Fifth Visitation of Our Lady to the Children at Fatima September 13, 1917


FOLLOWING THE AUGUST, 19 VISIT, the children continued with their prayers and sacrifices. Then on September 13, accompanied by a crowd of approximately 30,000 they entered the Cova and approached the Holm Oak tree upon which Our Lady had been appearing to them; in unison with the throng of 30,000 they began to pray the rosary. Shortly afterward, they saw the flash of light indicating the imminent approach of Our Lady who then appeared on the Holm Oak.


Dialogue Among the Virgin Mary and the Three Children

Repeating some of what She had told them in August, She added the future visit in October of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and conveyed to them God’s satisfaction with their reparation sacrifice for sinners adding a motherly correction that reminds the reader of the “Little Way” of St. Terese.  The children were to make sacrifices, but sacrifices within reason. One is reminded here also of St. Dominic Savio who had the renowned Saint John Bosco for his spiritual adviser and guide. Don Bosco taught Dominic that obedience is greater than sacrifice. He taught him that  small penance performed under spiritual direction is much greater than prolific penance imposed on oneself without the guide of a spiritual director or in disobedience to a spiritual director. Don Bosco taught Dominic that among sacrifices, the most pleasing for a “schoolboy” is the sanctification of daily duty performed with humility and love as if one were serving God in all things, with every thought, word, and deed. Dominic imbibed these words turning them into a personal motto:

“I can’t do big things but I want everything to be for the glory of God.”

Saint John Bosco recalled the incident that prompted him to teach this lesson to the young Dominic, who was himself to become a saint.”

“During the autumn and winter he (Dominic) managed to escape having extra blankets for his bed, so that during the cold of January he had only the summer coverings on his bed. This was discovered, because, one morning he was unwell, and had to remain in bed; and when the Director (John Bosco speaking in third person) came to see him, he saw at once that he had insufficient covering for that severe weather. “Why did you do this?” the Director asked, “did you want to die of cold?”


“Oh, I shall not die of cold,” he answered. “When in the stable at Bethlehem, or hanging on the Cross, Our Lord had less to cover Him than I have now.” He was then forbidden to undertake any penance at all without express permission; and this command, though difficult, was obeyed.”


“Later on I saw that he was in some difficulty. He said he could not reconcile the command of the Gospel to do penance, with the prohibition he had received. “The penance God wishes from you,” I said, “is simply obedience. If you obey, that will suffice for everything.”

“Can you not allow me to do some other penance?”

“The only penance you are to do, is to bear patiently all that God sends you in this life.”

“But those things must be put up with by necessity.”

“Very well,” I replied, “whatever you have to suffer by necessity, offer it to God, and it will become a virtue, and meritorious in the sight of God.”

“This counsel comforted his misgivings and he was never disturbed in that way again” (The Life of Dominic Savio).

Since John Bosco was a  prodigious devotee of the Virgin Mary, it is not surprising that he taught the same Marian spirituality that Our Lady, Herself, was communicating to the children at Fatima:

“Continue to pray the rosary in order to obtain the end of the war.  In October Our Lord will come, as well as Our Lady of Sorrows and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Saint Joseph will appear with the Child Jesus to bless the world.  God is pleased with your sacrifices.  He does not want you to sleep with the rope on, but only wear it during the daytime.”

“I have the petitions of many for your help. Will you assist a little girl who is deaf and dumb?”

“She will improve within the year.”

“And the conversions that some have asked to have brought about? The cures of the sick ones?”


“Some I will cure, and some I will not.”

She repeats, in motherly expectation what She said confided to them the previous month:

“In October, I will perform a miracle so that all may believe.”

A stated in the previous article referring to the September visit, the Virgin Mary is referring to the Miracle of the Sun.  As in all Her visits, the Blessed Mother is aware of the future. As “Daughter of the Father”, “Mother of the Son”, and “Spouse of the Spirit”, She is “full of grace” (Luke 1:28), the grace that  comes from the Holy Spirit who overshadowed Her giving birth to the Son of God:

“The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the most High shall overshadow thee. And therefore also the Holy which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God” (Luke 1:35).

St. Maximilian Kolbe’s meditated upon these scriptures for a life-time and concluded that the Virgin Mary is the fulcrum upon which all of salvation hinges, she is the Sanctuary of God, the new Temple in which His glory dwells. She is finite created pure immaculate love of all creation, the image of the Holy Spirit who is infinite Uncreated Immaculate Love of the Holy Trinity. There is only one Uncreated Immaculate Love and only one created immaculate love, I am not speaking here about the love of man for God – of that there are many examples – I am speaking about “immaculate love”. The Virgin Mary who is the Mother of God is the only created immaculate love in the entire universe – the only created exemplar of that species of love!

“In the union of the Holy Spirit with her, not only does love bind these two beings, but the first of them [the Holy Spirit] is all the love of the Most Holy Trinity, while the second [the Blessed Virgin Mary] is all the love of creation, and thus in that union heaven is joined to earth, the whole heaven with the whole earth, the whole of Uncreated Love with the whole of created love: this is the vertex of love” (St. Maximilian KolbeScritti di Massimiliano Kolbe, Rome, 1997.)

She who is full of the Spirit, She who is perfect image of the Spirit, like the Spirit, prepares the children for things that are to come: As Our Lord told the apostles:

“I have yet many things to say to you: but you cannot bear them now. But when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will teach you all truth. For he shall not speak of himself; but what things soever he shall hear, he shall speak; and the things that are to come, he shall shew you” (John 16:12-13).

This is the work of love integrally united to faith and hope, the love of a mother full of good news and wanting to share it but in a most discreet and prudent manner.

Like a good Mother and teacher, Our Lady is preparing Her children for the October visit and pronounces a public miracle to be performed so “all may believe”.

Our Lady then rose and disappeared into the empyrean.


Fourth Visitation August 19, 1917

THE FOURTH APPARITION did not occur on the 13th of the month, nor did it take place at the Cova da Iria. Our Lady met the children at Valinhos near their homes in the village of Aljustrel. This meeting took place on the 19th of August because on the 13th the children were kidnapped, interrogated, threatened with death (in an attempt to frighten them into admitting that the apparitions were fabrications), and thrown into jail. The incarceration was protested by villagers and turned out unsuccessful; the children were released on the 15th of August. The Virgin Mary appeared four days later.

Lucia wrote about the apparition:

“I felt that something supernatural was approaching and enveloping us. Suspecting that the Lady was going to appear to us, and feeling sorry that Jacinta would not be there to see Her, we asked her brother John to go and get her. An instant after Jacinta arrived, the Lady appeared.” Once again, She appeared over a holm-oak tree.

Lucia asked her,

“What does your Grace want from me?”


“I want you to continue going to the Cova da Iria on the 13th, and to continue praying the Rosary every day. In the last month, I will work a miracle so that all may believe.”


“If you had not been taken away to the city, the miracle would have been even greater. Saint Joseph will come with the Child Jesus, to give peace to the world. Our Lord will come to bless the people. Our Lady of the Rosary and Our Lady of Sorrows will also come.”

The Virgin Mary is referring to the Miracle of the Sun that She told them would be performed in October, so “that all may believe.”  As in all Her visits, the Blessed Mother is aware of the future. As “Daughter of the Father”, “Mother of the Son”, and “Spouse of the Spirit”, She is “full of grace” (Luke 1:28), the grace that  comes from the Holy Spirit who overshadowed Her giving birth to the Son of God:

“The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the most High shall overshadow thee. And therefore also the Holy which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God” (Luke 1:35).

St. Maximilian Kolbe’s meditated upon these scriptures for a life-time and concluded that the Virgin Mary is the fulcrum upon which all of salvation hinges, she is the Sanctuary of God, the new Temple in which His glory dwells. She is finite created pure immaculate love of all creation, the image of the Holy Spirit who is infinite Uncreated Immaculate Love of the Holy Trinity.  There is only one Uncreated Immaculate Love and only one created immaculate love, I am not speaking here about the love of man for God – of that there are many examples – I am speaking about “immaculate love”. The Virgin Mary who is the Mother of God is the only created immaculate love in the entire universe – the only created exemplar of that species of love!

“In the union of the Holy Spirit with her, not only does love bind these two beings, but the first of them [the Holy Spirit] is all the love of the Most Holy Trinity, while the second [the Blessed Virgin Mary] is all the love of creation, and thus in that union heaven is joined to earth, the whole heaven with the whole earth, the whole of Uncreated Love with the whole of created love: this is the vertex of love” (St. Maximilian KolbeScritti di Massimiliano Kolbe, Rome, 1997.)

She who is full of the Spirit, She who is perfect image of the Spirit, like the Spirit, prepares the children for things that are to come: As Our Lord told the apostles:

“I have yet many things to say to you: but you cannot bear them now. But when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will teach you all truth. For he shall not speak of himself; but what things soever he shall hear, he shall speak; and the things that are to come, he shall shew you” (John 16:12-13).

This is the work of love integrally united to faith and hope, the love of a mother full of good news and wanting to share it but in a most discreet and prudent manner.

Then, looking extremely sad, the Blessed Mother said:

“Pray, pray very much and make sacrifices for sinners, for many souls go to hell because they have no one to make sacrifices and pray for them.”

The children ask what She wants to be done with money people are leaving in the Cova?

She asks them to use the money for the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary and towards construction of a chapel to be built in the Cova.

“What are we to do with the offerings of money that people leave at the Cova da Iria?”

“I want you to have two ardors [litters to carry statues] made, for the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. I want you and Jacinta to carry one of them with two other girls. You will both dress in white. And then I want Francisco, with three boys helping him, to carry the other one. The boys too, will be dressed in white. What is left over will help towards the construction of a chapel that is to be built here.”

The Lady then ascended to the east.

Panoramic view of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima with the Chapel of the Apparitions and the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary



[1] The Holm Oak is native to Spain.  Another name for this tree in English is “Holly Oak” in reference to the fact that its leaves resemble those of the Holly with jagged teeth to deter grazing animals from stripping its lower leaves bare. The leaves at the top of the tree do not have the serrated edges. Mature trees grow to 20m and develop a huge, rounded crown This tree does not drop its leaves like most other oaks. It is always green with the old leaves falling off shortly after the new ones emerge.

Holm oak is monoecious, meaning both male and female flowers are found on the same tree. Flowers are catkins, and yellow male catkins can be seen to hang off the tree in abundance in early spring. After pollination by wind, female flowers develop into acorns.



Third Visit of Our Lady of Fatima – July 13, 1917


THE THIRD APPARITION ON JULY 13, 1917 is a  very detailed revelation in which Our Lady shows the children the horrid consequence of sin and its remedy.

Again, while in the Cove near the holmoak tree, the three children saw the customary flash of light, and a moment later Our Lady appeared.

Again She asks them to continue  coming to this same spot on the 13th of next month.  She also asks them to continue their rosaries in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary and to obtain peace and an end of the war.

They are to pray in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary, because, they are told,

Only she can help you.”

Lucia asks the Woman to reveal herself and to perform a miracle so that everyone will believe that she is appearing to them.

Our Lady stuns them by assuring them that She will clearly reveal who She is and will also perform a (public) miracle for “all to see and believe”.:

“In October, I will tell you who I am and what I want, and I will perform a miracle for all to see and believe.”

For the moment however, they are to continue making sacrifices for sinners.  To contribute to the efficacy of their sacrifices, She instructs them to say the following whenever they make a sacrifice:

”O Jesus, it is for love of You, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.”

She does not say “My Heart” but Mary’s Heart”. In effect, She has brought them to see the union and communion of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts and to augment their consolations to Jesus by including consolations to Mary who suffers for the same outrages, sacrileges, blasphemies and indifferences as Her Son does.

As she spoke to them about the Immaculate Heart of Mary she opened her hands a third time and the rays of light emanating from them seemed to penetrate the earth enabling them to see deeply into it.



The First Secret is a Vision of Hell:

“Our Lady showed us a great sea of fire which seemed to be under the earth. Plunged in this fire were demons and souls in human form, like transparent burning embers, all blackened or burnished bronze, floating about in the conflagration, now raised into the air by the flames that issued from within themselves together with great clouds of smoke, now falling back on every side like sparks in a huge fire, without weight or equilibrium, and amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair, which horrified us and made us tremble with fear.”


“The demons could be distinguished by their terrifying and repulsive likeness to frightful and unknown animals, all black and transparent. This vision lasted but an instant. How can we ever be grateful enough to our kind heavenly Mother, who had already prepared us by promising, in the first Apparition, to take us to heaven. Otherwise, I think we would have died of fear and terror”


The Second Part of the Secret:

The children looked to the Woman for consolation; to succor them She said both kindly and sadly:

“You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in this world devotion to my Immaculate Heart.”


“If what I say is done, many souls will be saved, and there will be peace. The war is going to end; but if people do not cease offending God, a worse one will break out during the pontificate of Pius XI.


“When you see a night illuminated by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you by God that He is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war, famine, and persecutions against the Church and the Holy Father.

To prevent this (WWII and the foreboding unknown light), Our Lady tells the children that sometime in the future She shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays. The children did not even know that Russia was a country let alone a country about to undergo a violent and momentous Communist revolution and alter its name to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), which would unleash an unprecedented pogrom of the Church and the annihilation and conquest of various nations throughout Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America.

“To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays.”


”If My requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated.

Nonetheless, Our Lady promised an end to all this and a definitive victory associated with Her Immaculate Heart:

”In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to Me, and she will be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world. In Portugal, the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved etc. … Do not tell this to anybody. Francisco, yes, you may tell him.”

Finally, Our Lady instructed children to add the following prayer after each decade:

“O my Jesus, forgive us, save us from the firs of hell. Lead all souls to Heaven, especially those who are most in need.”

Then She disappeared to the eastern sky.




I The Third Secret:

The third part of the secret was not written down until 3 January 1944 “by order of His Excellency the Bishop of Leiria and the Most Holy Mother” . At the time Sister Lucia received the secret in 1917, the Virgin Mary had told her not to reveal it, but because Carmelite obedience requires that orders from superiors be regarded as coming directly from God, Sister was in a quandary as to whose orders took precedence. Finally, in mid-October, Bishop Silva sent her a letter containing a direct order to record the secret, and Lúcia obeyed.

In June 1944, the sealed envelope containing the third secret was delivered to Silva, where it stayed until 1957, when it was finally delivered to Rome.

Finally, it was announced by Cardinal Sodano on 13 May 2000 (83 years after the first apparition of Our Lady in the Cova da Iria), that the Third Secret would finally be released. In his announcement, the cardinal implied that the secret pertained to the 20th century persecution of the Church that culminated in the failed assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II on 13 May 1981, which providentially happened to be the 64th anniversary of the first apparition of the Lady at Fatima.


II Confirmation of the Unknown Light:

On January 25, 1938, bright lights from an apparent aurora borealis appeared all over the northern hemisphere, as far south as North Africa, Bermuda, and California. It was the widest occurrence of the aurora since 1709. People in Paris and other parts of Europe believed a great fire was burning and the fire departments were called. Lucia, the sole survivor of the 3 children, indicated that it was the sign foretold by  the Virgin Mary and so communicated to her superior and the Bishop in letters the following day. Just over a month later, Hitler seized Austria and 8 months later invaded Czechoslovakia. World War Two a “worse war” had begun during the reign of Pope Pius XI as Mary had foretold – She had foretold both the war and the name of the future pope who would be reigning at its outbreak.


  • “Northern lights disrupt radios in Maine, frighten Europeans” – [Maine Press Herald, January 26, 1938, p. 1]
  • “Aurora borealis startles Europe. People flee, call fireman” – [New York Times, January 26, 1938, p.25 ]
  • “Magnetic storms playing heck with news wires” – [Dalas Morning News, January 26, 1938, p.1 ]
  • “Aurora borealis cutting capers” – [Savanna Morning News, January 26, 1938, p. 1]
  • “Borealis over Tennessee valey” – [The Kansas City Star, January 27, 1938]
  • “Blame it on the sun” – [Rocky Mountain Herald, January 29, 1938, p.1 ]
  • “Europe upset at first aurora since 1709” – [Bismark Tribune, January 26, 1938, p.2 ]
  • “Aurora borealis glows in widest area since 1709” – [Chicago Daily Tribune, January 26, 1938, p.2 ]
  • “Northern lights give prize show” – [Boston Globe, January 26, 1938, p.1 ]
  • “Neon Lights in the sky: Display of aurora borealis viewed on two continents” [Christian Science Monitor, Jan. 26, 1938, p.1 ]
  • “Northern lights down south” – [London Times, January 26, 1938, p. 12]
  • “Aurora borealis abroad” – [London Times, January 27, 1938]

III The fate of nations are determined by judgments of God.


IV Mary does NOT here ask for the consecration if Russia, but announces that  Russia will be converted if he requests are heeded. If not Russia will spread her errors throughout the world. She says that She will come (later) to ask for the consecration of Russia and give Her requests. (This will not be until June 13, 1929).

To prevent WWII She will come in 1929 to ask for Russia’s consecration. If Russia had been properly consecrated in this early post 1929 period, she would have spread her errors throughout the world. But because she was not consecrated to the immaculate heart as requested in 1929, the errors spread way beyond Russia into all parts of th3 world as Our lady had foretold: The more prominent errors included promotion of socialism and the big government, biological, cultural and spiritual evolution, an attack on the traditional family, attack on private property, promotion of materialism, hedonism and atheism and an overall attack on religion manifest in multitudinous forms, sexual revolution and psychological revolution.


V Despite all the detail given in his third July apparition the children were not exactly sure what Our Lady wanted (other than prayer and sacrifice). She herself had said,

In October, I will tell you who I am and what I want.”


VI During the third July apparition Our Lady revealed something She referred to as First Saturdays but She did not tell the children what they are except that they involve the Eucharist and reparation.


Dr. David Marzak Vitae


December 2015 – Current

Publisher and Editor New Era World News and Global Intelligence
Oversee, develop, publish and edit Daily World News and Global Intelligence Reports for online news and intelligence service.

May 2005– August 2008

Chancellor, Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity
Developed curriculum guidelines, planning and assessment; created broader educational assessment and planning protocols; prepared seminars and training manuals for college and school board members, executive officers and administrators. Oversaw and developed protocols and instruments related to educational strategic planning including drafting of educational policies and internal review mechanisms.  Created enabling documentation such as Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and 501 (c)(3) tax exemption status, hiring and non-renewal policies, contract templates and adherence to local, state, and diocesan guidelines working with various diocesan superintendents and educational leaders of religious orders in America and in Europe.   

President, Our Lady of Corpus Christi (OLCC)
All functions attendant to chief executive officer of a small Catholic liberal arts college including but not limited to board formation, licensure and accreditation, strategic planning, mission and program articulation, fund raising, policy formation and implementation,  facilities planning, risk management and emergency planning.

May 1999 – 2005

Vice Chancellor of Education for the Society of Our Lady
Drafted Educational Statues for the governance of schools.   Member of the executive team that developed the Educational Master Plan for school governance including general mission, vision, and educational philosophy underlying all subsequent strategic planning.  Developed general curricula guidelines, pedagogical and methodological models, and worked with the Chancellor and General of the Order to develop a preliminary program of teacher/administrator formation congruent with the academic guidelines.

Superintendent of Catholic Schools Diocese of Laredo, Laredo Texas
Oversaw establishment of the Diocesan Catholic Schools Office for the new Roman Catholic Diocese of Laredo, Texas.  Worked with the principals and the bishop to formulate and articulate the diocesan schools Vision and Mission Statements, drafted the Diocesan Constitution for Education and all Diocesan Educational Policies, established the first Diocesan School Council and created templates for local school Bylaws and procedures subordinate to Diocesan Educational Policies and the Diocesan Constitution for Education. Oversaw accreditation, annual, interim, and ten year site visits; developed assessment standards and tools for all aspects of school programs  including development, administration, governance, facilities, library, academic programs, health and safety; undertook collaborative planning of annual and five-year principal’s goals and objectives for particular schools and systemic development including integrated professional development for each principal. Planned and conducted diocesan wide in-service days, oversaw diocesan wide academic fairs and National Catholic Schools Week. Worked with state and local educational authorities to establish an historic cooperation among Catholic and public school leaders in Laredo.  The coalition, included the presidents of Texas A&M University (Laredo) and Laredo Community College, the superintendents from the public school districts, and the Catholic school superintendent.

Founding Director of the Kolbe Foundation
Drafted bylaws, articles of incorporation and governing policies. Oversee educational program development and implementation, curriculum planning and assessment, compliance, fund raising, studio production, and periodical/book publishing.

Produced and Edited the Greatest Books Program for Educational TV
Developed, edited, and produced higher education programs in the liberal arts and humanities for educational television, Time Warner channel 55 in Laredo, Texas and AT&T channel 19 in Corpus Christi, Laredo, and throughout South Texas.

Developed Greatest Books Liberal Arts Courses/Curriculum for Online Education

August 2000 – June 2005

Academic Dean, Our Lady of Corpus Christi (OLCC)
Directed, coordinated, and planned for licensure from the State of Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to operate as a college within the State of Texas. Other duties included Educational and Curriculum Planning and Development, Academic Budgeting, Drafting Faculty and Student Handbooks, Drafting of Educational Policies, Drafting Faculty Contract Templates, Faculty Assessment, Articulation, Academic Counseling, Faculty Records, Student Records, Institutional Effectiveness, and the development and implementation of annual Academic Quality Enhancement Plans (QEPs).

June 2002 – June 2008

Appointed Member of the OLCC Board of Fellows and Board of Directors
Mission Review and Institutional Goal Setting, Governance by Policy Formation and ongoing Policy Review, Policy Amendment, and Policy Approval. Other work included Curriculum Review and Approval; Budget Review and Approval; Strategic Planning; Major Construction; Appointment of Chief Executive Officer and Fund Raising.

Chairperson Committee for Institutional Effectiveness and Strategic Planning
Developed Institutional Effectiveness Instruments and facilitated development of broad institutional Quality Enhancement Plans. Also combined all aspect of institutional planning (operations, academics, administration,  finance, and support services) into one integral Strategic Plan. Other work included the development of Instruments for Board  Self Assessment, Development of Employment Matrices to guide the hiring/appointment of Chief Academic Officer, Chief Executive Officer, and administrative employees.

August 2002

Chairperson OLCC Board of Directors Committee for Licensure and Accreditation
Oversaw development and implementation of plan to meet licensure requirements set by Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) and of accreditation standards set by Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS).

 June 2001

Appointed Advisor to the OLCC Board of Directors
Appointed by Board Chair as advisor in all areas of Licensure and Accreditation, Institutional Effectiveness, and Strategic Planning. In this position I also Drafted the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, Obtained 501 (c)(3) Corporate Status, Drafted Contract Templates, and was designated Board Liaison to the Corporate Attorney.


(1994) Ed.D Educational Leadership, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
Graduate Research Assistant to Dr. James Wattenbarger, “Architect of the Florida Community College System”– University of Florida Institute of Higher Education Dissertation: “A Community College for Poland’s Future” (ERIC Clearinghouse)

(1992) Diploma Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland
Polish Language and Culture (Solidarity, Church, and State)

Demographic Research for Community College Development in Poland

(1990) M.A. T. Political Science, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
Kosciuszko Foundation Graduate Fellow

Thesis: “Democracy, Education, and Virtue”

(1979) B.A. Sociology, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana (with Honors)
President Notre Dame Sociology Club

Executive Officer Notre Dame Psychology Club
Alpha Kappa Delta Sociology National Honor Society
Undergraduate Research Assistant: Social Science Research and Training Laboratory

(1977) A.A. County College of Morris, Randolph, New Jersey (with Highest Honors)
Student Senator

Scholar Athlete


Professor, Political Science, College of St. Thomas More Online Program

  • Politics & Christian Civilization I and II

Professor, Political Science, Kolbe’s Greatest Books Online Program

  • Politics and World Civilization
  • Methodology (Philosophy, Science, and Religion)
  • Integral Psychology
  • Trinitarian Humanism (Philosophical Anthropology)
  • Ethics (The Study of Human Potential)
  • Politics (The Best Regime-the Nature and Purpose of Government
  • Jewish Law Ceremonial, Judicial, and Moral Precepts (Temple, Economy, Family, and Politics)


Associate Professor, Our Lady of Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, Texas:
American Government, Political Theory and Social Ethics (2005- 2008)

Assistant Professor, Our Lady of Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, Texas:
American Government, Political Theory and Social Ethics (2000- 2005)

Adjunct Instructor, Political Science, Durham Community College, Durham, North Carolina: State and Local Government and American Government

Adjunct Instructor, Political Science University of North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina: American Government and Political Theory

Adjunct Instructor, Political Science Alamance Community College, Graham, North Carolina: American Government and Political Theory

Adjunct Instructor, Political Science, Piedmont Community College, Roxboro, North Carolina: American National Government and Political Theory

Adjunct Instructor Political Science, Campbell University, Raleigh, North Carolina: Political Science and American Government

Visiting Professor of Pedagogy, Marie Curie Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland


High School Social Studies and English Teacher, Catholic Academy High School
Farmington, New Mexico: United States History, economics, geography (1983 – 1986)

Middle School Social Studies and English Teacher, Cathedral Parish School
St. Augustine, Florida: United States History, English Grammar (1986 – 1987)

Middle School Social Studies and English Teacher, Catholic Academy
Farmington, New Mexico: Texas History, English Grammar, geography (1983 – 1986)

Elementary School Teacher/Coach, St Patrick’s School
Gainesville, Florida: (1981 – 1983)


Superintendent’s District Management Team, Tuloso Midway ISD, Corpus Christi, Texas

Principal’s Site Based Management Team, Tuloso Midway High School, Corpus Christi, Texas
Bishop’s Appointee for Incarnate Word High School Curriculum Review Committee, Corpus Christi, Texas
Chairperson or Member of the following school boards:

Our Lady of Corpus Christi Board of Directors; Corpus Christi, Texas
Our Lady of Corpus Christi Board of Fellows, Corpus Christi, Texas
Our Lady’s Montessori School in Kansas City, Missouri
St. Augustine High School, Laredo, Texas
Mary Help of Christians School, Laredo, Texas
St. Peter’s Memorial School, Laredo, Texas
Blessed Sacrament School, Laredo, Texas
Our Lady of Refuge School, Eagle Pass, Texas


  • Producer and Editor of The World’s Greatest Books Educational Program on the World Wide Web and educational television in South Texas (1998-2006)
  • Post Doctoral Fellow: Educational research with support from the Kosciusko Foundation and Polish National Ministry of Education to study feasibility of establishing a community college in Poland (1995-96)
  • Kosciuszko Foundation Doctoral Scholar (1991-1993.)
  • Superintendent’s District Management Team, Tuloso-Midway Public School District, Corpus Christi, Texas (1998-2000)
  • Principal’s Site Based Management Team, Tuloso –Midway, High School, Corpus Christi, Texas (1998-2000)
  • Featured Speaker, Fullness of Truth Conferences (2003-2005)



Marzak, D. J. “Educational Television The Greatest Books of World Civilization Series,” AT&T cable  channel, 19, Corpus Christi, Laredo and South Texas (2001-2004).

Marzak, D. J. “The Greatest Books in Political Philosophy I”, AT &T educational channel 19 (fall and spring semesters Corpus Christi, Laredo and South Texas 2000/2001).

Marzak, D. J. “The Greatest Books in Political Philosophy II”, AT & T educational channel 19 (spring semester 2001)


Marzak, D. J. (2016) American Foundations Intelligence Reports
New Era News,  Lubbock, Texas

Marzak, D. J. (2013) Trinitarian Humanism: Politics and Social Renewal,
World Apostolate of  Fatima, National Executive Board of Trustees, Goa, India

Marzak, D. J. (2012) Integral Methodology for Modern Social Science
The Kolbe Foundation,  Lubbock, Texas

Marzak, D. J. (1998) Humanistic Principles of Education Relevant to Higher Education Reformation in Poland. Marie Curie Sklodowska University Press, Lublin, Poland

Marzak, D. J. (1998).A Community College for Poland’s Future. Eric Clearinghouse for Community Colleges at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)

Marzak, D. J. (1996) “Applying the Florida Plan for Community Colleges to Poland.”
Vision’s Community College Journal. The Florida Association of Community Colleges: Gainesville, FL. 1, (2), 46-50

Publications in Process

Marzak, D. J. (2016) Fatima, End-times and the Rapture Hoax

Archived Educational Television (AT & T and Time Warner in South Texas
Fall 2001 – Fall 2004).  Online at

Marzak, D. J. “Greek Political Thought I”
Marzak, D. J. “Greek Political Thought; Purposes and Functions of Government”
Marzak, D. J. “Greek Political Thought; The Best Regime”
Marzak, D. J. “Jewish Political Thought I; The Moral Precepts”

Marzak, D. J. “Jewish Political Thought II; The Ceremonial Precepts”
Marzak, D. J. “Jewish Political Thought III; The Ceremonial Precepts”
Marzak, D. J. “Jewish Political Thought IV; The Judicial Precepts”
Marzak, D. J. “Jewish Political Thought V; The Judicial Precepts”
Marzak, D. J. “Jewish Political Thought VI; The Judicial Precepts”
Marzak, D. J. “Jewish Political Thought VII; The Best Regime”
Marzak, D. J. “Politics and Medieval Europe”
Marzak, D. J. “Plenitudo Potestatis; Aquinas”
Marzak, D. J. “Solidarism, Personalism and Medieval Guild I”
Marzak, D. J. “Solidarism, Personalism and Medieval Guild II”
Marzak, D. J. “Solidarism, Personalism and Medieval Guild III”
Marzak, D. J. “Dissolution of Medieval Synthesis: Luther and Calvin”
Marzak, D. J. “Dissolution of Medieval Synthesis: Machiavelli”
Marzak, D. J. “Dissolution of Medieval Synthesis: Contract Theory, Hobbes”
Marzak, D. J. “Dissolution of Medieval Synthesis: Contract Theory, Locke”
Marzak, D. J. “Dissolution of Medieval Synthesis: Contract Theory, Rousseau”
Marzak, D. J. “Annals of America: American Foundations 17th Century”
Marzak, D. J. “Annals of America: American Foundations 18th Century”
Marzak, D. J. “Annals of America: American Foundations, Classical Liberalism and Social Darwinism” Marzak, D. J. “Annals of America: American Foundations, Reform Liberalism and the New Deal”
Marzak, D. J. “Classical Liberalism, Social Darwinism, and Marxism-Leninism I”
Marzak, D. J. “Classical Liberalism, Social Darwinism, and Marxism-Leninism II”
Marzak, D. J. “Classical Liberalism, Communism, and Social Ethics I”
Marzak, D. J. “Classical Liberalism, Communism, and Social Ethics II”
Marzak, D. J. “Classical Liberalism, Communism, and Social Ethics III”


The World’s Greatest Secret

, which sold over 100,000 copies in the author’s life, and then made the startling pronouncement that:

It will have success during the author’s life but will have greatest success after his death.” 

John Haffert, a true disciple of the Virgin Mary and a man conscious of the change of Era congruent with the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (promised at Fatima) and its relationship to the mystery of the Eucharist said in response:

“I want to hurry up  and die, because we may have a new world soon if enough people learn the secret!”

Explore the mystical meaning of the Eucharist as taught by John Mathias Haffert, Co-Founder of the World Apostolate of Fatima and one of the twentieth century’s greatest Marian apostles.

It is of highest importance to make the mystery of the Eucharist known and loved; the Eucharist is the central mystery of the Christian faith and the reason Christ came to dwell among us as a “bridegroom” and also the reason His Church is referred to as His “Bride” (Rev. 21:2). God and man, Bride and Groom are meant to become one mystical body of which He is the Head and she the Members.  This greatest of all ad extra mysteries (Mysteries outside of the Holy Trinity), the mystery of the most intimate union and communion with the Holy Trinity as members of the Body of Christ, is fulfilled by means of the Eucharist – by It man and God are made one by the mystery of consummate nuptial unity – God and man are made one in sacramental marriage (Ephesians 5: 23-30).  This is a “great mystery”,  (the greatest of all mysteries regarding God and mankind) a mystery that reaches beyond the union of man and woman into the heights and depths of the ultimate consummate mystery of all unions, the ineffable union between God and man as husband and wife.

For this reason a man shall leave [his] father and [his] mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.”

This is a great mystery, but I speak in reference to Christ and the church” (Ephesians 5:31-32).

(Matt 18:20).

“Nevertheless, our separated brethren, whether considered as individuals or as Communities and Churches, are not blessed with that unity which Jesus Christ wished to bestow on all those who through Him were born again into one body, and with Him quickened to newness of life – that unity which the Holy Scriptures and the ancient Tradition of the Church proclaim. For it is only through Christ’s Catholic Church, which is “the all-embracing means of salvation,” that they can benefit fully from the means of salvation” (Unatatis Derinedegratio)

to remain with Her forever even until the end of time (Matt 28:20).  It is by means of the Eucharist that men and women, young and old, feeble and strong are brought into deepest Holy Communion with the Holy Trinity through Jesus, with Jesus, and in Jesus as the Body of Jesus made possible by worthy reception of the Holy Eucharist, the LIVING WORD OF GOD (John 1:1).

Who is this John Matthias Haffert who wrote such an astounding Book?

John Haffert is the co-founder of the World Apostolate of Fatima, an apostolate that under his leadership reached a worldwide membership of over two million people.  John worked tirelessly to make the Message of Fatima known and lived.  So successful was he at the effort, that the Communist Party in the Soviet Union recognized him as one of the top three causes inhibiting the spread of Communism throughout the world. John Haffert is simply one of the greatest Catholic laymen of the twentieth century. Many believe him to be a saint and are working for his canonization.

John personally knew Sister Lucia, the oldest and longest surviving oft the three children to whom the Mother of God appeared in 1917. She appeared several times afterward to confide messages to Lucia about the the conversion of Russia, and about many other things related to the Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart and an Era of Peace following Her prophesied conversion of Russia; John was privy to most all of these.

Pope Benedict referred to Fatima as a “Sign of the Times”.  In his own words, Fatima helps

“… us to understand the SIGNS OF THE TIMES and to respond to them rightly in faith.”

He further points out that the apparition of an Angel with a flaming sword crying out “Penance, Penance, Penance” reminds us of the apocalypse. Benedict said, that the flaming sword  “represents the threat of judgment which looms over the world. Today the prospect that the world might be reduced to ashes by a sea of fire no longer seems pure fantasy: man himself, with his inventions, has forged the flaming sword.”

The World’s Greatest Secret is a devotional book about the incarnation and the mystical meaning of the Eucharist through which Christ united Himself to humanity as a groom to His bride. The Eucharist is the ineffable gift of martial communion by which God and man are made one, by which His bride the Church, becomes one with Him (Ephesians 5:25-27).  Husband and wife become one flesh of which He is the head and She is the sacred Body (Colossians 1:18).

Jesus is he “Word of God” The word however is much more than a sacred book, the Word is a living person who offers His life to mankind through the gift of the Eucharist

“In the beginning* was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God” (John 1: 1-2).

The Word is not simply a Book, no matter how sacred.  The Word is a living and Divine Person, The Son of God, who came to give us His life:

“I am the bread of life” (John 6:48)

He is divine life and He feeds us with His Divine essence, the Eucharist, the Bread of Life. Catholic and Orthodox Christians are graced to receive his the ineffable gift of His sacred Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, which is the Life of their souls. Those who receive this gift, the living gift of His Body and Blood, are promised eternal life:

I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever; and the bread that I will give, is my flesh, for the life of the world” (John 6:51)

This gift is an ineffeable gift beyind human comprehension.  The Eucharist is the greatest ad extra mystery of the Trinity.  At His birth, the infant Jesus was already proclaiming the mystery of the Eucharist, the great mystery by which He is making Himself one with humanity. There (1) lying in a bed of wheat in (2) Bethlehem, the City of Bread, in (3) a trough meant for feeding, He was silently proclaiming the central mystery of the Eucharist  This gift requires grace and faith but is itself the source of all grace.  It is so difficult to accept that some prefer the bible to the Eucharist, the “word” to the “Word”. They unknowingly wag their heads like the unbelieving Jews before them, saying :

“How can this man give us his flesh to eat? (John 6:52)

Nonetheless, those who believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the living God, believe what He proclaims about Himself and about the Eucharistic miracle by which He is TRANSFORMING men and women into His mystical body:

Then Jesus said to them: Amen, amen I say unto you: Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you. He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath everlasting life: and I will raise him up in the last day. For my flesh is meat indeed: and my blood is drink indeed. He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, abideth in me, and I in him. As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father; so he that eateth me, the same also shall live by me. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead. He that eateth this bread, shall live for ever” (John 6: 53-58).

When we receive the Eucharist, His body and blood, they are united to our own body and slowly we are transformed into His body – our body becomes His Body. Thus the Eucharist is Divine Food indeed. 

Do we understand this greatest of all mysteries outside of the Holy Trinity? Or do we on hearing this, “turn away”?:

“Many therefore of his disciples, hearing it, said: This saying is hard, and who can hear it? But Jesus, knowing in himself, that his disciples murmured at this, said to them: Doth this scandalize you? If then you shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before? It is the spirit that quickeneth: the flesh profiteth nothing. The words that I have spoken to you, are spirit and life. But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning, who they were that did not believe, and who he was, that would betray him. And he said: Therefore did I say to you, that no man can come to me, unless it be given him by my Father” (John 6: 60-65).

After this many who believed in Him turned away from Him and His gift of the Eucharist (John 6:66). Then, Jesus turned to His Apostles, the first  princes and ministers of His Church and with heartfelt pain asked

“Will you also go away?

It was Saint Peter, the “Fisherman” and Vicar of Christ, head of the Holy Catholic Church speaking for all the rest (in the plural “we) who said some of the most poignant words ever to pour forth from the mouth of man:

“Lord to whom shall we go”

“Lord, we need you, every hour we need you, our one defense, our righteousness, of God how we need you!”

In other words, the words you speak are difficult, but we believe in you, we believe that there is no other Name under heaven by which man is saved.  if You say it, we believe because:

“You are the Messiah the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16).

Anyone who knew John Haffert knows how greatly he believed that Jesus is the Living Son of the Living God, the Living Bread that comes down from Heaven.  John was a daily communicant who loved Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and His Blessed Mother – he made his habit tio pray 15 decades of the rosary daily.  I know from personal experience that by by 10 AM following morning Mass, 10 decades had already been recited.  John’s love for Jesus and Mary was hs whole life. He was like a man fulfilling the vision of St. John Bosco, a well-known vision of the two pillars of Christendom: The Eucharist and the Blessed Mother, the “Help of Christians” Maria, Auxilium Christianorum“.



The Mystery of Fatima began with the Eucharist and culminated with the the Eucharistic vision of the Holy Trinity entrusted to Sister Lucia in the month of June, 1929.

Jesus and His Mother, the Virgin Mary are inseparable.  He received His Body from Her, He was united  to her in the womb and took his Body from Her flesh and blood.  In a very real way, it can be said that Mary’s body, as the Mother of Jesus, is present with Christ on the Cross.  Like any mother or father She alone can say to Jesus:

“Flesh of my flesh” (Genesis 2:21-23)

Most especially, Jesus who sits on the Throne of David as the King of Israel (the Church, His sacred Body–the “New Israel”), receives the homage of all those who receive His Body and Blood and who can therefore proclaim, “we are thy bone and thy flesh”; by receiving His flesh, we become united to Him as His mystical body:

“Then came all the tribes of Israel to David unto Hebron, and spake, saying, Behold, we are thy bone and thy flesh” (2 Samuel 5:1)

Increase your love and awe for the Eucharist and fulfill the prophecy of St. Padre Pio by reading John Haffert’s “World’s Greatest Secret”, a book which Dr. Tom Petrisko, best selling author of the “Fatima Prophecies,” called “The greatest book on the Eucharist”.