Further Little Known Apparitions – Pontevedra Spain
(1) December 10, 1925 – Pontevedra Spain
After discerning for some time the wish to become a religious, in 1925 eighteen-year-old Lucy joined the Dorothean Sisters. She became a postulant at the Order’s convent at Pontevedra, Spain where Our Lady, as She promised in 1917, came to reveal to Lucy the first part of God’s plan for the salvation of sinners and world peace: the reparatory Communion of the First Saturdays of the month.
Lucy, referring to herself in the third person, describes the encounter:
“On December 10, 1925, the Most Holy Virgin Herself appeared, and beside Her, borne by a luminous cloud, the Child Jesus. The Most Holy Virgin put Her hand on her shoulder and showed her, at the same time, a Heart surrounded by thorns which She held in the other hand. At that same moment, the Child said to her“:
‘Have compassion on the Heart of your Most Holy Mother, covered with thorns with which ungrateful men pierce It at every moment, and there is no one to make an act of reparation to remove them.’
Then the Most Holy Virgin said:
‘Look, My daughter, at My Heart, surrounded with thorns with which ungrateful men pierce Me at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude. You at least try to console Me and announce in My name that I promise to assist at the moment of death, with all the graces necessary for salvation, all those who, on the first Saturday of five consecutive months shall receive the sacrament of Confession, receive Holy Communion, recite five decades of the Rosary, and keep Me company for fifteen minutes while meditating on the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary, with the intention of making reparation to My Immaculate Heart.
(2) February 15, 1926 – Pontevedra Spain
DESPITE SERIOUS RESERVATIONS on the part of her confessors, Lucy was soon supernaturally urged to continue working to make Our Lady’s request known. As recorded in her memoirs, Lucy stated,
“On the 15th [of February 1926], I was very busy with my chores, and I scarcely thought of it [the apparition of the preceding December 10]. I was about to empty the garbage can outside the garden. At the same place, several months previously, I had met a child whom I had asked if he knew the Hail Mary. He had replied yes, and I had asked him to say it for me, in order to hear him. But as he would not say it alone, I had recited it three times with him.”
“At the end of the three Hail Mary’s, I asked him to say it alone. As he remained silent and did not appear capable of saying it alone, I asked him if he knew the church of Saint Mary. He answered yes. I then told him to go there every day and to pray thus: ‘Oh my Heavenly Mother, give me Your Child Jesus!’ I taught him that prayer and departed.”
“Then on February 15, while returning as usual [to empty a garbage can outside of the garden], I found there a child who appeared to me to be the same (as previously), and I then asked him: ‘Have you asked Our Heavenly Mother for the Child Jesus?’ The Child turned to me and said: ‘And have you revealed to the world what the Heavenly Mother has asked you?’ And saying that, He transformed Himself into a resplendent Child. Recognizing then that it was Jesus, I said to Him”:
‘My Jesus! You know very well what my confessor said to me in the letter I read to you. He said that this vision had to be repeated, there had to be facts permitting us to believe it, and that the Mother Superior alone could not spread this devotion.”
‘It is true that the Mother Superior, alone, can do nothing, but with My grace, she can do anything. It is enough that your confessor gives you permission, and that your Superior announces this for it to be believed by the people, even if they do not know who it was revealed to.”
‘But my confessor said in his letter that this devotion already exists in the world, because many souls receive Thee every first Saturday of the month, in honor of Our Lady and the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary.’
‘It is true, My daughter, that many souls begin, but few persevere to the very end, and those who persevere do it to receive the graces promised (that is, not out of love for the Blessed Mother). The souls who make the five first Saturdays with fervor and to make reparation to the Heart of your Heavenly Mother, please Me more than those who make fifteen, but are lukewarm and indifferent.’
‘My Jesus! Many souls find it difficult to confess on Saturday. Will You allow a confession within eight days to be valid?’
‘Yes. It can even be made later on, provided that the souls are in the state of grace when they receive Me on the first Saturday, and that they had the intention of making reparation to the Sacred Heart of Mary.’
‘My Jesus! And those who forget to form this intention?’
‘They can form it at the next confession, taking advantage of their first opportunity to go to confession.’
After that the Child Jesus disappeared without saying anything more.