by Dr. David Marzak | Nov 16, 2016 | Russia, Uncategorized
ON NOVEMBER 16, VLADIMIR PUTIN signed an executive order withdrawing Russia from the 124 member International Criminal Court (ICC), the international war times court situated in the Hague, Netherlands. The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement explaining...
by Dr. David Marzak | Nov 16, 2016 | France, Western Europe
EMMANUEL MACRON, former French Minister of Economy has announced his candidacy for president. Because Macron plans to compete as an In dependent supported by En Marche, a movement he founded in 2016, he will likely receive votes from both opposition parties,...
by Brendan Shefield | Nov 15, 2016 | Clinton, North America
THE AMERICAN PEOPLE VOTED in such a way as to garner Donald Trump 270 plus electoral votes needed to be president; nonetheless, their vote is not the final determinant as to whom will actually be president. In fact, all that these numbers represent is the...
by Dr. David Marzak | Nov 13, 2016 | North America, Trump One
SINCE THE ELECTION OF DONALD TRUMP to be President of the United States, many think tank and intelligence agency executives have stepped forward to offer insight and make forecasts toward what a Trump presidency might bring. Among these stellar agencies, Stratfor is...
by Bogdan Lugowski | Nov 10, 2016 | North America, Trump
ALL OVER THE WORLD CHRISTIAN affiliated political parties committed to traditional moral values, to economic fairness, and the securing of indigenous cultural patrimonies (being challenged by rampant global liberalism), are making their voices heard and their...