Roman Goddess “Libertas” Imported to America
American Foundations:
Intelligence Report #9
Intelligence Report #8. Who exactly is this “God of Nature” on whose altar Jefferson had sworn to fight the Christian clergy in the name of “liberty” and how exactly are the God of Nature and liberty related? Perhaps we can gain some insight into this highly relevant question by examining the “Statue of Liberty”. This historical monument was constructed by the French as a gift to the Americans in respect for their defense of liberty. Significantly the two – French and Americans-were allies in the business of “revolution”. The American phase of Revolution was fought in the New World against some of the same enemies the French were fighting in the old.
(Article 1 Sections 9 and 10 of the United States Constitution — there would be no Ancien Regime in America) and that sought to limit the Church and Her clergy by the establishment of a “Secular Regime” in which religion was reduced to the private forum and laws were derived from reason without any influence from God or His representatives on earth. They were to be constrained behind a “wall of separation” that kept them out of the courts, out of the senate, out of house, the executive branch, out of public schools, out of post offices and even public parks, in short out of the pubic affairs of the nation, which is basically just about all the affairs.
Declaration of Independence to the Second Continental Congress by which it was solemnly approved and promulgated.
“The clergy…believe that any portion of power confided to me [as President] will be exerted in opposition to their schemes. And they believe rightly: I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man” (Letter of Thomas Jefferson to Dr. Benjamin Rush, September 23, 1800)
James Madison, the “Father of the Constitution”, also harbored the same hostility for the clergy whom he referred to as “spiritual tyrants” who help kings to “subvert the public liberty”.

Ancient Romans, esp. of the Republic, had a unique reverence for various virtues some of which (Justice, Courage, and Piety, to name a few) overtime, they personified and then elevated to the status of a god or goddess. Liberty was a Roman concept, a personified and highly esteemed virtue before she ever became a goddess. Her apotheosis was not achieved until 232 BC. By that time, her cult had grown popular enough to justify her being enshrined in the Roman pantheon. This feat was accomplished by Tiberius Gracchus, a Roman Tribune stepped in democratic virtue and military valor and known to history as a “hero of the people”. Gracchus, as champion pro populo, favored agrarian land reform and distribution (distributive justice) for which he was eventually assassinated by wealthy patricians. It was this Gracchus, known for his bravery and military valor and eminence in virtue, who constructed the first temple to Libertas on Aventine Hill.
[1] Perhaps the seven spiked crown above Liberty’s head represents the 7 crowns of light in esoteric lore, perhaps she is a rendition of the pagan goddess Astarte, perhaps – it is all conjecture. It is highly improbable, that a righteous champion of the people, like Tiberius Gracchus, would favor a debauched libertine or promote a whoring goddess. However, a debauched libertine and friend of esotericism like Publius Clodius Pulcher (58 BC) might.
Like Tiberius Gracchus, Clodius Pulcher also constructed a famous temple to Libertas on the Palatine Hill on the site of the former home of Marcus Tullius Cicero, the eminent philosopher, renowned statesman, and outstanding exemplar of Roman virtue. Clodius was a political enemy of Cicero who, when given the opportunity, had Cicero’s palatial home burnt and demolished in order to construct a new and second temple to Libertas.
“Yet the case is simply this, that to me the supreme good seems to be in the soul” (Cicero’s Tusculan Disputations).
(Pope Leo XIII, Libertas).
(Matthew 4: 8-10).
Libertas has given out many favors and can be imagined laughing with mocking scorn at her enslaved adepts who boast of their esoteric wisdom and at the blind commoners who unceasingly demand freedom while unawares they fastened chains of slavery upon themselves.
“Whoever commits a sin is the slave of sin” (John 8:34).
“Do you not know that if you present yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness” (Romans 6:16)?
Cicero, living during the time of transition from virtuous Roman Republic to increasingly decadent Empire, understood the difference between liberty and license. Thus, the political intrigue that ensued between himself and Clodius helps us understand how the virtue Liberty, of the early Roman Republic, became associated with decadence, immorality, cabal, and esotericism, the Libertas of the Roman Empire.
Who is She that Sets Free by Warring against the Church of God ?
Cicero is ranked among the eminent men of Classical Antiquity, a lover of wisdom and an advocate of traditional Roman values. It is clear from his arguments against Epicurus[2], a Roman philosopher whom he accused of being a connoisseur of pleasure, that Cicero was a man of high philosophical ideals and refined moral acuity, which allowed him to properly enjoy the pleasures of life while advancing in knowledge and moral strength in the company of classical philosophers of whom he was speaking when he stated that.
“We love everything that is true, that is to say, that is faithful, simple, consistent, and we hate what is vain, false and deceitful, such as fraud, perjury, cunning and injustice.”[3]
Cicero accused Clodius of sexual perversion, including the attempt to seduce the wife of Caesar and incestuous relations with his own sisters. [6]. Clodius, the tyrant, according to Cicero, had the [9] Thus, because of Clodius’ tyranny, debauchery, and ignominy, the goddess Liberty, which was once a cause for celebration and courageous imitation now evoked “lamentations” because, according to Cicero, the people who used to “pack” his house to acquire wisdom and engage in philosophical discussions were displaced by Clodius who then filled the sanctuary with free thinking libertines full of lust and its attendant, foolishness. The new Libertas, Cicero argued, must be banished so that not only his house, but all of Rome could be returned to its original splendor. According to Latin scholar, Matthew Roller (2010), this was the motive behind Cicero’s appeal to the “pontifces”: that the sanctuary dedicated to Libertas be deconsecrated and the house returned to him so that the household gods, the virtuous icons of traditional Rome, could also return. Clodius had dethroned true religion and enthroned a fraudulent one in its place by placing a prostitute in the sanctuary and calling her Liberty[10]. [11] (the use of sexual liberation to gain dominance). AN EXCELLENT INTERVIEW WITH E. MICHAEL JONES, AN AUTHORITY ON ZIONISM AND POLITICAL DOMINANCE BY MEANS OF SEXUAL LIBERATION (9:10) Libertas is a goddess who promises liberty but is in actuality a tyrant who enslaves her votaries by means of libido dominandi[11] (the use of sexual liberation to gain dominance). Thus, Boller (2010) Concludes: “These structures (Cicero’s household gods and Clodius’ Shrine to Libertas) symbolically replicate the political struggle between them…. The debate… concerns which of the two alternative symbol-systems that have been attached to these structures—the Clodian interpretation or the Ciceronian one—will triumph politically.”[12] “Let your ‘Yes’ mean ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No’ mean ‘No.’ Anything more is from the evil one” (Matt. 5:37). (Book 7 Chapter 26). Rome had devolved from the virtuous glory days of the Republic admired by Cicero, to become a “savage animal” full of “lust and gluttony”. “…man, if he have not virtue, is the most unholy and the most savage of animals, and the most full of lust and gluttony. (Politics, Book I). Because she exiled her philosophers, lost her love of authentic virtue, and engaged in a cruel pogrom of Christian saints, the city of Rome was depicted by St. John the Evangelist as the “mother of fornications, and the abominations of the earth”, she rode on the back of a scarlet beast, the decadent Empire, which she ruled with a perverted mind, a mind intoxicated with the blood of martyrs.
“Publius Clodius, out from his saffron dress, from his headdress, from his Cinderella slippers and his purple ribbons, from his breast band, from his dereliction, from his lust, is suddenly rendered a democrat.”[5]
(Rev. 17: 3-6).
that you saw and the beast will hate the harlot; they will leave her desolate and naked; they will eat her flesh and consume her with fire. For God has put it into their minds to carry out his purpose and to make them come to an agreement to give their kingdom to the beast until the words of God are accomplished. The woman whom you saw represents the great city that has sovereignty over the kings of the earth” (Rev 17:12-18).
Cicero, did not have the mystical vision of John, but foreseeing Rome poorly protected and being destroyed by an effeminate ruler like Clodius, he fulminated:
“If the Republic must be destroyed by someone, let it at least be destroyed by a real man.”[13]
By Rome’s end, Libertas, the Great Mother of Harlots” had turned all her votaries into slaves of sin (John 8:34). She then had to go underground as her temples and those all the false gods of the pagan world, which was previously under the rule of demons, (1 Corinthians 10:19-20) were demolished and replaced by Christian shrines, churches, monasteries, basilicas, convents, and cathedrals in a new empire called “Christendom”.
(Psalm 96:5)
(John 12:31 and 14:30). Under his dominion men and women practiced demonology, witchcraft, wizardry, idolatry and human sacrifice, which was abhorrent to Christian men who could stand it no longer.
The Church had exposed these shameful things, which blinded the minds of men
(Matthew 26:56-52) and to His other members, in this case, the non-ordained but priestly Christian men and women of Europe, to spread His kingdom by the sword of justice, which they wielded for God as avengers chosen to execute His wrath upon evildoers:
(Romans 13:1-5).
(1 Peter 2: 13-14).
Libertas and those who did evil in the sight of God and in the sight of men fought with frenzied anger against the warriors of Christendom, but they did not prevail. Libertas was then bound for a thousand years (Rev. 20:2), during which time, saintly kings such as King Saint Stephen of Hungary, King Saint Wenseslaus of Bohemia, King Saint Vladimir of Russia, Blessed Emperor Charlemagne of France and Germany,[14] King Pelayo of Spain, King Saint Canute of Denmark, King St. Olaf of Norway, and Alfred the Great of England (to name a few) traversed the globe routing Libertas, establishing the temporal domains of His kingdom and thereby freeing her slaves, and the slaves of other deceitful demons, from the shackles of spiritual death by which she bound them in the false name of liberty.
When her thousand years were up, counted from the temporal establishment of Christendom by Charles the Great (Charles assumed the throne in 768 and was crowned Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in 1800, although already recognized as de facto temporal arm of the church before that time), Libertas along with all the other demons, was let loose under the headship of Satan (Rev 20:3). His time being short, she immediately unleashed a barrage of cunning deceit in order to hasten a Revolution in the name of Liberty. Because the “Great Mother” is a deceiver, she worked in the shadow of secret societies, wherein she hatched her clandestine plan. Then, in the name of Liberty, she spewed forth a barrage of enticing propaganda intended to bring about a new order of the ages (Novus Ordo Seclorum), an era of slavery initiated in the deep darkness known as the “Enlightenment”. She was emblazened with the desire to restore her ancient mystery cults in place of the liturgical mysteries of the Christian faith that were (and still are) regent as she reemerged from the abyss.
By the time she emerged, the Christian men and women of Europe had already spread the faith so far and wide that it would take nefarious skill, innuendo, monetary allurement, false promises of enlightenment, sexual liberation, her old use of double meaning and other surreptitious crafts to bring about a revolution in her name.
Finished in France, Lady Liberty was shipped to, and reassembled in, America after which she was erected, set in place, and solemnly dedicated on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, October 28, 1866. Consistent with Jefferson’s and Adam’ theme of emancipation from religious tyranny, especially that of the Catholic Church (as demonstrated in Part One), it is not surprising to find (as we will below) that from A-Z,[15] the Statue of Liberty (“Liberty Enlightening the World”) was a Masonic project. The Masons had vowed to destroy the Catholic Church, the “Bride of Christ”, the Prince of Peace who had come to set men free from false pagan gods and goddesses like Libertas.
(Inimica Vis, Decmber 8, 1892).
As a seminarian (1917), Kolbe, the future saint, witnessed a massive anti-Catholic demonstration marking the 200th anniversary of the foundation of the Grand Lodge of London, apparently the first Masonic Lodge in the modern world.
Kolbe later indicated that it was the Masons who were the lackeys, the lackeys of Zionism:
“These men [the Freemasons] believe that they are the ones who will rule everything, but let us hear what is written in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Protocol n. 11 states: ‘We will create and put in effect the laws and the governments … in opportune moments … by means of national rebellions. … What we want is that the multitudes, disoriented by the revolt, still in a condition of terror and uncertainty, should understand once and for all that we are so strong, so untouchable, so powerful that in no way will we take into account their opinions and wishes. Instead we are ready and able to crush with irresistible power their manifestations at any moment and in every place. … Then, in fear and trembling, they will close their eyes to everything and await the consequences.”
Zionists are a small congregation of men, purportedly Jews that reject both Jesus and their own Jewish faith. They call themselves Jews but do not practice or promote their faith. A recent gathering of over 10,00 Jewish rabbis in New York city loudly attests to this reality:
(Rev. 3:9 and Rev. 2:9) The “Synagogue of Satan” is an assembly of individuals who “say they are Jews, and are not.”
“Behold, I will bring of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie. Behold, I will make them to come and adore before thy feet. And they shall know that I have loved thee” (Rev. 3:9).
“I know thy tribulation and thy poverty, but thou art rich: and thou art blasphemed by them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” (Rev. 2:9).
True Jews, men who live their faith are not a threat, they are not haters of God and thus more likely to become Christians. Crafty false Jews could feign becoming Christians, in which case they would be lying twice – once about being Jewish and twice about accepting Christ. Clearly, there are false Christians and false Jews, what they have in common is rejection of Christ. The synagogue of Satan, however, is composed of false Jews, false Christians belong to “lodges” and “temples”.[21]
In the Gospels, Jesus also referred to false Jews as sons of the devil:
(John 8:42-44).
“Let no one deceive you in any way. For unless the apostasy comes first and the lawless one is revealed, the one doomed to perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god and object of worship, so as to seat himself in the temple of God” (2 Thessalonians 2: 3-4).
“And thou saidst in thy heart: I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will sit in the mountain of the covenant, in the sides of the north.” (Isaiah 14:13).
Thus, not only is it becoming increasingly clear who Libertas is, it is very clear why Bartholdi planned to have her “tower over the steeple of Trinity Church, then the tallest building on the New York skyline”, he wanted Lady Liberty, like Lucifer, to ascend above the Holy Trinity.
As stated above, from inception to completion, the Statue of Liberty was a Masonic project that began with the laying of the cornerstone in 1884. The ceremony, as recalled by Robert C. Singer, the Deputy Grand Master of New York’s Grand Lodge, is outlined below:
“Brother Richard M. Hunt, principal architect of the pedestal, presented the Working Tools to M. .W. . William A. Brodie, Grand Master, who in turn distributed them to the Grand Lodge officers.”
“By traditional ceremony, the cornerstone was then tested and being found, square, level and plumb, the Deputy Grand Master completed the work by applying the mortar and by having the stone lowered firmly into place. The Grand Master then struck three blows with the gavel and declared the stone duly laid.”
Dedication Day arrived two years late, October 28, 1886, which was declared a holiday in New York City.
“The main speaker was Chauncey M. Depew, United States Senator, railroad president, one of the most famous orators in American history, and an active member of Kane Lodge 454.
(Rev. 18:23).
Pope Leo XIII confirms this perspective, or rather his perspective is confirmed by this Intelligence Report: The Freemasons he says are:
(Humanum Genus, April 20, 1884).
[2] See: Tullius Cicero, Book Two Treatise “On The Chief Good And Evil” (Treatise de Finibus).
[3] Marcus Tullius Cicero, Book Two Treatise “On The Chief Good And Evil” (Treatise de Finibus).
[4] Ancient History:
[6] ibid
[7] ibid
[8] Castor, along with his brother Pollux, was accredited with helping to found the Roman Republic, whole virtues Cicero was trying to preserve.
[9] Matthew B. Roller
[11]inbed video )
[12] ibid
[13] Wikipedia:
Quoted from “Reliquarian”
[15] That is, from conception to finish including, idea, finance, creation, shipping, reassembly, installation and ceremony
[16] Immaculata Magazine (May/June, 1996):
[17] M. Kolbe to the Masons: You are Controlled by the Jews:
In Polish: forumdlazycia Tradycji Katolickiej:
[18] Virtual Jewish Library:
[20] Jews United against Zionism Website: