Introduction to Fatima-Divine Mercy and Role of Poland-Russia in Crushing Liberalism

New Era World News

This series is being written because of the immense importance of Fatima for the modern world.

THIS YEAR THE CHURCH IS CELEBRATING the centenary of the appearance of the Mother of God at Fatima, Portugal in 1917. Since that time Fatima has become the world’s most prominent center of Marian devotion, a place that John Paul II referred to as the “Marian capitol of the world.”  Given the fact that the Our Lady of Fatima precisely foretold the outbreak of World War II, the rise of communism and the persecution of the Church, Her other prophecies concerning the conversion of Russia to be correlated with an “Era of Peace” are of especial relevance since, unlike the former that have already occurred, these prophesied events are in  the process of occurring.  Any impartial observer of global events can discern the Hand of God at work in the world as Russia is being converted and the nations of the world are one by one in the process of rejecting global liberalism while many are reasserting their Christian patrimonies (Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Africa, Poland, France, Asia, Argentina, Middle East).

While New Era has been reporting on these changes since its inception, secular and liberal pundits have also begun to observe the many changes occurring world-wide.  They are, however, misinterpreting, and thus misrepresenting, them as a political movements, movements referred to asPopulist“, when in fact these are primarily moral, cultural, spiritual and religious movements. Unlike other populist movements that have focused on economic and social justice, equal rights for the little guy etc. this new “populist movement” differs from previous populist movements because of its global scope and because it is characterized by moral and spiritual dimensions including the frothy rejection of liberalism that, all taken together, indicate or hint at its religious nature.  Although the movement has profound political ramifications, it is not political in essence. At its core, the populist movement sweeping the globe is related to Our Lady’s promises made at Fatima, promises pertaining to the “Conversion of Russia” and a corollary “Era of Peace“. This highly unusual global movement has a religious or theological etiology that intersects with politics, what New Era refers to as theo-politcal or “Theopolitcs“.

It behooves everyone, Catholic, Protestant and non-Christian to know the Fatima Message due to the import of its contents, contents that are unfolding in front of our eyes on a daily basis.  The current spiritual movement was foreseen by St. Louis Marie de Montfort. De Montfort is a highy significant saint for our times. His evangelical work is so exceptional, that another saint, Saint John Paul II, exhorted the “apostles of today” to draw inspiration from his life and work:

“Now that the need for a new evangelization has become imperative in most parts of the world, Fr de Montfort’s zeal for the Word of God, his solicitude for the very poor, his ability to make himself understood by the simplest folk and to stimulate their piety, his qualities for organizing, his initiatives to sustain fervour by founding spiritual movements and to involve the laity in the service of the poor, all that, with practical adaptations, can inspire the apostles of today” (Letter on 50th anniversary of de Montfort’s canonization).

De Montfort’s facund treatises on the Virgin Mary are so exceptional that John Paul II (in his Encyclical Redemptoris Mater) recommended de Montfort’s Marian spirituality to all the faithful:

“Marian spirituality, like its corresponding devotion, finds a very rich source in the historical experience of individuals and of the various Christian communities present among the different peoples and nations of the world. In this regard, I would like to recall, among the many witnesses and teachers of this spirituality, the figure of Saint Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort, who proposes consecration to Christ through the hands of Mary, as an effective means for Christians to live faithfully their baptismal commitments”.

One of the main reasons for De Montfort’s contemporary relevance is his perspicacious understanding of the role of the Virgin Mary in the “End Times”, times which we are entering.

How do we know we are entering the end times?  One complex and difficult way is the study of sacred scripture especially eschatological literature.  A more simple approach is the fact that Jesus promised to be with His Church until the end of time:

“Behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world” (Matt 28:20)

And that the Holy Trinity would reveal to the Church all that was going to happen:

“I have yet many things to say to you: but you cannot bear them now. But when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will teach you all truth. For he shall not speak of himself; but what things soever he shall hear, he shall speak; and the things that are to come, he shall shew you” (John 16: 12-13).

Then, years after His Ascension, Jesus appeared to Saint John on the island of Patmos and He has continued to appear to His saints at special times throughout history.

“And I turned to see the voice that spoke with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks: And in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks, one like to the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the feet, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. And his head and his hairs were white, as white wool, and as snow, and his eyes were as a flame of fire, And his feet like unto fine brass, as in a burning furnace. And his voice as the sound of many waters. And he had in his right hand seven stars. And from his mouth came out a sharp two edged sword: and his face was as the sun shineth in his power.”


And when I had seen him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying: Fear not. I am the First and the Last, And alive, and was dead, and behold I am living for ever and ever, and have the keys of death and of hell. Write therefore the things which thou hast seen, and which are, and which must be done hereafter” (Revelation 1: 12-19).

In the 20th century Jesus revealed Himself to a highly regarded Polish saint, Saint Faustina Kowalska, a poor Polish nun to whom He appeared prior to World War II.  Among other things, He confided to her His love for humanity and His desire to bless the world with an outpouring of Divine Mercy before His final coming as “Just Judge”.  He also revealed His special love for the nation of Poland from which He said would come the “spark” that would prepare the world for His Second Coming.


Saint Faustina Divine Mercy Message and the End Times

The Divine Mercy Message and Devotion is based on revelations given by Jesus Christ to Saint Faustina  who recorded the revelations she received about the Mercy of God in a voluminous diary, which contains the Message of Divine Mercy (PDF), mercy that God intends for all humanity, especially for those most steeped in sin. Thanks to the love and work of Saint Faustina, Devotion to the Divine Mercy has spread throughout the world.

(c) Knights of Columbus Supreme Council

Devotion to Divine Mercy has gained the highest approbation of the Catholic Church. It has been placed on the universal liturgical calendar of the Church as the Feast of Divine Mercy celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter, also the day on which Pope John Paul II, the “Pope of Mercy” breathed his last breath as the Vicar of Christ and “Apostle of Mercy.”


“I bear a special love for Poland, and if she will be obedient to My will, I will exalt her in might and holiness. From her will come forth the spark that will prepare the world for My final coming” (Diary, 1732).
The spark of fire that would come forth from Poland began with the pontificate of Saint John Paul II and is spreading around the globe. Poland is the first nation in the 21st century to actually declare Jesus Christ as its king and the Mother of God as its Queen, acts that were carried out by the nation’s president, prime minister, parliament and princes of the Church including the Primate of Poland.

In the presence of President Andrej Duda, Prime Minister, Beata Szydło, and other ranking state officials the bishops prayed: “We entrust to you the Polish people and Polish leaders. Let them exercise their power fairly and in accordance with Your laws.”


“Rule us, Christ! Reign in our homeland and reign in every nation — for the greater glory of the Most Holy Trinity and the salvation of mankind.”

The Polish Parliament (Sejm) announced its conviction that the Mother of God has a place of “special importance” for the nation, so special  that they, the Polish Parliament itself, have officially declared 2017 as a jubilee year in honor of Mary whose coronation they have formally recognized as Queen of Poland.

“The Polish Sejm, convinced of the special importance of Marian devotion for our homeland – not only in the religious aspect, but also social, cultural and patriotic – establishes 2017 (as) the Year of the 300th anniversary of the Coronation of the image of Our Lady of Czestochowa,”

The world press is only now beginning to take notice of the special tenor of the events  happening in Poland and related events happening around the globe. The liberal establishment is being shaken to its foundations as Poland is being joined by Hungary, Slovakia, the Philippines, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Malaysia, France, Austria, Moldova, Bulgaria and Russia et al. A general global uprising of Euro-skeptic Christian political parties and social movements is rapidly gaining momentum throughout the continent as well as in Asia and Africa. Increasing numbers are rising to challenge secular liberalism and reasserting their Christian or native patrimonies.

Russia is being converted as promised at Fatima, but Poland has stepped forward igniting the flame of love promised by Jesus. From Poland is coming forth the spark of spiritual renewal, of life giving and cleansing mercy, that flows from the Heart of Christ the King.

Jesus told Saint Faustina that Poland would be the instrumental “spark” that would prepare the world for His “final coming”. Images of that spark that is igniting a fire across Europe and beyond can be viewed in the video below.



We are living in or about to enter into the “Hour of Mercy”, the time preparatory to Christ’s final coming, a time foreseen by St. Louis Marie de Montfort, a time, in his words, when

 “…great men filled with the Holy Spirit and imbued with the spirit of Mary” …will destroy sin and establish the kingdom of Jesus Christ.”


“They are the “great souls filled with . . . zeal” (True Devotion 48), “superior to all creatures by their great zeal” (True Devotion 54). The action of the “true apostles of the end times” (True Devotion 58) consists of spreading “the fire of divine love” everywhere; they are themselves “a flaming fire” (True Devotion 56). In the battle against evil and the enemies of God, these great saints “will become, in Mary’s powerful hands, like sharp arrows,” and they will leave “an odor of death” among the worldly (True Devotion 56). Their work will not be limited to reforming the Church, but will include extending it to “the idolators and Muslims” (True Devotion 59).

De Montfort wrote of the Second Coming of Christ to “reign over all the earth and to judge the living and the dead”. Prior to His coming, he foresaw “great men filled with the Holy Spirit and imbued with the spirit of Mary”, men whom he said will “destroy sin and establish the kingdom of Jesus Christ.”  Poland has already taken the first steps in bringing this eschatological vision of De Montfort to fruition.  As of November 1, 2016, Jesus Christ is the King of Poland.

“These great souls filled with grace and zeal will be chosen to oppose the enemies of God who are raging on all sides. They will be exceptionally devoted to the Blessed Virgin. Illumined by her light, strengthened by her spirit, supported by her arms, sheltered under her protection, they will fight with one hand and build with the other.”

De Montfort concludes:

“Towards the end of the world … Almighty God and His holy Mother are to raise up saints who will surpass in holiness most other saints as much as the cedars of Lebanon tower above little shrubs….Mary scarcely appeared in the first coming of Christ….


“But in the second coming of Jesus Christ, Mary must be known and openly revealed by the Holy Spirit so that Jesus may be known, loved and served through her.”

All the above provide strong reason to believe that the world is entering (or has already entered) into a graced moment of sacred history, a time that Jesus, Himself, said was preparatory to His final coming, a time that has been confirmed by the highest authority in the Church, a time in which the Virgin Mary’s Fatima prophecies pertaining to the conversion of Russia and a corollary Era of Peace are being fulfilled. Since there is strong reason to believe what Our Lady foretold at Fatima is upon us (during this 100th anniversary year of Her 1917 appearances), it is through this “Fatima Lens” that we can correctly discern what is happening around the globe – the so-called global populist phenomenon is a prodigious phenomenon related to Fatima and the coming Christian renewal during an Era of Peace prior to the final onslaught by the anti-Christ at the end of the world.

It is the purpose of this “Fatima Series” to  familiarize the reader with the Fatima Message beginning with the three visits by the archangel Michael in 1916, followed by six visits of Our Lady in 1917 and other visits to Sister Lucia at Tuy and Pontevedra, Spain and Rianjo.  The series will also include an article on the Three Secrets of Fatima and another about the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart.  This later article will conclude the series; it is also the most contentious issue in Fatima circles. There are many strong Catholic traditionalists who argue that the consecration requested by Our Lady has not been fulfilled because She specifically asked for the consecration of “Russia”, but John Paul II, who made the consecration in 1984, did not mention Russia.

Specifically, instead of “Russia”, John Paul II consecratedindividuals and nationsand theworld” but not Russia.

“In a special way we entrust and consecrate to you those individuals and nations which particularly need to be entrusted and consecrated.”


“In entrusting to you, oh Mother, the world, all individuals and peoples, we also entrust to you this very consecration of the world, placing it in your motherly Heart.”

Because he did not mention “Russia” specifically, many have wrongly concluded that the consecration is invalid – even though affirmed by every pope since John Paul II and by Sister Lucia herself.

New Era will demonstrate the erroneous nature of this false contention. Using the formal Fatima literature accepted by both parties (those who accept and those who reject the validity of John Paul II’s 1984 consecration) it will be demonstrated that Pope John Paul II’s 1984 Act of Consecration accurately fulfill’s Our Lady’s requests and that the far-right Fatima detractors are not only disobedient but also in gross error.

In fact, for the first time it will be shown from the Fatima documents themselves that it was the “world” not “Russia” that should have been consecrated  In other words, John Paul II after studying the literature brought to him in Gemelli Hospital (where he was treated and recovering from assassin’s wounds) acted correctly: The “world” not just “Russia” needed to be consecrated.  The pope was not derelict in his papal duties; he was not hemmed in by diplomatic agreements (ostpolitik), nor did he suffer from fear of Communist retaliation as maintained by many ultra-traditionalists.  John Paul II acting in his role as Supreme Pontiff understood the Fatima Message and its cultural and historical contexts, the contexts in which it was given in 1917 and in which the Church was living in 1984.  After conducting an exhaustive and prayerful study of the documents, graced by wounds he united to the blood of Christ, he purposefully worded the consecration the way it was delivered because it was the correct prayer formula as requested by both Our Lord and Our Lady as will be shown.



Beginning with Pope Pius XII, every modern pope has either pointed out the importance of Fatima, visited  Fatima, or consecrated “humanity”, the “world”, or “Russia” to Our Lady of Fatima. Modern papal consecrations include:

  • Pope Pius XII October 31, 1942  consecrated all of humanity over Vatican radio in Portuguese to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
  • Pope Pius XII December 28, 1942 repeated the consecration at St. Peter’s
  • Then on July 7, 1952, the same pope consecrated all the people in Russian lands to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
  • Pope Paul VI November 21, 1964 renewed in the presence of the Fathers of the Vatican Council (but without their participation) the consecration of  Russia to the Immaculate Heart.
  • Pope John Paul II May 13, 1982 on a trip to Fatima to thank Virgin for miraculous recovery,  consecrated the world to the Mother of all Peoples.
  • Then on March 25, 1984, Pope John Paul II conducted a worldwide collegial consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary at St. Peter’s Square before statue of Our Lady of Fatima flown in from Fatima.

Later Sister Lucia, the last survivor of the three children to whom Our Lady appeared in 1917, confirmed the validity of the March 25 consecration made by Pope John Paul II.



Fatima is situated in the foothills of the Serra de Aire Mountains about one hundred miles north of Lisbon, Portugal.  It has become a worldwide pilgrimage destination and international shrine visited by every modern pope as a place of human spiritual and social renewal. Saint John Paul II referred to Fatima as the, “Marian capitol of the world.” Fatima was once a little known Portuguese village, until a series of three angelic apparitions prepared the way for a visitation by Blessed Virgin Mary to three small children thereafter drawing more than four million visitors annually to the site. Fatima is of such contemporary importance that one of the first actions taken by newly elected Pope Francis was to consecrate his entire pontificate to Our Lady of Fatima. This was followed by World Youth Day in Rio de Janero, which he also entrusted to Our Lady of Fatima. Then, on Oct. 13, 2013 he entrusted the entire world to Our Lady of Fatima followed by conversations with Vladimir Putin relevant to Christianity in the modern world and the role of Russia in defending Christians in the Middle East as will be detailed in this series of articles on Fatima.

The first apparition of Our Lady took place on May 13, 1917, just prior to the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.  On this date the Mother of Jesus appeared at Fatima to three shepherd children, Lucia Santos and her cousins Jacinta and Francisco Marto.  She came to turn the nations embroiled in world war back to God and to make an appeal for world peace.

Thereafter, she visited the children on the 13th of every month for six consecutive months making a number of prophecies now popularly known as the “Three Secrets of Fatima.” According to the official Catholic interpretation, the three secrets involve Hell, World War I and World War II, and the attempted assassination by gunshot of Pope John Paul II. The apparitions culminated with the unprecedented “Miracle of the Sun,” which she performed before a gathering of some 70,000 pilgrims and skeptics (including atheists and Free Masons) on October 13, 1917 as she had said she would so that “all might believe”.

The Virgin Mary told the children that Holy Mother Russia, the bastion of Orthodox Christianity, would become a communist nation and that it would lead a world-wide persecution of the church and that various nations would be annihilated.

She also told the children that in the end Russia would be converted if and when the pope in union with all the bishops of the world consecrated Russia to her Immaculate Heart.

After much stalling, intrigue and diplomacy, as mentioned above, Pope John Paul II finally made the requested consecration on March 25, 1984. He was moved to do this for several reasons, chief among them the would-be assassin’s bullets that struck him landed on May 13, the Feast Day of Our Lady of Fatima, which he was celebrating in Rome.  In his own words,

“It was a mother’s hand that guided the bullet’s path and in his throes the Pope halted at the threshold of death” (Pope John Paul II, Meditation from the Policlinico Gemelli to the Italian Bishops, 13 May 1994).

While recovering in Rome’s Gemelli Hospital he had the Fatima texts removed from the Vatican Archives and personally presented to him. Lying in the hospital, prayerfully studying the Fatima dossier, he recognized himself as the pope “dressed in white” spoken about in the “third secret”, the pope whom Our Lady referred to when she told the children that the “holy father” would have much to suffer, implicitly at the hands of the communists.


Pope John Paul II Recognized Himself as the Pope Dressed in White in the Third Secret of Fatima


Subsequently, he had the bullet removed from his body sent to Fatima to be placed in the crown of the Virgin statue. Then, on March 25, 1984, he proceeded to consecrate the world to Our Lady of Fatima in union with the bishops. Following that collegial act he then also decided to publicly reveal the much guarded “Third Secret of Fatima” for the first time since it was given to the children in 1917.


Pope John Paul II Consecrating the World to Our Lady of Fatima

Following the 1984 papal consecration, as promised, communism was toppled, the Solidarity movement gained momentum in Poland, the Berlin wall came down and one after another the nations behind the “Iron Curtain” were given political and then religious freedom – Russia was being converted as Our Lady of Fatima had promised.

The granting of religious freedom in Russia was followed by an increasing number of significant events including the removal of the communist flag from over the Kremlin for the last time on Christmas day, December 25, 1991 thereby symbolizing the end of atheistic communism and foreshadowing the return of Russia as a world power to its ancient Christian patrimony—the rebirth of Christianity on Christmas day.

A new spring-time was occurring in the North. Russia had reemerged as a sovereign nation granting religious freedom to Christians and other world religions. and then Vladimir Putin committed Russia to the protection of Christians throughout the Middle East. On June 1, 2010, President Dmitry Medvedev signed a new law commemorating July 28 as a national holiday thereby officially recognizing the founding of Russia as a Christian nation with the baptism of Prince Vladimir in Kiev in 988.  Speaking at the annual celebration commemorating the “Baptism of the Russ,” he said:

“The continual work of the Russian Orthodox Church will affect the revival of Christianity in our nation. Thanks to the Orthodox faith, Russian culture through the years, has acquired Biblical values on which the system of moral ideals for our nation is built” (US Department of State, 2010).

It is the purpose of this “Fatima Series” to familiarize the reader with Fatima beginning with the three visits by the archangel Michael in 1916, followed by six visits of Our Lady in 1917 and other visits to Sister Lucia at Tuy and Pontevedra, Spain and Rianjo. In all there were 14 apparitions and locutions: Three angelic apparitions prior to the six consecutive appearances of Our Lady in 1917. These were followed by five more post 1917 apparitions/locutions to Sister Lucia from 1925 through 1931 and several important communications between Sister Lucia and her spiritual director that are essential to the Message of Fatima.


The following articles will focus on the essential communications that took place on each of these dates. Description of the apparitions are borrowed from Sister Lucia’s Memoirs: “Fatima in Lucia’s Own Words”  (2007), Fatima, Portugal.

Polish Bishops in Union with President Duda Proclaim Jesus Christ King of Poland

AS THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD move toward an Era of Peace, the prophecy is being fulfilled that out of Poland would come the spark that would lead to world change. On the Vigil of the Feast of Christ the King (Nov 21, 2016), the bishops of Poland in union with Polish President, Andrzej Duda,  proclaimed Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, as the “King of Poland”.

Church and State officials gathered at the National Shrine of Divine Mercy in Krakow, Poland to celebrate the 1,050 years of Christianity in their nation. Together, they implored Jesus to reign over Poland, over its people and political leaders as Sovereign Lord – Christ the King. The consecration was repeated in churches throughout Poland. The people united under the leadership of the Polish episcopate and statesmen raised their voices :

“Immortal King of Ages Lord Jesus Christ, we Poles stand before you to acknowledge your reign, surrender to your law, and entrust our homeland and the whole nation to you.”

“Humbly bowing our heads before you, King of the Universe, we acknowledge your dominion over the Polish nation, those living in the homeland and throughout the world. Wishing to worship the majesty of Thy power and glory, with great faith and love, we cry out: Rule us, Christ!”

In the presence of President Andrej Duda, Prime Minister, Beata Szydło, and other ranking state officials the bishops prayed:  “We entrust to you the Polish people and Polish leaders. Let them exercise their power fairly and in accordance with Your laws.”

“Rule us, Christ! Reign in our homeland and reign in every nation — for the greater glory of the Most Holy Trinity and the salvation of mankind”

(Coverage by Radio Poland)

The kingship of Christ is ontologically rooted in His incarnation and subsequent rule over humanity as their sole Divine Head. Jesus is Lord at His birth and sits on the Throne of David as announced by the Angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary. 

“He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the most High; and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of David his father; and he shall reign in the house of Jacob for ever. And of his kingdom there shall be no end” (Luke 1: 32-33).

Moreover, two thousand years ago, it was announced to the Imperial City, the city of the “Roman Emperor”,  that Christ alone is Lord”

“For it is written: As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God” (Roman 14:11).

Devotion to Divine Mercy

The Divine Mercy Message and Devotion is based on revelations given by Jesus Christ to Saint Faustina Kowalska, a poor Polish nun to whom Jesus appeared prior to World War II. Sister Faustina recorded the revelations she received about the Mercy of God in a voluminous diary, which contains the Message of Divine Mercy (PDF) that God intends for all humanity, especially for those most steeped in sin. Thanks to the love and work of Saint Faustina, Devotion to the Divine Mercy has spread throughout the world.


(c) Knights of Columbus Supreme Council

Devotion to Divine Mercy has gained the highest approbation of the Catholic Church. It has been placed on the universal liturgical calendar of the Church as the Feast of Divine Mercy celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter, also the day on which Pope John Paul II, the “Pope of Mercy” breathed his last breath as the Vicar of Christ and “Apostle of Mercy.”

“I bear a special love for Poland, and if she will be obedient to My will, I will exalt her in might and holiness. From her will come forth the spark that will prepare the world for My final coming” (Diary, 1732).
Sanctuary of the National Shrine of Divine Mercy, Krakow Poland – Photo During Consecration


The spark of fire that would come forth from Poland began with the pontificate of Saint John Paul II and is spreading around the globe. The world press is only now beginning to take notice of it. The liberal establishment is being shaken to its foundations as Poland is being joined by Hungary, Slovakia, the Philippines, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Malaysia, France, Austria, Moldova, Bulgaria and Russia. A general global uprising of Euro-skeptic Christian political parties and social movements is rapidly gaining momentum throughout Europe, Asia and Africa. Increasing numbers are rising to challenge secular liberalism and reasserting their Christian or native patrimonies. 

Russia is being converted as promised at Fatima, but Poland has stepped forward igniting the flame of love promised by Jesus. From Poland is coming forth the spark of spiritual renewal, of life giving and cleansing mercy, that flows from the Heart of Christ the King.

Jesus told Saint Faustina that Poland would prepare the world for His final coming.

In recognizing Christ as their King, Poland has shown its gratitude. Consequently, she is beloved by God and blessed with a special mission.

“We who are receiving the unshakable kingdom should have gratitude, with which we should offer worship pleasing to God in reverence and awe. 

Consistent with sacred scripture, the Lord associated the end times with the fire of Divine Love that will consume sin: 

For “God is love” (1 John 4:8) and “God is a consuming fire” (Hebrews 12:28-29).

The Era of Peace promised by the Virgin Mary at Fatima is dependent on the Mercy of God that flows from the Heart of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. He reconciles men to himself by breathing on them the Spirit of reconciliation and peace

“He said therefore to them again: Peace be to you. As the Father hath sent me, I also send you. When he had said this, he breathed on them; and he said to them: Receive ye the Holy Ghost. Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.” (John 20: 21-23).

Breath is required to ignite a fire. The Breath of God is required to forgive sin and to ignite a Divine Fire, a fire of mercy and love that will prepare the world for the second coming of Christ as foretold to Faustina.

We are living in the “Hour of Mercy”, the time of Christ’s final coming, a time foreseen by St. Louis Marie de Montfort, a time, in his words, when

 “…great men filled with the Holy Spirit and imbued with the spirit of Mary” who will destroy sin and establish the kingdom of Jesus Christ.”


“They are the “great souls filled with . . . zeal” (True Devotion 48), “superior to all creatures by their great zeal” (True Devotion 54). The action of the “true apostles of the end times” (True Devotion 58) consists of spreading “the fire of divine love” everywhere; they are themselves “a flaming fire” (True Devotion 56). In the battle against evil and the enemies of God, these great saints “will become, in Mary’s powerful hands, like sharp arrows,” and they will leave “an odor of death” among the worldly (True Devotion 56). Their work will not be limited to reforming the Church, but will include extending it to “the idolators and Muslims” (True Devotion 59) (Quote from EWTN).


Pope Pius IX’s (1925) wrote “Quas Primas,” an encyclical in which he taught the moral, political and spiritual importance of recognizing Christ as King and the superiority of the Divine Law over all civil, statutory, and constitutional laws that became regent with the 18th century advent of liberalism. It was then that,

“The empire of Christ over all nations was rejected… There were even some nations who thought they could dispense with God, and that their religion should consist in impiety and the neglect of God. The rebellion of individuals and states against the authority of Christ has produced deplorable consequences…Christ, who has been cast out of public life, despised, neglected and ignored, will most severely avenge these insults; for his kingly dignity demands that the State should take account of the commandments of God and of Christian principles, both in making laws and in administering justice, and also in providing for the young a sound moral education.”

Pope Pius continues:

“When once men recognize, both in private and in public life, that Christ is King, society will at last receive the great blessings of real liberty, well-ordered discipline, peace and harmony.”

The Kingship of Christ is associated with the Era of Peace promised by the Queen Mother at Fatima and with the Hour of Mercy promised by Jesus to Saint Faustina. Above all, Christ’s reign is not a time of retribution but a time of compassion, healing and mercy for all:

I sent prophets wielding thunderbolts to My people. Today I am sending you with My mercy to the people of the whole world. I do not want to punish aching mankind, but I desire to heal it, pressing it to My Merciful Heart.” (Diary, 1588).

The eminent prelates, statesmen, and dignitaries of Poland have recognized Christ as the King of their nation; they have shown their gratitude.

“We who are receiving the unshakable kingdom should have gratitude”

Like the beloved Apostle John, Poland is being pressed to the Merciful Heart of the High Priest and King of Kings (John 13:23). Many other nations will follow. What will the United States do?


Poland and European Union Square-off Over National Sovereignty and Liberalism


THE LAW AND JUSTICE PARTY OF POLAND (PiS) has missed the October 31 deadline to amend controversial changes to its Constitutional Tribunal – demanded by  the European Union. PiS, a strongly Catholic oriented party, assumed power in Poland in October of 2015.

Warsaw has been in a battle with Brussels (the EU) ever since  December 2015 when the Polish Government added five new judges to the nation’s Constitutional Tribunal. This move was interpreted by outside critics as a political maneuver that would make it easier to push through legislation opposed to the liberal legislation of the past 20 years.

Among other things, the new government also moved to gain control over the media, which was being funded and overtly influenced by foreign  sources from Germany, UK, and USA.

Because it was clear that Polish culture had been systematically invaded by Western media outlets, by libertarian think tanks, and by foreign agents of the EU and US influencing the development of “democracy” and freedom including the structuring of its new government and court system. PiS simply decided the time had come to do something about reasserting Poland’s national sovereignty and the promotion of its own indigenous cultural values – something anathema to liberal ideologues operating in Warsaw and throughout Poland. Consequently, PiS began the process of minimizing  outside meddling in their political and domestic affairs, but not without significant opposition.

Poland then adopted a new law permitting increased state control over media. The law permits the government to terminate employment of media executives and to appoint new heads.

Immediately the new government was hit with accusations of  tyranny and autocracy  simply because they wanted the Polish media to be run by Poles and  to reflect Polish values. Various EU leaders including Volker Kauder of  the ruling German CDU party called for retaliation and began demanding that EU nations impose sanctions on Poland for the violation of “European values.”.

Speaking to Der Spiegel, Kauder emphasized that Poland should swallow Western liberal values or be forced to pay a price for failing to do so. Brussels, he said, must:

 “…find  the courage to apply sanctions” against a disobedient Poland if  “European values are violated.”

However, in a show of solidarity with Poland, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced that his country  would veto any EU sanctions against Poland.

Chancellor Merkel of Germany is swinging a more brutal hammer.  According to Merkel

“It strikes me as somehow very strange that those (such as Poland) who consider themselves lucky that they have lived to see the end of the Cold War now think that one can completely stay out of certain developments of globalization.”

Since EU sanctions can only be imposed if the European Council unanimously agrees to impose them, Viktor Orban’s promise to veto and measures against Poland makes it unlikely that the EU can follow through on its threat without violating its own standards. Consequently, Brussels and Berlin have had resort to other tactics, such as a medias smear campaign of PiS, to force compliance on Poland.

Brit Hypocrisy

Recently RT – a Russian news agency operating in  London – had all of its UK accounts blocked and has been asked to cease operations in the UK. The National Westminster Bank said its parent organization Royal Bank of Scotland Group would refuse to service Sputnik without “any discussion.” 

“We have recently undertaken a review of your banking arrangements with us and reached the conclusion that we will no longer provide these facilities,” NatWest said in a letter to RT’s London office.

The UK, a group of countries among the most vociferous about freedom of press, including its insistence that it has a universal right to operate anywhere else in the world including Poland, is acting hypocritically. The UK is upset that Poland wishes to assume control over its own media including the right to regulate British foreign agents operating radio and television stations on Polish soil, but at the same time the UK screams about its right to operate media outlets in foreign countries, it wants to deny them to foreign agents, such as RT, operating in its country.

George Galloway, a British politician and broadcaster remarked that while the decision to block RT’s accounts was made by the bank, it was likely given a tacit approval by the British government.

“There’s no doubt that the government must’ve been consulted and assented to such a crude and transparently obvious political step that comes as discussions have been taking place in London between a motley crew of coalition allies about stepping up sanctions on Syria and on Russia. And it’s clear enough that this is the first shot, at least, in a new offensive. This necessarily means the abandonment by Britain of its obligations towards freedom of speech, freedom of expression; it takes British-Russian relations back to not just a Cold War era but probably to the early 20s.”

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova pointed out the hypocrisy.

“It seems that leaving the EU, London has left all its freedom of speech obligations in Europe. As they say, a new life without bad habits.”

Polish Response

The deadline for Poland to rectify (1) the internal restructuring of its Tribunal and (2) its assumed control over its own media ran out on October 31. Poland now faces action form the EU. Members of the European Liberals and Democrats  are vociferously persuading the European Commission to initiate, invoke, and enforce Article 7 of the Treaty of the European Union, which would suspend Poland’s voting rights on the European Council, something which has never been done before to any EU nation – Poland would be the first nation ever to be sanctioned under Article 7.

Guy Verhofstadt, the former Belgian Prime Minister and head of European Liberal and Democrats (ELDR) who exist to promote a secular anti-Christian liberal society throughout Europe (see note below) has said.

 “The EU must uphold the rule of law — all citizens, businesses and also Member States must abide by the same rules. As all steps of the rule of law procedure are now exhausted, the European Commission must be consistent and trigger the Article 7 Procedure.”

Karol Karski, a constitutional expert and member of PiS representing Poland on the European Parliament responded:

“We view the allegations that we are breaching rule of law as pure arrogance.”

It is becoming increasingly clear who the real; tyrants are:

Is the EU led by Germany to promote democracy home rule and national sovereignty or will they take the fascist route and impose their will on weaker nations while calling for tolerance and freedom for everyone else who advances their liberal agenda?

In closing, Stanislav Stremidlovsky a journalist for the Russian news agency REGNUM offers a trenchant insight:

“It’s time to admit the obvious: we need a different Germany and other Germans. Chancellor Merkel, unfortunately, showed that it is difficult for Berlin to adhere to some moderate midline….Europe and the world needs a more sensible Germany, more soft and tolerant, but at the same time able to firmly defend European Christian values ​​and interests of the citizens of the European Union.


“There is one more interesting nuance here: when taking into account the Europe’s dominant national religions, the continent’s Catholic countries tend to be more friendly toward Russia than Protestant ones. Up to now, Poland has remained the exception, an anomaly, to this rule. Now, Warsaw has a chance to take its worthy place in the ‘axis of nations in the EU’. It will find Hungary and Orban’s help useful.”

It is clear what is going on in Poland and why there is a reaction to it. Poland will continue to grow as a Christian nation and to act as the spark out of which world-wide Christian reform will come as it, along with a growing array of other nations (see homepage section: “Global Politics Fast Track to Truth) continues to oppose the liberal agenda and, along with them, to assert its right to self-determination and to foster respect for its cultural patrimony.



According to the European Liberals and Democrats (ELDR):

“Liberty is … often violated or affected by laws and political choices inspired by ideological prejudices and religious dogma.”

Consequently, the ELDR Party “commits to directly sustain through its member Parties reforms aimed at:

  • “allowing…scientific research on embryonic stem cells (including somatic cell nuclear transfer) aimed at the understanding and the cure of diseases which afflict hundreds of millions of people in the world;”
  • “allowing access to assisted conception and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis for couples who suffer from genetic diseases, in addition to in vitro fertilisation using donor sperm;”
  • “guaranteeing therapeutic freedom, at the level of the relationship between doctor and patient, in the prescription of pharmaceuticals which have been tested and are authorised in many countries, but in some others are restricted or prohibited, such as: the abortion pill RU 486, therapeutic cannabis, pharmacological treatments (including heroin administered under medical control) for drug addicts, and marijuana as pain relief;”
  • “allowing the individual autonomy and responsibility in end-of-life decisions, first of all by ending the clandestine practice of euthanasia by guaranteeing respect for the freely and unequivocally expressed individual will, also through the adoption of directives of treatment and forms of regulation of euthanasia based on the Dutch, Belgian, or Swiss models, or on the draft legislation being examined by the British parliament;”

“The removal of unreasonable prohibitions is the premise for research investment policies and constitutes an essential element of every strategy for economic, civil and democratic development. Scientific methods – based upon empirical analysis and not on ideological prejudices – can and must be adopted by politicians and liberal democracies, such as a secular method of choosing government solutions to problems of our times affecting the individual and his relationship with society and the  environment. Secularisation of institutions and separation between State and Church is a prerequisite both for the exercise of rights and individual liberties and for peaceful coexistence among peoples.”


Poland Moves Against Western Liberalism – “The Spark will Come out of Poland”

POLISH DEMOCRACY HAS UNDERGONE a series of changes from the time of its modern inception during the exciting days of Solidarnosc back in 1989. Since then it has moved from a nascent democracy, birthed under Lech Walesa, to an unforeseen reversion back to socialism, followed by a decisive move toward secular neoliberalism backed by significant Western dollars for military, cultural and economic purposes. For a while it looked as though Poland’s Catholic identity was in jeopardy as the country adopted more and more liberal tenets from the West. It was as if the words of Primate Cardinal Glemp in 1989 were coming true:

“We have withstood the onslaught of atheistic materialism, Marxism is dead.  However, I am not so sure that we can withstand the onslaught of Western (hedonistic) materialism.”

All three tenets of liberalism: economic, political and moral were being unpacked in Poland. First came profuse promises of financial assistance followed by the schooling of political leaders in civics and liberal democracy taught  by legions of libertarian ideologues representing think tanks supported by the State Department. Next, the painful Western neoliberal prescription for austerity and economic restructuring was swallowed along with a toxic sugar-coated pill of foreign investment that made it appear palatable. This was followed by foreign purchase and then control of corporate businesses and by interference in politics at all levels. After establishing a beachhead in the NGOs and multinational corporations along with control of a significant percentage of financial institutions and garnering political sway in Warsaw, the liberal cultural agenda was introduced propped up by broad scale advertisement and countless Western dollars with strings attached to ideological items such as the family, sexuality, liberal toleration of the LGBT agenda, and related issues that are all part of the liberal paradigm for freedom, freedom, that is, without a place for Christianity in the public forum. Following decades of this liberal “shock treatment”, it seemed as if Poland would collapse under the onslaught of Western materialism as foreseen by Cardinal Glemp.

The Poles, however, are a resilient people, a people with a thousand years of rich cultural history steeped in the legacy of Roman Catholicism. Poland’s cultural,  spiritual, and intellectual roots run very deep, too deep, in fact, for even such an insidious program as neoliberalism nurtured by profuse capital infusion.  The liberalizing of Poland is a top priority of the US State Department, and of the EU. Consequently, Poland “has been the largest beneficiary of subsidies from the EU”.  Poland has been infused with Western capital because it is externally important geopolitically, and because it is a show case for liberal democracy. Consequently, those who call for the toleration of anything but fell threatened by Christian developments in Poland are threatening to stop the cash flow as the ultimate “trump card” necessary to avert what they perceive as the ultimate disaster – Poland returning to its Catholic identity:

“Brussels can start to take another look at the funds that over the years have contributed so much to the Polish economic miracle (they amount to more than the entire Marshall Plan for postwar Europe in today’s dollars).”

Like other peoples around the globe, the Poles are becoming painfully aware of liberalism’s shallow promises and are beginning to see through its friendly propaganda. Poles are an intellectual people well accustomed to secularism and broad programs of propaganda that were imposed upon them by an all controlling communist regime that strained to falsely appear in favor of human rights and dignity; they are awakening to the fact that a similar program is being fed them by liberal ideologues who have taken up key positions throughout the country in a war to stealthily impose neoliberalism upon them contrary to their traditional values, contrary to their Catholic heritage. The fruits of twenty years of liberal rule are now readily apparent and people are reeling back from their negative experiences.  Communism worked against man and society, so too does liberalism. Consequently, sober Poles have quickly awoken to this reality; as they led the world against communism, they are leading the rally for a renewed Christian Europe cognizant of their reputation as the “Rampart of Europe”.


At Fatima Our Lady promised and Era of Peace and in a series of approved apparitions that took place in Poland and that have the highest approbation of the Catholic Church, Jesus Christ revealed to Saint Faustina that a change was coming and that the impetus for the change was to be the nation of Poland:

“I bear a special love for Poland (he said), and if she will be obedient to My will, I will exalt her in might and holiness. From her will come forth the spark that will prepare the world for My final coming” (Diary, 1732).

It is not surprising then, that after 20 years of liberalism the Polish people have given a political mandate to the Law and Justice Party (PiS), which has strong ties to the Catholic Church. Party leaders recently endorsed a total ban on abortion with support from the Church. Jarolaw Kaczyński, Chairman of PiS told reporters that

“In these (moral) matters, as a Catholic, I follow the teachings of the bishops.”

Under Kaczynski’s leadership, PiS not only won the presidency, it also has solid control of the parliament (SEJM), which lacks any viable liberal component for the first time in decades.

The Prime Minister of Poland, Beata Szydło,  is also the Vice Charman of PiS; she also also supports the anti-abortion legislation. As does the new Polish President, a devout Catholic Andrzej Duda.

In the United States and Argentina nuns and laity who publicly ridicule bishops, disrupt Mass, challenge priests during their homilies and desecrate sacred objects are considered heroes. These tactics are therefore adopted to ridicule the church and win public support.

In Poland, however, such acts are considered profanations, profanations which if carried out by trols, conditioned masses, or paid subversives would actually help rather than hinder the church. Thus covert actions such as these that work elsewhere are backfiring in Poland. According to Polish political scientist Marek Migalski  reaction to disruptions at Mass in Poland are similar “to the outrage in Russia when punk rockers Pussy Riot staged a 2012 protest in a Moscow cathedral, which left many ordinary Russians aghast and actually boosted support for Vladimir Putin.”

“If the face of the opposition is aggressive feminists yelling in church, then it helps PiS,” he said

The following two quotes are examples of the vitriol coming from liberal ideologues manifesting their biased anti-Christian sentiments and also manifesting the growing unity among Slavic nations, a unity which is an increasing challenge to the liberals that is not going away:

“Both Poland and Hungary now offer a toxic ideological brew that is reminiscent of interwar Europe: anti-communism and anti-capitalism can be combined and justified in the name of a highly intolerant nationalism based on Christian values that conclusively define who is a true Hungarian or true Pole.

Liberal ideologues and pundits are coming undone as they watch these developments.  Because they are unable to stop or avert them by their usual methods, they are predicting a gloomy picture for themselves as other Slavic countries of Eastern Europe join Poland, Hungary and Slovakia in the march toward Christian social renewal:

“Today we witness the emergence of a new Authoritarian International in the region, with Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and possibly Croatia as potential future members alongside Hungary and Poland.

Hungary’s largest political party is Fidesz and its third largest political party is Jobbik; are both proponents of Christian social renewal and both cooperate with PiS and other Polish patriotic movements.  Their cooperation “is rooted in a shared vision of Europe, Márton Gyöngyösi, a leader of Jobbik responsible for foreign policy, told POLITICO.”

“As opposed to liberal values based on individualism, secularism, consumerism and multiculturalism, we support the defense of the nation state, its traditions, ethnic composition and Christian values.”

Having a comprehensive view of the political landscape in front of him and and a prudential vision of what is possible in the current climate, a senior advisor to President Duda recently indicated that he thinks the time has come for change:

“Now begins the process of reconquering the country, and it may be brutal.”

As stated above, “Law and Justice (PiS) swept the table of Polish politics this year, first unexpectedly winning the presidency in May and then in October taking an outright majority in the parliament. The party now wields more clout over Poland than any government since the end of communist rule a quarter century ago” (

Poland is certainly a country to watch and to emulate.  From her will “come the spark” that will prepare the world for the final coming of Jesus Christ. She certainly seems to be living up to her destiny among nations.