Council

Devotion to Divine Mercy has gained the highest approbation of the Catholic Church. It has been placed on the universal liturgical calendar of the Church as the Feast of Divine Mercy celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter, also the day on which Pope John Paul II, the “Pope of Mercy” breathed his last breath as the Vicar of Christ and “Apostle of Mercy.”

“I bear a special love for Poland, and if she will be obedient to My will, I will exalt her in might and holiness. From her will come forth the spark that will prepare the world for My final coming” (Diary, 1732).
Sanctuary of the National Shrine of Divine Mercy, Krakow Poland – Photo During Consecration


The spark of fire that would come forth from Poland began with the pontificate of Saint John Paul II and is spreading around the globe. The world press is only now beginning to take notice of it. The liberal establishment is being shaken to its foundations as Poland is being joined by Hungary, Slovakia, the Philippines, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Malaysia, France, Austria, Moldova, Bulgaria and Russia. A general global uprising of Euro-skeptic Christian political parties and social movements is rapidly gaining momentum throughout Europe, Asia and Africa. Increasing numbers are rising to challenge secular liberalism and reasserting their Christian or native patrimonies. 

Russia is being converted as promised at Fatima, but Poland has stepped forward igniting the flame of love promised by Jesus. From Poland is coming forth the spark of spiritual renewal, of life giving and cleansing mercy, that flows from the Heart of Christ the King.

Jesus told Saint Faustina that Poland would prepare the world for His final coming.

In recognizing Christ as their King, Poland has shown its gratitude. Consequently, she is beloved by God and blessed with a special mission.

“We who are receiving the unshakable kingdom should have gratitude, with which we should offer worship pleasing to God in reverence and awe. 

Consistent with sacred scripture, the Lord associated the end times with the fire of Divine Love that will consume sin: 

For “God is love” (1 John 4:8) and “God is a consuming fire” (Hebrews 12:28-29).

The Era of Peace promised by the Virgin Mary at Fatima is dependent on the Mercy of God that flows from the Heart of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. He reconciles men to himself by breathing on them the Spirit of reconciliation and peace

“He said therefore to them again: Peace be to you. As the Father hath sent me, I also send you. When he had said this, he breathed on them; and he said to them: Receive ye the Holy Ghost. Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.” (John 20: 21-23).

Breath is required to ignite a fire. The Breath of God is required to forgive sin and to ignite a Divine Fire, a fire of mercy and love that will prepare the world for the second coming of Christ as foretold to Faustina.

We are living in the “Hour of Mercy”, the time of Christ’s final coming, a time foreseen by St. Louis Marie de Montfort, a time, in his words, when

 “…great men filled with the Holy Spirit and imbued with the spirit of Mary” who will destroy sin and establish the kingdom of Jesus Christ.”

“They are the “great souls filled with . . . zeal” (True Devotion 48), “superior to all creatures by their great zeal” (True Devotion 54). The action of the “true apostles of the end times” (True Devotion 58) consists of spreading “the fire of divine love” everywhere; they are themselves “a flaming fire” (True Devotion 56). In the battle against evil and the enemies of God, these great saints “will become, in Mary’s powerful hands, like sharp arrows,” and they will leave “an odor of death” among the worldly (True Devotion 56). Their work will not be limited to reforming the Church, but will include extending it to “the idolators and Muslims” (True Devotion 59) (Quote from EWTN).

Pope Pius IX’s (1925) wrote “Quas Primas,” an encyclical in which he taught the moral, political and spiritual importance of recognizing Christ as King and the superiority of the Divine Law over all civil, statutory, and constitutional laws that became regent with the 18th century advent of liberalism. It was then that,

“The empire of Christ over all nations was rejected… There were even some nations who thought they could dispense with God, and that their religion should consist in impiety and the neglect of God. The rebellion of individuals and states against the authority of Christ has produced deplorable consequences…Christ, who has been cast out of public life, despised, neglected and ignored, will most severely avenge these insults; for his kingly dignity demands that the State should take account of the commandments of God and of Christian principles, both in making laws and in administering justice, and also in providing for the young a sound moral education.”

Pope Pius continues:

“When once men recognize, both in private and in public life, that Christ is King, society will at last receive the great blessings of real liberty, well-ordered discipline, peace and harmony.”

The Kingship of Christ is associated with the Era of Peace promised by the Queen Mother at Fatima and with the Hour of Mercy promised by Jesus to Saint Faustina. Above all, Christ’s reign is not a time of retribution but a time of compassion, healing and mercy for all:

I sent prophets wielding thunderbolts to My people. Today I am sending you with My mercy to the people of the whole world. I do not want to punish aching mankind, but I desire to heal it, pressing it to My Merciful Heart.” (Diary, 1588).

The eminent prelates, statesmen, and dignitaries of Poland have recognized Christ as the King of their nation; they have shown their gratitude.

“We who are receiving the unshakable kingdom should have gratitude”

Like the beloved Apostle John, Poland is being pressed to the Merciful Heart of the High Priest and King of Kings (John 13:23). Many other nations will follow. What will the United States do?

Will Neocon and Neoliberal Warhawks Risk War with Russia Before Trump Takes Office

NORMALLY A LAME DUCK PRESIDENT such as Barack Obama holds the ship of state steady for the short two months that the country transitions to its newly elected leadership team.

The times however, are anything but “normal”. The writing is on the wall as liberalism continues its collapse around the globe and President-Elect Donald Trump names his pro-Christian, anti-liberal, Make America Great Again Team. Liberal ideologues and their neocon cohorts are in panic mode. In addition to pro-Christian and anti-liberal players such as Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway, Trump has also named pro-Christian and ant-liberal Betsy Devoss to be his Secretary of Education. According to the Zionist daily “Forward“, Ross is a real threat to the liberal establishment:

“DeVos is not merely a conservative and a Republican Party activist; she is one of the country’s most powerful advocates for ending public education entirely and replacing it with religious schools, for-profit charter schools and home schooling. Her foundation is widely credited as the primary engine behind the so-called “school choice” movement, which has led to the establishment of voucher programs in 13 states since 2000.”

According to Forward

“DeVos isn’t just the fox in charge of the henhouse — she’s the shochet, the slaughterer.”

With a line up like this taking shape, liberal globalists are attempting to rise to the challenge before it becomes a “disastrous reality”. The lame-duck president and congress are facing perhaps their biggest challenge in Syria where the tide has also turned against them and against their Zionist controlled ally, Israel.

Due to (1) the unexpected success of Syrian government forces (backed by Russian air support) pitted against US backed Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, and Daesh rebel forces and further, due to (2) President-Elect Trump’s intention to ally with Syrian and Russian military forces to eradicate the rebels, US foreign policy in the Middle East is about to suffer a severe setback. Trump has spoken against a US foreign policy built around regime change, implicitly, Syrian regime change. Consequently, despite the fact that the United States is in a lame duck transition period, a significant liberal offensive backed by the Obama administration and war-hawks in Congress is predictable.  Either they act now by risking war with Russia or accept the reality of defeat not only in Syria, but throughout the entire Middle East along with the global collapse of their liberal agenda.

Given these realities and eventualities, the US Congress is carefully considering imposing a no-fly zone on Syria to protect its rebel backed forces in order to turn the tide against the Syrian government, headed by Bashar al Assad, which is winning the war in Syria. Unfortunately, the imposition of a no-fly zone over Syria requires the consent of the sovereign government of Syria.

Since a US imposed no-fly zone presumably intends to ground Russian planes, it runs contrary to Syrian objectives to defeat the US backed terrorist forces whom the Syrians are battling with Russian air assistance. Consequently, the Syrian government is highly unlikely to give the US permission; moreover, it has already given permission to the Russian air-force to carry out operations within its airspace.

The imposition of a no-fly zone without the consent of the Syrian government would be a violation of international law and an implicit act of war against Russia and Syria. The United States is unlikely to circumvent this unfavorable political reality by appealing to the United Nations (UN) since any UN resolution giving consent to a no-fly zone would, most likely, be vetoed in the Security Council by Russia and presumably China as well.

Nonetheless, the United States  Congress is considering a bill to make a unilateral  solution possible.  Following the Trump victory on November 8, the soon to be replaced congress met in a special session to draft Resolution 5732, the “Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act, which directs military personnel to assess the implementation of a no-fly zone as well as to escalate procedures to facilitate prosecution of Syrian leaders for alleged war crimes. The bill passed the House on November 15, and has been forwarded to the Senate for their approval.

Although Newera Intelligence doubts that there will be escalation between the US and nuclear armed Russia, nothing will stop the neoliberals/neocons from trying.  From the Newera perspective, the bill will either stall in the senate or, if passed, the US  will not be able to impose a no fly zone. Surprising as it might seem, it appears that the Russians possess technological superiority, a supposed superiority that will be tested if Resolution 5732 comes to pass. Syria possesses a Russian antiaircraft system; Russian ships, headed by the Admiral Kuznetsov, are stationed in the Mediterranean near the Syrian coast and Russian aircraft are battle ready in Syria and elsewhere in the region.

According to retired Army Major General Robert Scales:

Over the past two decades, the Russians have gotten a technological jump on us… Russian tactical drones, which spot for artillery, are far superior (and far more numerous) than ours. In 2014, when the Battle of Debaltseve began, the Ukrainians reported that as many as eight Russian tactical drones orbited over their heads at any one time.”


“Additionally, the electronic warfare technology demonstrated by the Russians in Ukraine is the best in the world, far better than ours. During the 240-day siege of the Donetsk airport, the Russians were able to jam GPS, radios and radar signals. Their electronic intercept capabilities were so good that the Ukrainians’ communications were crippled. Ukrainian commanders complained that a punishing barrage would follow any radio transmission within seconds” (Washington Post).

If the neocons were going to have a war with Russia, it should have happened fifteen years ago when the opportunity for success was extremely high; things are much different around the globe NOW.


But, in the eventuality that the neocon and neoliberal war-hawks do succeed in desperation to rescue their global agenda by igniting a war with Russia over Syria, controlling the airspace over Syria will not be an easy task, and it is not a non-violent solution. It would involve ground troops.

According to the New York Times (2102), General Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, informed President Obama that it would require approximately “70,000” military personnel to impose a no-fly zone over Syria – imposing a no-fly zone is not an facile maneuver. General Carter Ham who oversaw the Libyan air assault in 2011 told  CBS News that imposing a no-fly zone over Syria

“…entails killing a lot of people and destroying the Syrian air defenses and those people who are manning those systems. And then it entails destroying the Syrian air force, preferably on the ground, in the air if necessary. This is a violent combat action that results in lots of casualties and increased risk to our own personnel.”

The fact that the US Congress would even consider such an act and at such a time (lame duck period) indicates extreme desperation in the liberal camp.

Why is This happening?

Quite simply, the neoliberal initiative to overthrow the Syrian government is about to fail, the numbers of jihadists is shrinking, global sentiment is increasingly opposed to liberalism, and President-Elect Trump has spoken against regime change and indicated he would work with the Russians to eradicate terrorism while working toward world peace and the end of globalism. For those steeped in liberalism, although they speak much of world peace etc., this type of language is not palatable.  Quite simply, neocons and neoliberals are frantic.

Neocon statesmen and their neoliberal allies who think it is their sacred duty to defend Zionism and Israel, who esteem the terrorist nation of Saudi Arabia as a key ally, and who continue to dream of an American Empire and the spreading of liberal democracy around the globe, cannot stomach a loss in Syria.  Syria is a key element in their long sought goal of global cultural conquest spearheaded by Liberalism and Zionism.

Syria shares a hostile border with Israel and is in a war with Israel over the Golan Heights; Syria is also an ally of Iran and of Russia whom the neocons, claim are the sponsors of terrorism and the major obstacles in way of their global agenda.

Because Syria refused Secretary of State Hilary Clinton’s (2010) demand to sever ties with both Hezbollah and Iran and to also accept peace with Israel, Syria became the target of liberal aggression.

Thereafter, the United States and Israel worked together along with Saudi Arabia to engineer a terrorist campaign against the Syrian government. Israel admits its complicity (along with the US and Saudi Arabia) in aiding and abetting the jihadists currently in Syria (and elsewhere):

Michael Oren, the Israeli Ambassador to the United States,  explained in an interview with the Jerusalem Post:

“The initial message about the Syrian issue was that we always wanted [President] Bashar Assad to go, we always preferred the bad guys who weren’t backed by Iran to the bad guys who were backed by Iran.”


“The greatest danger to Israel is by the strategic arc that extends from Tehran, to Damascus to Beirut. And we saw the Assad regime as the keystone in that arc.”

Consequently, it is imperative that Syria be defeated – she is an ontological threat to Zionism and the global liberal agenda. If Syria prevails, the Russian, Iranian, Iraqi, Syrian, Lebanese alliance will be cemented and the oil corridor from Persia to the Mediterranean will be complete; Saudi Arabia, the bastion of global terrorism, will be checked; Turkey will have to rethink its NATO alliance; Syrian and Iraqi oil will be protected from Western multinationals; most importantly, the Zionist leadership of Israel will suffer an existential threat and the spread of global liberalism will halt in the Middle East making it amenable to peace negotiations with Europe and Russia.

Clearly, according to the lame duck liberals, this s**t has got to stop!

Polish Bishops in Union with President Duda Proclaim Jesus Christ King of Poland

AS THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD move toward an Era of Peace, the prophecy is being fulfilled that out of Poland would come the spark that would lead to world change. On the Vigil of the Feast of Christ the King (Nov 21, 2016), the bishops of Poland in union with Polish President, Andrzej Duda,  proclaimed Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, as the “King of Poland”.

Church and State officials gathered at the National Shrine of Divine Mercy in Krakow, Poland to celebrate the 1,050 years of Christianity in their nation. Together, they implored Jesus to reign over Poland, over its people and political leaders as Sovereign Lord – Christ the King. The consecration was repeated in churches throughout Poland. The people united under the leadership of the Polish episcopate and statesmen raised their voices :

“Immortal King of Ages Lord Jesus Christ, we Poles stand before you to acknowledge your reign, surrender to your law, and entrust our homeland and the whole nation to you.”

“Humbly bowing our heads before you, King of the Universe, we acknowledge your dominion over the Polish nation, those living in the homeland and throughout the world. Wishing to worship the majesty of Thy power and glory, with great faith and love, we cry out: Rule us, Christ!”

In the presence of President Andrej Duda, Prime Minister, Beata Szydło, and other ranking state officials the bishops prayed:  “We entrust to you the Polish people and Polish leaders. Let them exercise their power fairly and in accordance with Your laws.”

“Rule us, Christ! Reign in our homeland and reign in every nation — for the greater glory of the Most Holy Trinity and the salvation of mankind”

(Coverage by Radio Poland)

The kingship of Christ is ontologically rooted in His incarnation and subsequent rule over humanity as their sole Divine Head. Jesus is Lord at His birth and sits on the Throne of David as announced by the Angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary. 

“He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the most High; and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of David his father; and he shall reign in the house of Jacob for ever. And of his kingdom there shall be no end” (Luke 1: 32-33).

Moreover, two thousand years ago, it was announced to the Imperial City, the city of the “Roman Emperor”,  that Christ alone is Lord”

“For it is written: As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God” (Roman 14:11).

Devotion to Divine Mercy

The Divine Mercy Message and Devotion is based on revelations given by Jesus Christ to Saint Faustina Kowalska, a poor Polish nun to whom Jesus appeared prior to World War II. Sister Faustina recorded the revelations she received about the Mercy of God in a voluminous diary, which contains the Message of Divine Mercy (PDF) that God intends for all humanity, especially for those most steeped in sin. Thanks to the love and work of Saint Faustina, Devotion to the Divine Mercy has spread throughout the world.


(c) Knights of Columbus Supreme Council

Devotion to Divine Mercy has gained the highest approbation of the Catholic Church. It has been placed on the universal liturgical calendar of the Church as the Feast of Divine Mercy celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter, also the day on which Pope John Paul II, the “Pope of Mercy” breathed his last breath as the Vicar of Christ and “Apostle of Mercy.”

“I bear a special love for Poland, and if she will be obedient to My will, I will exalt her in might and holiness. From her will come forth the spark that will prepare the world for My final coming” (Diary, 1732).
Sanctuary of the National Shrine of Divine Mercy, Krakow Poland – Photo During Consecration


The spark of fire that would come forth from Poland began with the pontificate of Saint John Paul II and is spreading around the globe. The world press is only now beginning to take notice of it. The liberal establishment is being shaken to its foundations as Poland is being joined by Hungary, Slovakia, the Philippines, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Malaysia, France, Austria, Moldova, Bulgaria and Russia. A general global uprising of Euro-skeptic Christian political parties and social movements is rapidly gaining momentum throughout Europe, Asia and Africa. Increasing numbers are rising to challenge secular liberalism and reasserting their Christian or native patrimonies. 

Russia is being converted as promised at Fatima, but Poland has stepped forward igniting the flame of love promised by Jesus. From Poland is coming forth the spark of spiritual renewal, of life giving and cleansing mercy, that flows from the Heart of Christ the King.

Jesus told Saint Faustina that Poland would prepare the world for His final coming.

In recognizing Christ as their King, Poland has shown its gratitude. Consequently, she is beloved by God and blessed with a special mission.

“We who are receiving the unshakable kingdom should have gratitude, with which we should offer worship pleasing to God in reverence and awe. 

Consistent with sacred scripture, the Lord associated the end times with the fire of Divine Love that will consume sin: 

For “God is love” (1 John 4:8) and “God is a consuming fire” (Hebrews 12:28-29).

The Era of Peace promised by the Virgin Mary at Fatima is dependent on the Mercy of God that flows from the Heart of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. He reconciles men to himself by breathing on them the Spirit of reconciliation and peace

“He said therefore to them again: Peace be to you. As the Father hath sent me, I also send you. When he had said this, he breathed on them; and he said to them: Receive ye the Holy Ghost. Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.” (John 20: 21-23).

Breath is required to ignite a fire. The Breath of God is required to forgive sin and to ignite a Divine Fire, a fire of mercy and love that will prepare the world for the second coming of Christ as foretold to Faustina.

We are living in the “Hour of Mercy”, the time of Christ’s final coming, a time foreseen by St. Louis Marie de Montfort, a time, in his words, when

 “…great men filled with the Holy Spirit and imbued with the spirit of Mary” who will destroy sin and establish the kingdom of Jesus Christ.”


“They are the “great souls filled with . . . zeal” (True Devotion 48), “superior to all creatures by their great zeal” (True Devotion 54). The action of the “true apostles of the end times” (True Devotion 58) consists of spreading “the fire of divine love” everywhere; they are themselves “a flaming fire” (True Devotion 56). In the battle against evil and the enemies of God, these great saints “will become, in Mary’s powerful hands, like sharp arrows,” and they will leave “an odor of death” among the worldly (True Devotion 56). Their work will not be limited to reforming the Church, but will include extending it to “the idolators and Muslims” (True Devotion 59) (Quote from EWTN).


Pope Pius IX’s (1925) wrote “Quas Primas,” an encyclical in which he taught the moral, political and spiritual importance of recognizing Christ as King and the superiority of the Divine Law over all civil, statutory, and constitutional laws that became regent with the 18th century advent of liberalism. It was then that,

“The empire of Christ over all nations was rejected… There were even some nations who thought they could dispense with God, and that their religion should consist in impiety and the neglect of God. The rebellion of individuals and states against the authority of Christ has produced deplorable consequences…Christ, who has been cast out of public life, despised, neglected and ignored, will most severely avenge these insults; for his kingly dignity demands that the State should take account of the commandments of God and of Christian principles, both in making laws and in administering justice, and also in providing for the young a sound moral education.”

Pope Pius continues:

“When once men recognize, both in private and in public life, that Christ is King, society will at last receive the great blessings of real liberty, well-ordered discipline, peace and harmony.”

The Kingship of Christ is associated with the Era of Peace promised by the Queen Mother at Fatima and with the Hour of Mercy promised by Jesus to Saint Faustina. Above all, Christ’s reign is not a time of retribution but a time of compassion, healing and mercy for all:

I sent prophets wielding thunderbolts to My people. Today I am sending you with My mercy to the people of the whole world. I do not want to punish aching mankind, but I desire to heal it, pressing it to My Merciful Heart.” (Diary, 1588).

The eminent prelates, statesmen, and dignitaries of Poland have recognized Christ as the King of their nation; they have shown their gratitude.

“We who are receiving the unshakable kingdom should have gratitude”

Like the beloved Apostle John, Poland is being pressed to the Merciful Heart of the High Priest and King of Kings (John 13:23). Many other nations will follow. What will the United States do?