Liberalism & Radical Traditionalism: False Conflict to Destroy the Message of Fatima

(New Era World News)

WHEREVER CONFUSION ABOUNDS Satan can be found in close vicinity.  The Father of Lies and promoter of division is a master of deceit; his deceit however is detected by divisive confusion, such as the confusion engendered by radical traditionalists who insist that the Message of Fatima has been perverted by the Pope and Papal Curia. Some traditionalists are so opposed to the idea that Russia has abandoned Communism and is embracing Christianity that they have no problem accusing the pope of deception, conspiracyfalsifying the Message of Fatima, apostasy and covertly presenting the world with a false Lucia while crushing the real Luca behind bars suppressed by an order of silence.

Fortunately, their fabricated stories and accusations are finally unravelling.  To avoid the embarrassment of looking ridiculous in the face of overwhelming evidence attesting to the magnificent and unexpected changes occurring in Russia and throughout Europe, in the face of this voluminous data, they are being forced to alter and change their convoluted stories, forced to admit that Russia is indeed being converted.  However, because they are unable to relinquish their stone-cold commitment to an apparently pre-conceived script, a script that requires an imminent and Great Chastisement, they continue to insist that although Pope John Paul II’s intent to consecrate Russia was sincere, Russia was nonetheless not consecrated correctly and therefore remains a grave threat to world peace..

To fathom their perverted script, and its recent alteration, it is necessary to understand that these “Fatimites” (self-proclaimed Fatima experts) make at least six fundamental errors (three explored in this article) leading to and regarding their faulty presentation of the Message of Fatima:

  • They try to blemish Vatican Council II by using it as the reason for the “Smoke of Satan” entering the Church when in fact this noxious vapor entered on the tails of Communism (as Our Lady warned)
  • They set themselves up as sole authorities of dogma thereby disregarding what the Church has stated and therefore tumble into egregious error
  • They adopt an arrogant and fundamentalist attitude toward the message and thereby misinterpret and misconstrue the words of Our Lady”  “Russia” and “Converted”


Vatican Council II

In the years following the French Revolution Catholic patriots harbored hopes that a counter-revolution could be launched and the “ancien regime” (Catholic Church, Catholic King and Catholic Aristocracy) restored.  As the years slipped by this hope became more and more remote. Realizing that Napoleon had successfully carried the banners of anti-Catholic Liberalism across Europe followed by the defeat and dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire in 1806 and the fall of the Papal States in 1870 accompanied by the rapid spread of anti-Christian Modernism, realizing the longevity of all these things Pope Leo XIII initiated a rapprochement with the modern world, a rapprochement that has continued right up to the present time.

In effect, the Church was forced to admit that it had lost the temporal battle with Modernism, that the temporal Kingdom of Christendom had been ransacked by victorious liberal forces and thus forced to acquiesce, forced to accept the new ideas of liberal democracy, the free market and other secular and liberal ideas.  Church leaders soon realized that its modus operandi was outdated; without its temporal sword, condemnation and anathemas were no longer or little effective. The world had been inundated and infested with liberal ideas that had become the cultural mindset of its children and the milieu in which they moved, had in effect become what John Paul II would later refer to as “Structures of Sin”.  Realizing the pervasive power and broad influence of internalized cultural values facilitated and inculcated by public education, mass media, and modern technology, church leaders slowly acquired a new vision, a vision necessary for survival and effective evangelization in a rapidly changing and increasingly hostile world. The words of St Paul slowly but inevitably dawned upon them:

“I made myself the servant of all, that I might gain the more….To the weak I became weak, that I might gain the weak. I became all things to all men, that I might save all. And I do all things for the gospel’s sake: that I may be made partaker thereof” (1 Corinthians 9:19).

Realizing the need to become all things to all men with a view of winning them to Christ, realizing that the church must make itself more modern (without adopting the errors of “Modernism”) that it might gain modern men and women, Pope John XXIII called for Ecumenical Council, Vatican II. John hastened to address this dynamic tension (fidelity to dogma and fidelity to serving man in the modern context) in his Opening Speech to the Council:

“From the renewed, serene and tranquil adherence to all the teaching of the Church in its entirety and preciseness, as it still shines forth in the acts of the Council of Trent and First Vatican Council, the Christian, Catholic and apostolic spirit of the whole world expects a step forward toward a doctrinal penetration and a formation of consciences in faithful and perfect conformity to the authentic doctrine which, however, should be studied and expounded through the methods of research and through the literary forms of modern thought. The substance of the ancient doctrine of the Deposit of Faith is one thing, and the way in which it is presented is another…, everything being measured in the forms and proportions of a magisterium which is predominantly pastoral in character.”

John XXXIII clearly understood that the Church must remain loyal to its bedrock dogmas but find new ways to encounter modern man, to emphasize a magisterium that was predominantly pastoral but firmly committed to the Deposit of Faith. Certain regressive elements in the church, however, those favoring aristocracy and a return to Catholic traditionalism, were blind to the fact that they were living in a nostalgic fantasy land, a bygone Era out of sync with modern democracy. Unlike the Medieval world of the ancien regime, the modern world had been infested by an explosion of occultism, of secret societies, and the return of gnostic forces and the evils of Communism. The minds and hearts of modern men had been severely altered by this Communist and Masonic onslaught. To survive; moreso to reach modern souls infected with liberalism and socialism, the church had to alter its approach; it had to take several steps downward and backward out of love for souls; it had to descend so that modern man might slowly ascend:

“If a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them should go astray: doth he not leave the ninety-nine in the mountains, and go to seek that which is gone astray” (Matt 18:12).

The situation by 1960 had grown so very severe that it was not ninety-nine safe and one lost sheep, but moving toward one safe sheep and ninety-nine lost; something clearly had to be done. The one good sheep left alone in order to save the ninety-nine stray and lost might feel abandoned (as some Traditionalists do); nonetheless, they should be praying that the shepherds are successful and also engaged in penance for the souls of the lost sheep the shepherds are trying to rescue and save.  Specifically, the good traditionalists should be engaged in “Penance, Penance, Penance”, as the angel in the Third Secret of Fatima loudly proclaimed, not penance for themselves, but a specific form of penance known as “Reparation” of the good for the bad, penance for the lost sheep destined for hell as Our Lady pleaded for at Fatima. Instead they are often bitter, disconsolate and condemning, judgemental and demanding justice rather than mercy and compassion that lead to acts of reparation.  Only a merciful heart full of compassion and love can offer reparation penance; a judgemental and condemning heart at war with the church and the world, such a heart will have great difficulty fulfilling Our Lady’s request for reparation.  Those who judge and condemn, those who call for justice rather than patient mercy for sinners act contrary to the Mind and Heart of Jesus who came to die for sinners, the Jesus who assured His followers that

“There shall be joy in heaven upon one sinner that doth penance, more than upon ninety-nine just who need not penance.” (Luke 15:7)

“The church needs more and better pastors, not theologians  but pastors – a good PASTOR loves and does what is necessary to save his sheep!  Nonetheless, some on the extreme right insist on an outdated intellectual approach to the modern world, a rational approach from the head to a world (rightly or wrongly) living by its emotional heart. This outdated approach is both non-pastoral and ineffective.  The modern mind tends to be liberal, thus it is prudent to adopt a merciful pastoral approach while simultaneously remaining faithful to unchanging dogma.  St. John Bosco, Shepherd of Wayward Youth and lover of souls, often remarked:

“I would dance with the devil, if it meant saving a soul.”

The great St. Francis de Sales, whom Don Bosco named his Salesian Order after, de Sales understood that hardened hearts and stubborn souls are more successfully approached by love and mercy:

“Love (alone) will shake the walls of Geneva; by love we must invade it.”

Some radical traditionalists rightfully upset by abuses associated with the new liberal pastoral approach rooted in mercy and compassion wrongfully decided to engage in war, not with the world, the flesh and the devil, but a war with the Church for allegedly not seeing things their way. Possessed with overly-brilliant minds, they rebelled and soon felt themselves competent to judge the Vicar of Christ, to find him guilty of heresy, and pass a sentence of sedi vacanti thereby denying him his rightful seat as the successor of Peter. In their minds Pope Saint John XXIIIBlessed Paul VISaint John Paul II, and Pope Benedict XVI are all apostates or hereticsPope Francis  is most likely an anti-pope, while they stand aloof as the sole repository of Catholic truth.

They incorrectly accuse popes of heresy and schism as if they were the guardians of Catholic truth, while many of them are “material” and some “formal” artisans of deceit themselves; it is often they who are the schismatics. It is not surprising that their animus for Vatican Council II and the modern papacy has caused them to jump all over Pope Paul VI’s utterance that the “Smoke of Satan has entered the Temple of God.”


False Accusations about Vatican Council II and the “Smoke of Satan” 

It is not the errors of leftist liberalism that is the cause of the “Smoke of Satan” infesting the church.  No, the cause is more diabolical and treacherous than that mere simplicity. It is not the supposed errors of Vatican Council II that brought the Smoke of Satan into the Church, but the errors of Communism as Our Lady had warned. Communism is a “Conflict Theory”, a theory built around the dialectic of manufactured conflict.  A bad idea like Communism is easily detected. Thus, its architects know that it is best advanced by admixing it with much truth and simultaneously juxtaposing it to an equally bad idea. They are able to shroud its negative tenets by exaggerating the negative tenets in its manufactured opposite while simultaneously extolling the good of the truths with which it has enshrouded itself. Any advanced student of social science should know this.

Thus, the true “Smoke of Satan” is not merely liberal bishops, clergy and prelates on the extreme left. For Communism to make steady advances, its architects also need ultra-conservative prelates, bishops and clergy on the extreme right. Many candidates to the seminary had been infected by simple osmosis, that is they picked up the errors of Communism through socialization and then carried them into the seminary. Worse than these was entrance due to infiltration by ersatz Catholic agents trained and equipped with the ability to advance the false precepts of Communism through conflict, the manufactured conflict caused by juxtaposing extreme opposites. Depending on the lens being used, Radical Schismatic Traditionalism looks good when compared to Radical Schismatic Liberalism and conversely; no matter which one is preferred, Communism, which requires the abolition of authentic Catholicism, is advanced because they are both flawed and contrary to unity in the Church.

In this regard, when asked about the seeming opposites, Communism and Capitalism, Saint Padre Pio unexpectedly stated that they are both “indescribably evil”:

In the East they deny God from the head to the belly button (atheistic materialism or scientific socialism) while in the Wast they deny God form the belly button to the feet (hedonistic materialism or sexual, organs-pleasure).

The advance of Capitalism was aided by continually alluding to the evils of Communism. Conversely, Communism  was advanced by continually pointing out the abuses of Capitalism.  No matter which surfaced as victor, materialism, a false idea, also advanced.  The two are juxtaposed, when in fact both are gravely erroneous and detrimental to human well being.

Ultra-Liberals, like Judas, hide behind the veil of helping and loving the poor. Ultra-conservatives hide, like Jansenists, behind the veil of piety. We know what happened to Judas and the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the faith exposes the veil of piety assumed by schismatic ultra-traditionalists:

According to the Holy Office:  “We must resist error even when it masquerade as piety.”

Some radical traditionalist looks at MANUFACTURED LITURGICAL ABUSES and rejects the Novos Ordo Mass, even a reverent recitation that adheres to approved rubrics. Some radical liberals, on the the hand, looks at the individualistic components of the Tridentine Mass and embraces the exaggerated communal dimensions of a false reform.

What they both miss is the authentic nature of the reform initiated by Vatican II.  The truth is, the authentic reform intended by the Council has not been realized. This led Saint John Paul II to bequeath the future implementation of the Council to the next generation in his “Last Will and Testament“:

“Being on the threshold of the Third Millennium “in medio Ecclesiae,” I wish once again to express gratitude to the Holy Spirit for the great gift of Vatican Council II… I am convinced that once again and for a long time it will be given to the new generations to draw from the riches that this Council of the 20th century has lavished.”


“As a Bishop who has participated in the conciliar event from the first to the last day, I wish to entrust this great treasure to all those who are or will be in the future called to realize it. For my part, I thank the eternal Pastor who allowed me to serve this great cause in the course of all the years of my pontificate.”

There is an authentic element in the Church that is balanced, steadfast and loyal to unchanging dogma and also growing perfect in love thereby able to express truth in charity, able to embrace sinners with mercy and compassion and thereby slowly and patiently, but surely, accompany and lead the blind and disabled sheep (those lost ones so far gone that are unable to held themselves) back to Christ. These authentic Catholics embrace the Mercy of God; they seek to prayerfully encounter fallen humanity and lead it, one by one, to conversion and then Communion by offering to God what the spiritually blind are unable to offer for themselves thereby securing them an unfathomable torrent of Divine Grace a potent spiritual power obtained from what Our Lady referred to as “REPARATION” necessary for lost souls to find their way back to God. To these belong the future. Unfortunately, there are few of these souls, many reside on the left or right, many more are confused by the manufactured conflict, fake news, and sustained efforts to keep them confused.

Although extreme elements work together to undermine church unity (consciously or inadvertently) as planned by the speculative adepts of Communism, the concern of these articles is the stealthy and adroit attack from the far traditional right. It is not surprising that their distorted understanding of Vatican Council II and the modern papacy has morphed into a disdain for the papal response to the Message of Fatima as well..


Traditionalists and the Message of Fatima: faulty Interpretation of The Words “Russia” and “Converted”

Because they often presume authority to act as judges of popes and as the sole arbiters of truth about dogmatic matters, it is not surprising that they also presume to set themselves up as arbiters of truth pertaining to private revelations such as Fatima. Their biggest contentions revolve around Our Lady’s July, 1917 request that Russia be consecrated to Her Immaculate Heart and the “Third Secret.”

After revealing to the three Fatima visionaries a glimpse of hell and relating the horrors to be caused by a future World War II, the Virgin Mary told them:

“To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays.”


”If My requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated.

Unfortunately, her requests were not heeded, there was a Second World War and Communism spread throughout the globe. Nonetheless, Our Lady promised that despite the global spread of Communism, in the end, the Church would experience a definitive victory associated with Her Immaculate Heart:

”In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to Me, and she will be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world..”

The consecration was not implemented correctly until Pope John Paul II Consecrated the World to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on March 25, 1984 igniting a spiritual fire beginning in Poland leading to the demolition of the Berlin Wall and the end of Communism in one Eastern European nation after another accompanied by astounding changes throughout Russia.  Disregarding these obvious changes, many ultra-traditionalist Catholics want to continue an increasingly ludicrous refrain that Russia has not been converted because Saint John Paul II did not specifically mention “Russia” in his concentration.

According to Cardinal Ratzinger, before and after he became Pope Benedict XVI, according to Pope Francis and Pope John Paul II as well as ranking prelates in the Vatican Curia, according to all these high ranking Princes of the Church and according to Sister Lucia herself, Russia has been properly consecrated. lDisregarding the fact that the both Sister Lucia, the seer, and the highest authorities in the Catholic Church have  proclaimed the validity of Pope John Paul II’s consecration of Russia, certain traditionalists errantly and arrogantly stick to their arcane script that Russia has not been consecrated and therefore remains a grave threat to world peace.

Traditionalists, led by the vagus a divinis suspended priest by the name of Father Gruner (now deceased), continue to distort, fabricate and mislead unsuspecting inquirers about the Message of Fatima. Article II will examine the extent of their disinformation campaign.  Here it suffices to point out that these “Fatmites” boldly and falsely deny that Russia was properly consecrated contrary to the highest and most reputable authority of the Fatima Message, Sister Lucia herself. The VIDEO BELOW IS A BOMBSHELL SHOWING (contrary to false assertions of Father Gruner) SISTER LUCIA CLARIFYING WHAT THE VIRGIN MARY MEANT BY CONSECRATION AND AFFIRMING THE CONSECRATION OF RUSSIA BY POPE JOHN PAUL II

Full Version of Video at Bottom of Page – It is Well Worth Time Invested to Garner the Truth about Russia’s Consecration & Conversion

Related to the error about Russia’s consecration is the equally false accusation that Russia is not being converted because it has not become Catholic. Father Gruner and company harbor the strange idea that Russia is supposed to magically be transformed overnight into some type of Catholic utopia.  Russia’s conversion is taking place after seven decades of Communist propaganda, terror, atrocities and a cultural pogrom of unprecedented proportion and they expect an instantaneous change; moreover, they expect that their readers will be foolish enough to believe them!  As shown above, Sister Lucia clearly specified that Our Lady never said that Russia would be converted to Catholicism, but that the term “Conversion” refers to the end of Communism and the cessation of wars and persecutions perpetrated in its name.  It refers to the end of evil and a move toward the good, to the establishment of religious freedom and the ability to freely choose to follow Christ unencumbered by threats of death and torture, a freedom denied to Russian for seventy years of horrendous persecution and all out war against the faith.

Significantly, the Most Reverend Paolo Pezzi, Catholic Archbishop of Moscow, leader of the Roman Catholic Church situated in the capital of Russia itself, repeats the necessary truth: Our Lady never said Russia would become Catholic! (see video below 30 sec – 1:35):

“We should not interpret Our Lady of Fatima as foretelling the conversion of Russia to Catholicism. Absolutely not; she never said anything to that effect. The Mother of God called — and continues to call — Russia to convert to Christ. But she did not say what form that conversion should take.”


Paolo Pezzi, Archbishop of Moscow, Repeats the Necessary Truth: Our Lady Never said Russia would become Catholic! (30 sec – 1:35)


Radical Traditionalists disillusioned by Vatican Council II and emboldened by their attack on the modern papacy have purposefully extended their attack into the realm of Fatima.  This blatant attack has more than significant eschatological ramifications to be explained in future reports. NOW, It is both necessary and timely to put a stop to the Communist-Masonic disinformation campaign, a campaign intended to discredit and falsify the Message of Fatima to advance a Grand Deception,which is the object of their arcane purposes.  The fact is, Russia has been properly consecrated and is being converted. By conversion, Our Lady meant the end of Communism and rebirth of Christianity, a conversion or turning away from something extremely bad toward the good which is Christ. Like the Father of the Prodigal Son who from “A FAR” saw His son turning away from sin, saw him returning from a distance, like this loving Father, the Lord sees Russia turning from its error and is pleased, pleased even if it still has a long travel to the Father’s house:

And when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and was moved with compassion, and running to him fell upon his neck, and kissed him. And the son said to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, I am not now worthy to be called thy son. And the father said to his servants: Bring forth quickly the first robe, and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet: And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it, and let us eat and make merry:Because this my son was dead, and is come to life again: was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry” (despite his still being a long way from home) (Luke 15: 20 – 24).



Go to Part II

End of Communism & New Age Occultism: Triumph of Immaculate Heart Part III

(New Era World News)

A Reading of Part II is Highly Recommended Before Proceeding to Part III

PART TWO OF THIS THREE PART INTELLIGENCE REPORT concluded with the words: “If Russia is to be the cause of a future chastisement, what in Heaven’s name do we call that which the world just passed through?  Russia is no longer implementing, supporting or disseminating all the errors and horrors of Communism. Instead, the Kremlin is supporting lifefighting abortionbuilding churchesputting Christian prayer in public schools, requiring teachers to take theology and ethics coursesfighting liberalism, and protecting Christians around the globe. As Our Lady promised: Communism has been defeated in Russia – the 20th Century Chastisement spearheaded by Russia has ended.  Russia is becoming a Christian Nation.

The errors of Communism might be subsiding, but the world was so inundated with the filth of Communism (intertwined with Liberalism and New Age Occultism) that, despite its defeat, the planet is still enthralled in darkness.  Our Lady asked for the Consecration of Russia in 1925, but it was not carried out until 1984.  Thus, even though there is overwhelming evidence that Russia is being converted, liberalism and New Age Occultism are infesting the air. As the Virgin Mary lamented to Sister Lucia:

“They (the popes) did not wish to heed my request!… They will repent and do it, but it will be late.


Russia will have already spread her errors throughout the world, provoking wars, and persecutions of the Church: the Holy Father will have much to suffer.”

Since the response to Our Lady’s requests were continually prolonged, the world is now drowning in a Sea of Sin, sin that is less the result of liberalism than of New Ageism, an offshoot of Communism. However, because Communism is dying, the prognosis for the defeat of liberalism and New Age Occultism is greatly enhanced, esp. if men and women cooperate with Our Lady who promised: “In the end my Immaculate Heart will Triumph.” She will triumph not only over Communism, but also over liberalism and New Ageism. However the latter two, unlike defeated Communism, will require both current and future battles, battles from which the Church will arise victorious, battles against a significantly weakened enemy, battles that will be more assuredly won due to the participation of the Virgin Mary who has been invited by the pontiff to participate in the advance in a determinate fashion due to the consecration of the world to Her Immaculate Heart.  She waited a long time for the papal invitation accompanied by the prayers of her children (First saturday Devotion). As St. Louis de Montfort foresaw, the battle before us is to be led by the Virgin Herself:

“Towards the end of the world… Almighty God and his holy Mother are to raise up great saints who will surpass in holiness most other saints as much as the cedars of Lebanon tower above little shrubs…These great souls filled with grace and zeal will be chosen to oppose the enemies of God who are raging on all sides. They will be exceptionally devoted to the Blessed Virgin. Illumined by her light, strengthened by her food, guided by her spirit, supported by her arm, sheltered under her protection, they will fight with one hand and build with the other. With one hand they will give battle, overthrowing and crushing heretics and their heresies, schismatics and their schisms, idolaters and their idolatries, sinners and their wickedness.”

This prophecy of de Montfort is NOT a depiction of the 20th Century; the Church has not yet overcome schism and wickedness, but has been racked with them.  Moreover, instead of building and expanding the Kingdom, as de Montfort foresaw, in the 20th century the church suffered a retraction and serious setback. The scene depicted by Saint Louis is not a depiction of the 20th century, the “Century of Martyrs”, a century that saw Communism and  its spawn, New Age occultism, victorious and spread everywhere. However, following the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in 1984, the tide is turning, a victory is imminent. But as de Montfort indicated, it will entail a great battle, a battle in which “sinners”, “schismatics”, “heretics”, and “idolaters” will be overcome at the same time that those engaged in combat simultaneously build the Kingdom of God leading to the promised Triumph of the Immaculate Heart and an Era of Peace.

Before this victory can occur, the church must engage in a crucial battle with both Liberalism and Occultism, but especially with New Age occultism, which is the spawn of Communism. New Age devotees are themselves at war with the economic and political aspects of Liberalism; Liberalism has two forces working against it. Although New Agers use Catholic vocabulary such as “Men and Women of Goodwill”, human dignity, justice, charity, becoming perfect as the Heavenly Father is perfect, spiritual growth, soul, sanctity, saints, angels, even the names of Jesus and titles such as “Christ”, they have very different meanings; the two are diametrically opposed forces.

At its basis, Communism is an evolutionary paradigm, a biological, cultural and spiritual paradigm rooted in the mystical historical philosophy of Marx’s companion, Friedrich Hegel – who believed in spiritual evolution within the context of human history, within the context of the cosmos which, according to Hegel is involved in the process of spiritual evolution itself. This multifarious Communist evolutionary paradigm, aided by mass propaganda and control of education, found its way into the respectable realm of academia as a result of the reputable work of Russian scientist like Ivan Pavlov and Alexander Oparin, who was the “Father” of Primal Soup Theory, that is of Chemical Evolution, the forerunner of Charles Darwin’s theory of Biological Evolution, which is cousin to the more advanced and esoteric or arcane Spiritual Evolution of Theosophy and the New Age, which is also the product of Communism. Although all three are products of Communism, the latter one (spiritual evolution) is the most insidious; it is intimately related to propagation of homosexuality, feminism, hermaphroditism, spiritism, demonism and of the immense aberrations affecting the West today. They were perpetrated by Communist apparatchiki and their liberal allies in the West who took up the anti-Christian banner under a different name.

As stated above, Communism is at its basis an evolutionary theory of human progress; it therefore incorporates all aspects of human evolution, biological, chemical, social-cultural and New Age spiritual evolution as well. New Age Theosophy was nurtured by Madame Blavatsky (the Russian Matriarch of the New Age) and Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin, the ersatz Russian Orthodox monk who was a student and practitioner of the occult, which he used to promote the Bolshevik Revolution among the Russian aristocracy. The list of those following in the footsteps of these esoteric occultists include General Secretaries of the Communist Party: Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Leonid Brezhnev, and Mikhail Gorbachev.

Alice Bailey, founder of United Nations affiliated publishing house, Lucifer Trust (now Lucis Trust), savant of Freemasonry, and a “Matriarch of the New Age” attested to the link among Russia, Communism and the Occult:

Out of Russia will emerge [a] new magical religion“.

Bailey claimed that she received revelations channeled from a Tibetan ascended “spiritual master” (a human being who purportedly evolved and ascended to the spiritual “ethereal plane” of Shambhala, a mystical dwelling place for spiritual masters supposedly existing in the celestial ether hovering somewhere over Tibet or the Gobi Desert), a master named Djwhal Khul.


SHAMBALLAH: Mystic Dwelling Place of “Ascended Masters” on Etheric Plane (the edge of physical reality) above Gobi Desert


Valentin Kuklev (Soviet philosopher of the occult), has corroborated Bailey’s knowledgeable assertion that the New Age movement had its origins in Russia:

“The roots of the New Age movement are undoubtedly in Russia.” He predicted that a “third culture” that is different from and superior to Marxism and liberalism will evolve out of Communism”.

Thus, it is not surprising that  Mikhail Gorbachev, the former Secretary of the Communist Party is a New Age devotee.  The National Council for Soviet and East European Research concluded that:

“Open interest in the occult surged in the Gorbachev years.”

As a New Age devotee, Gorbachev believes in religious syncretism, that the religions of the world should unite around a core of common beliefs.

We need a new synthesis (Gorbachev says) that incorporates democratic, Christian and Buddhist values,  which affirms such moral principles as the sense of oneness with nature and each other a kind of (new) Ten Commandments that provides a guide for human behavior in the next century and beyond.”

According to Gorbachev, the moral precepts recorded by Moses are outdated, the evolving world requires a new guide for the next Aquarian Century and beyond. Gorbachev, employing the Hegelian evolutionary paradigm, had the percipience to realize that the long evolutionary road to full Communism included a stage known as the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, a temporary evolutionary phase that under his leadership had reached its apex and was about to morph into the next stage of human development: full blown Communism-the idyllic brotherhood of man promised by Communist, Theosophical, Gnostic and New Age evolutionary paradigms. Gorbachev alienated the Communist Old Guard by his forward march toward full Communism, which meant that things had to change if progress was to be made.  He argued that only those Communist Adepts wise enough to realize that the moment had come for a global shift, for the long-awaited historical and evolutionary dawn, only those adepts could be trusted with the paramount task of global renewal. Marx’s promised brotherhood of man was at hand, a New World Order.

Thus, the Gorbachev Foundation boasts that its leader:

“…is driven by a profound commitment to engaging hearts and minds of eminent political figures, experts, journalists and civil society leaders to raise global awareness of the need to herald a new world order.”

Accompanied by a shift of evolutionary consciousness, Gorbachev became a global leader of the New Age and in so doing, the supposed materialist tipped his esoteric hand!  He believed in God after all. His god however is not the Orthodox or Catholic Trinity; Gorbachev is an advocate of Theosophic panentheism or pantheism. Thus, according to Gorbachev (1997) some form of pantheism or nature god is preeminent:

“Look at the sun. If there is no sun, then we cannot exist. So nature is my god. To me, nature is sacred. Trees are my temples and forests are my cathedrals. “Nature Is My God.”

As a New Age devotee committed to a new paradigm shift, he subsequently announced that

“Now the whole world needs restructuringi.e. progressive development, a fundamental change”.

As a true Communist and devotee of the New Age, Gorbachev insists that we must cooperate with the evolutionary force to propel history forward.

“The world is in transition (he said).  It is affected by the specific conditions, by the history, culture and evolution of different nations and regions.”

Consequently he organized, sponsored, and presided at The State of the World Forum,” an international gathering of global elites sponsored by none else that the Gorbachev Foundation. Sensing the demise of Communism and the apropos chance to launch a global initiative upward into the New Age, the theme of their inaugural meeting was appropriately advertised: “Toward a New Civilization: Launching a Global Initiative”.

Gorbachev’s idea for a new civilization is evident in the Earth Charter of which he is a major contributor and signatory. The Earth Charter Initiative is a “global movement of organizations and individuals that embrace the Earth Charter and use it to guide the transition towards a more just, sustainable, and peaceful world. According to Maurice Strong, Gorbachev’s Co-Founder of the Earth Charter:

“The ideas and values in the Earth Charter reflect the influence of a great variety of intellectual sources and social movements. These include the wisdom of the world’s religions and great philosophical traditions and the new scientific worldview being shaped by, among other disciplines, cosmology and ecology.”

Interestingly, not one of these supposed-savants is an Roam catholic or Orthodox Christian. Thus, it is not surprising that they should advocate the creation of a new Ten Commandments. The real goal of the Earth Charter, Maurice insists is:

“That it will in fact become like the Ten Commandments, like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” 

Gorbachev and Strong agree on the Ten Commandments theme and style themselves among the elite cohort of future lawgivers necessary for the progress of humanity.

Thus, according to the Charter:

“Humanity must undergo a global “change of mind and heart.” “The Earth Charter provides a very valuable educational instrument. It encourages us to search for common ground in the midst of our diversity and to embrace a global ethic that is shared by an ever-growing number of people throughout the world.”

The new ethic includes:

  1. Eliminating discrimination in all its forms, such as that based on race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, language, and national, ethnic or social origin (liberalism).
  2. Promoting the equitable distribution of wealth within nations and among nations (socialism).
  3. Prevention of cruelty to animals kept in human societies and protecting them from suffering with no mention of human babies or abortion (Culture of Death).
  4. Promotion of a culture of tolerance, nonviolence, and peace (liberalism, war on old thinking, i.e., Christian Culture, immigration etc.)
  5. Affirming inherent dignity of all human beings.” (however, UN agencies support euthanasia and abortion for those not capable of a “quality” life.)

As said above, Gorbachev would like to institute a new Ten Commandments beginning with “Do not do unto the environment of others what you do not want done to your own environment.” He also expects the Earth Charter to become a new “Sermon on the Mount'” that “provides a guide for human behavior toward the environment in the next century.”

And in what should the Earth Charter, the new Ten Commandment be housed? nothing else than a new Ark build according to the biblical Ark that held the Ten Commandments given by God to Moses. Gorbachev’s Ark, known as the Ark of Hope contains the world’s New Age Temenos Books and the new Ten Commandments, the New Age Earth Charter.


In attempt to grace the World Forum and annual Earth Charter meetings with much needed enlightenment, Gorbachev has invited a veritable Who’s Who List of New Age savants to act as spiritual advisors.  Some of his invitees include:

Fritjof Capra, the Tao physicist of Berkeley; New Age channelers Shirley MacLaine and  Barbara Marx Hubbard; the Buddhist poet, Thich Nhat Hanh; also Robert Muller, acclaimed New Age advocate and former Undersecretary of the United Nations; Deepak Chopra, a TV personality and New Age Guru; New Age adept Maurice Strong who also served as Undersecretary of the UN and President of the Council of the University for Peace; as well as Michael Murphy, founder of Esalen; New Age darling, Tony Robbins; an occult apostate priest, Matthew Fox and Desmond Tutu and a host of New Age Episcopal Clergy.

As an imbiber of New Age Enlightenment, Barbara Marx Hubbard believes that Lucifer is the true benefactor of  humanity, while the God of Genesis is a vindictive tyrant imprisoning men and women in ignorance:

“The serpent symbolizes an irresistible energy that is leading us toward life ever-evolving. First the serpent tempted Eve to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil…. Then self-awareness came….”Evil — the devil — is evolution’s selection process that constantly weeds out the weaker from the stronger.”

Corollary with her adulation of Lucifer, Hubbard boasts that a spirit guide who identified itself as “Jesus” told her to “love Satan, my fallen brother”.

Hubbard is simply confirming what the Russian Madame Blavatsky conveyed about Lucifer:

“The Fall was the result of man’s knowledge, for his ‘eyes were opened.’ Indeed, he was taught Wisdom and the hidden knowledge by the ‘Fallen Angel.'”

Robert Muller, the former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, would like to assure that these esoteric teachings are stealthily included in formative education of children (more explicit as they mature by degrees and initiations). Muller garnered the UNESCO award for his contribution to Peace Education (without mention of the Prince of Peace), the  “World Core Curriculum” .  This world curriculum is to be introduced into schools worldwide beginning with the Robert Muller School.  According to Muller,

“The underlying philosophy upon which The Robert Muller School is based will be found in the teachings set forth in the books of Alice A. Bailey” (the matriarch who opens our eyes to the supposed truth that Lucifer is the benefactor of humanity).

Bailey, as indicated above, received her teachings from a medium who channeled the voice of a Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul, residing on Shamballa. According to his and other occultic voices, the new united world religion must be universal, all New Age initiates must profess their sole spiritual allegiance to “the global spirituality (not Jesus Christ) and to the health of this planet”.  Muller harbors an animus toward Protestantism: He insists that fundamentalism must be “tamed”. Muller also favors eradication of loyal Catholics and thanks the French Revolution for having begun the job, which still needs to be finished: “Two of the worst principles and words still used on planet Earth are: “fundamentalism” and “infallibility.”

Muller envisions the United Nations hatching a syncretic religion to replace Protestantism and Catholicism.

 “At the beginning the UN was only a hope. Today it is a political reality. Tomorrow it will be the world’s religion.”

Muller admonishes us to look to Gorbachev and Communism for answers to the future.

“We should ask an honest man like Mikhail Gorbachev to tell us what was good in certain cases in communism and which would be useful for humanity.”

The apostate priest Matthew Fox believes in a “Cosmic Christ” and wants us to envision a coming Vatican Council III called explicitly to define a new dogma about the “Cosmic Christ” a new and evolved understanding of the Christ rooted in New Age theosophy. Fox envisions future papal imposed re-education camps for members of the episcopate who refuse to adopt the new cosmic ideas:

“Still another action taken by this (future cosmic) pope has been to gather non-conforming members of the Catholic Episcopate on one island where they are to undergo a two-year spiritual retreat that includes a critique of the history of fascism and Christianity on the one hand and an inculcation of creation spirituality on the other.”

These are the men and women Mr. Gorbachev calls friends, the brain trust that he and Maurice Strong et al chose to enlighten their global forums.  Thus, it is little surprise that the ideas advanced by such authors of the Earth Charter include:

  1. The planet as a whole is a living, self-regulating system” (New Age GAIA -Greek Goddess of the Earth).
  2. Over billions of years of evolution, the Earth’s ecosystems have evolved certain principles of organization to sustain the web of life”
  3. “The Way Forward,” calls for “a change of mind and heart…. spiritual awakening that leads to moral insight, inner growth, and transformation (New Age Evolution)
  4. The Charter states that “A dramatic rise in population has increased the pressures on ecological systems and has overburdened social systems” (Old over-population argument – population must be reduced somehow – abortion, contraception, or ?).
  5. Ensuring “universal access to health care that fosters reproductive health and responsible reproduction. (contraception abortion, artificial insemination etc.)

Nor is it surprising that Gorbachev was committed to radical economic, political and spiritual change  As Bruce Kettler asserts:

“What was Gorbachev as a leader if not “New Age”?   Yes, and he was a part of the New World Order movement.  What a radical change he brought about!… Sudden and radical change.”

A change that includes attack on the family and God’s command to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28).” Gorbachev seems to prefer the old Chinese approach: Speaking in 1997 about the transition to a New Global Order, Gorbachev commented:

“For a certain transitional period families should limit themselves to one child.”

According to Lee Penn:

“New Age spiritual leaders have a firmly entrenched anti-Christian worldview, and many of them harbor a special hatred for the Catholic Church. Many believe that the Fall was really man’s ascent into knowledge, assisted by Lucifer — whom they hail as the bringer of light and wisdom. Many expect an imminent, apocalyptic transformation that will lead humanity into the New Age. By acts of men or by an act of “spirit,” earth will be cleansed of those who refuse to evolve.”

As an evolutionary spiritual paradigm, older religions have played their role in the past ascent of the human race and now must give way to more advanced forms spirituality, especially Christianity and Judaism which are considered “separative” and “obsolete”; they are a drag on human development and must be transformed or eradicated.

Using overpopulation as a drag on evolution argument, New Age adepts and change agents plan to usher in more deaths than those caused by CommunismBarbara Marx Hubbard, a friend and  colleague of Gorbachev, quoted above, was an organizer of the 1988 Soviet-American Citizens’ Summit in Alexandria, Virginia. “She coordinated with the Soviet Peace Committee…established by Stalin to carry out penetration and subversion of foreign countries.” This same Ms. Hubbard states that she and others are “establishing Evolutionary Circles throughout the world to support small groups in their emergence as universal humans, founders of a new global civilization.” She boasts that:

“We, the elders, have been patiently waiting until the very last moment before the quantum transformation, to take action to cut out this corrupted and corrupting element in the body of humanity. It is like watching a cancer grow; something must be done before the whole body is destroyed . . . the self-centered members must be destroyed. There is no alternative. Only the God-centered (New Age devotees) can evolve. . . . We will use whatever means we must to make this act of destruction as quick and painless as possible to the one-half of the world who are capable of evolving” (painless for evolving New Age, not those to be euthanized) (Hubbard, pp 60-61).

Perhap Gorbachev’s New Age, anti-Christian values can be assessed from his close association with George Soros, the contemporary Patriarch and purveyor of liberal Globalism.  Speaking of Gorbachev, Soros stated:

“I believe that his vision is clearest and most far-sighted in international relations—indeed, in the USSR the expression “new thinking” is usually applied to international politics.”

The link between Gorbachev, Communism and the New Age is aptly stated by Alice Bailey:

 “The true communistic platform is sound; it is brotherhood in action and it does not — in its original platform — run counter to the spirit of Christ.”

This was the platform that Gorbachev was committed to advancing, advancing from the Dictatorship of the Proletariat to full blown Communism including a New Age spiritual leap forward. Fortunately, Our Lady had other plans. Fortunately, Gorbachev was forced from power; he was followed by a liberal lackey who paved the way for Vladimir Putin, a political leader who set Russia on a different course than that planned by his New Age predecessor. Consequently, New Age Globalists led by men like Soros, are vilifying Putin; he is striking at their roots.  Christians should be thanking God for Putin who is under attack by anti-Christian globalists apparently steeped in the occult.  According to Putin:

“Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values. Policies are being pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in Satan. This is the path to degradation.”



Pat Buchanan, the Conservative Paleocon journalist and once US Presidential Candidate, recognizes the transformation wrought by President Putin, recognizes where the future is going. It will not be into a Luciferian New Age. Thanks to the reawakening of Christianity in Russia and beyond, it will be a promised Marian Era of Peace:

“In the culture war for the future of mankind, Putin is planting Russia`s flag firmly on the side of traditional Christianity.”

Our Lady of Fatima indicated that Communism was the cause of the world’s woes. Her remedies: the Consecration of Russia, the Rosary,  Brown Scapular  and true Marian Devotion leading to Eucharistic Devotion heralded by the World Apostolate of Fatima.

St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe, aware of Communism in the East, identified the enemy in the West as Freemasonry. His remedies: the Rosary, Miraculous Medal and authentic Marian Devotion leading to Christ in the Eucharist heralded by the Militia Immaculata.

With New Age Globalism having one Communist foot in the grave, it is up to the crippled Masons alone to peddle dying liberalism and New Age Occultism. Masonry is facing the combined forces of the Roman Catholic and Russian Orthodox Churches, and of the spiritual special forces headed by the Militia Immaculata and the World Apostolate of Fatima, greatly emboldened by the Queen of Heaven, Theotokos, the Heaven sent Ark of the Covenant (Rv 11:19-12:2) to assure all the graces necessary to defeat a crippled enemy and usher in an Era of Peace.

As  Saint Louis de Montfort foresaw:

“Towards the end of the world… Almighty God and his holy Mother are to raise up great saints who will surpass in holiness most other saints as much as the cedars of Lebanon tower above little shrubs…These great souls filled with grace and zeal will be chosen to oppose the enemies of God who are raging on all sides. They will be exceptionally devoted to the Blessed Virgin. Illumined by her light, strengthened by her food, guided by her spirit, supported by her arm, sheltered under her protection, they will fight with one hand and build with the other. With one hand they will give battle, overthrowing and crushing heretics and their heresies, schismatics and their schisms, idolaters and their idolatries, sinners and their wickedness.”

Holy Mother of God -“Ora pro nobis”.

Follow these links To find out more about the Militia Immaculata and its battle with Freemasonry. 

Why is Russia Being Converted? Triumph of the Immaculate Heart Part II

(New Era World News)

Please Read Part I Before Proceeding

THE FIRST PART OF THIS ARTICLE concluded with an implicit message: The chastisement foretold by Our Lady at Fatima is not the eschatological chastisement of Anti-Christ to come at the end of the world, but a 20th century chastisement of Communism, a chastisement that is abating. The 20th century was plagued by two World Wars followed by other atrocious wars fought all over the globe, wars accompanied by gruesome tortures, death camps and gulags where priests and nuns were brutalized along with innocent women and children, churches desecrated by the tens of thousands, nuclear holocaust at the door and the mainstream media would have us believe that a cohort of paid for terrorists, poverty stricken men without a country, men driving jeeps paid for by American and Saudi dollars, jeeps equipped with nothing but machine guns and IEDs, we are to believe that such feeble forces are somehow a match for the world’s superpowers, somehow equal to or greater than the evils of Communism. The threat of terrorism is minimal compared to the atrocities of Communism, which was a real chastisement, not a manufactured one.

A review of the Twentieth Century should provide a powerful antidote to the manufactured false consciousness (that a chastisement sent by God and led by Russia is imminent) resulting from false news narratives, which are both (the consciousness and the narrative) indicative signs of the times. Such a review should convince thinking people that Russia is being converted, that the world has just passed through a horrendous chastisement of unprecedented and colossal proportion as a punishment for its sins. The chastisement foretold by Our Lady at Fatima is rapidly becoming a thing of the past – it is not a future event. Russia is no longer a Communist nation, and is swiftly becoming a Christian one:

According to past Prime Minister Dimitri Medvedev

“The continual work of the Russian Orthodox Church will effect the revival of Christianity in our nation. Thanks to the Orthodox faith Russian culture through the years has acquired Biblical values on which the system of moral ideals for our nation is built”


“When we celebrated the millennial anniversary of the Baptism of Russia twenty years ago it was the beginning of churches being rebuilt and the restoration of the integrity of the Orthodox Church”.


Proof of a 20th Century Chastisement: A Review of Some of the Atrocities Committed in the name of Communism in the 20th Century

The first and most obvious indicator of a divine chastisement inflicted by God in the twentieth century was the global conflagration caused by two world wars, wars that were a “punishment for sin”. Thus, Our Lady told Sister Lucia prior to the outbreak of World War II:

“When you see a night illumined by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you by God that He is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war, famine, and persecutions of the Church and of the Holy Father.”

And who would be the instrument of God’s chastisement, Russia. Thus, Our Lady in order to mitigate or prevent the chastisement told Sister Lucia:

“To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the Consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart”, and that if this request were fulfilled, Russia would be converted and a period of peace given to the world.

However, she said, if my requests are unheeded,

“Russia will spread its errors throughout the world, raising up wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer and various nations will be annihilated.”

Since Our Lady’s requests went unheeded, Russia became the instrument of God’s vindictive justice: causing wars, martyrdom of the good, persecution of the Church, the Holy Father and the annihilation of nations. The list of war death and casualties is astounding: Over 90,000,000 dead!



Country Military Deaths Total Civilian and Military Deaths
Albania 30,000 30,200
Australia 39,800 40,500
Austria 261,000 384,700
Belgium 12,100 86,100
Brazil 1,000 2,000
Bulgaria 22,000 25,000
Canada 45,400 45,400
China 3-4,000,000 20,000,000
Czechoslovakia 25,000 345,000
Denmark 2,100 3,200
Dutch East Indies 3-4,000,000
Estonia 51,000
Ethiopia 5,000 100,000
Finland 95,000 97,000
France 217,600 567,600
French Indochina 1-1,500,000
Germany 5,533,000 6,600,000-8,800,000
Greece 20,000-35,000 300,000-800,000
Hungary 300,000 580,000
India 87,000 1,500,000-2,500,000
Italy 301,400 457,000
Japan 2,120,000 2,600,000-3,100,000
Korea 378,000-473,000
Latvia 227,000
Lithuania 353,000
Luxembourg 2,000
Malaya 100,000
Netherlands 17,000 301,000
New Zealand 11,900 11,900
Norway 3,000 9,500
Papua New Guinea 15,000
Philippines 57,000 500,000-1,000,000
Poland 240,000 5,600,000
Rumania 300,000 833,000
Singapore 50,000
South Africa 11,900 11,900
Soviet Union 8,800,000-10,700,000 24,000,000
United Kingdom 383,600 450,700
United States 416,800 418,500
Yugoslavia 446,000 1,000,000


Battle Deaths 15,000,000
Battle Wounded 25,000,000
Civilian Deaths 45,000,000

SOURCE: National World War II Museum
*Worldwide casualty estimates vary widely in several sources. The number of civilian deaths in China alone might well be more than 50,000,000.

In addition to deaths attributed to World War II, the chastisement of Communism included the spread of atheistic errors and the death by martyrdom (or social ostracism) for those who openly resisted, especially of Christians and those harboring religious ideas contrary to the Revolution, as Vladimir Lenin gloated:

“Every religious idea, every idea of God, even flirting with the idea of God, is unutterable vileness,” and must therefore be combatted.”

Josef Stalin emulated his predecessor Vladimir Lenin and made Lenin’s malicious boast his own:

We are…the real revolutionaries—we are going to tear the whole thing down! We shall destroy and smash everything, ha-ha-ha, with the result that everything will be smashed to smithereens and fly off in all directions, and nothing will remain standing! Yes, we are going to destroy everything, and on the ruins we will build our temple!…The ultimate truth lies in communism, which must  now be brought into existence…And don’t talk to me. It is better for you if you don’t talk, for I shall attack mercilessly anyone who smells of counter-revolution. Against the counter revolutionaries, whoever they are, I shall employ Comrade Uritsky, ha-ha-ha. Do you know him? It will be better for you, I think if you don’t make his acquaintance”.

As a student of Karl Marx and a disciple of Lenin, Stalin identified religion and especially Christianity as the enemy of violent revolutionary progress.  He therefore viciously attacked the Church and anything that smacked of counter-revolution. In an attempt to eradicate Christianity and prepare the foundations for a new temple (the Temple of Anti-Christ), he was responsible for the death of over 20,000,000 people in his own country alone.  He is aptly referred to by many as the most evil man in human history and consequently appears on virtually every iniquitous list, such as the following, which contains the ten most evil men of all time. Of these ten, five lived in twentieth century.



This corps of iniquitous reprobates instituted and led a global slaughter of religion and a cultural pogrom the results of which are still reverberating today. Nearly every atrocity conceivable to the human mind was perpetrated in the name of Communism or supposed anti-Communist Liberalism and in unprecedented numbers including:

  • Cruel death by production and dissemination of deadly diseases.”Historian Sheldon H. Harris of California State University estimates that more than 200,000 Chinese were killed in germ warfare experiments (and millions in other ways), while many others died in related blights.”
  • Premeditated murder of Polish men, women and children by Hans Frank, the “Butcher of Poland.”  “It was under his rule that millions of lives were taken…  Frank boasted that if “a  poster was made for every seven Poles I shot, the forests of Poland would not be sufficient to manufacture the paper.”
  • Obscene sexual abuse and torture committed by order of SS Special Commando Oskar Dirlewanger “one of the most depraved persons to wear a Nazi uniform… He was an alcoholic and drug addict, a child molester, and a man prone to severe violence…. His preferred method of mass execution was to herd the local population inside a barn, set it on fire, and then shoot anyone who tried to escape with machine guns. Dirlewanger is estimated to have killed at least 30,000 people during his Belarus tour alone.”
  • The intensive fire bombing of civilians in Cologne, Hamburg, Berlin, and most controversially, of Dresden, but also including 500,000 deaths and the displacement of five million additional civilians in the Pacific region. “The most infamous of these raids happened from March 9 to 10, when raids over Tokyo killed an estimated 100,000 civilians, marking it the most deadly single assault on civilians during the Second World War.”
  • Rape of Nanking — an evil debauching of 200,000 to 300,000 Chinese soldiers and civilians including the rape of  20,000 women.
  • Experimentation on living human subjects by Nazi sadists such as Josef Mengele who collected the eyes of his murdered victims.” He conducted a wide spectrum resulting in the death of many of his “test subjects” . Others who did not die were “murdered in order to facilitate post-mortem examination”. 
  • Inhuman elimination of tens of thousands of Yugoslav citizens (men, women and children) and deportation of myriads more to invidious death camps by Italian fascist General Mario Roatta, nicknamed “the black beast” by his own men.
  • Brutal termination of over a million Jews in the death camps of Auschwitz, Treblink , Sobibor, Belzec, and Majdanek (The 14 Most Loathsome Figures of World War II)

The above bullet points are but a mere trifle compared to additional lethal atrocities unleashed during the twentieth century. Others include the harvest of tears resulting in over 4,000,000 deaths by starvation of Catholic peasants in the Ukraine while their crops were looted to feed the urban populations of Russia.

“Families who did not flee were often rounded up and sent to the Gulag. To prevent people from leaving the farms or escaping, roadblocks were set up by armed soldiers and police…It was not uncommon for entire villages to be littered with corpses laying in the streets, and witnesses recall seeing dogs gnawing on lifeless limbs. Some people were tortured by hunger and resorted to cannibalism, either by exhuming buried victims or kidnapping children.”

By the end of 1930 over 50,000 Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant churches were desecrated and destroyed in the Soviet Union alone. This campaign against religion spread to Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Mexico, Ukraine, Lithuania  Nicaragua and beyond – each nation sadly possessing their own archive of atrocities against the Church, against the Eucharist; priests, nuns, religious and faithful laity who were eliminated not by thousands or by tens of thousands but by millions and tens of millions. In all these places, as in Russia, priests and other members of religious clergy were executed and often brutally tortured.

Alexander Zinoviev, who headed the Communist Party in Petrograd during the early years of the Revolution boasted:

“We must carry along with us 90 of the 100 million of Soviet Russia’s inhabitants. As for the rest, we have nothing to say to them. They must be annihilated.” And they were, often at the hands of the Cheka, the secret police formed by the early Communists and who, in the chaos following the Revolution, behaved with lawless abandon.”


The communist purge spread well beyond Russia to such remote places as Mongolia.

“By the time Mongolia’s terror ended in the mid-1950s after periodic spasms of bloodshed, as many as 100,000 people had been executed a heavy toll in a country that even today has only 2.4 million citizens.”

Dr. Genden Tserendulam has collected names of 28,185 persons killed in 1937-39 alone. Some 17,000 were Buddhist clergy, whose influence the communists feared.”  These crimes spread to China and resulted in the purge of over 50,00,000 Chinese caught up in the “Cultural War” unleashed by Chairman Mao Tse Tung, who vies with Russia’s Stalin as the “Deadliest Leader of all Time.”



This above video of the 20th century under communism is so perverse as to require nothing but the mention of equally heinous crimes of communism, crimes committed by Pol Pot in Cambodia, atrocities in Vietnam ( where the total death toll on all fronts of the war from 1959 to 1975 is estimated to be approximately 3-4 million) and throughout the Third World in Africa with special mention of Rwanda and the Soviet sponsored African National Conference (ANC):

Pol Pot governed Cambodia from 1975 to 1979. His regime was responsible for an estimated 1.5 to 2 million Cambodians who “died of starvation, execution, disease or overwork. One detention center, S-21, was so notorious that only seven of the roughly 20,000 people imprisoned there are known to have survived. In Africa

The crimes committed by the ANC in the name of liberation are legion. First, there was the practice of “necklacing,” in which a gasoline-filled tire is placed around the neck of a victim and set ablaze — an action carried out by Winnie Mandela and her minions. Another horror was the “Church Street Massacre,” in which Nelson Mandela approved of a bomb set to explode at rush hour to maximize casualties of Afrikaner women, children and babies.”

Through the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the gulags of northern Angola…the ANC has admitted that torture and “staggering brutality” were committed at their Angolan re-education camps in the 1980s and “could have caused prisoner deaths.” In an internal report, the ANC documented 17 eyewitness accounts of detainees who survived the camps.”


“The ANC routinely violated its own code of conduct with physical and psychological torture,” said the report. One detainee has written a book about the camps, which he referred to as “a scene from [the film] ‘Spartacus.”

The Virgin Mary said that the errors of communism would spread throughout the world, no continent was spared! Thus, communist atrocities and tentacles reached into Latin America where the CIA was complicit in crimes against humanity in the name of anti-Communism as were the communists in the name of Communism.

The Association for Responsible Dissent estimates that by 1987, 6 million people had died as a result of CIA covert operations. (2) Former State Department official William Blum correctly calls this an “American Holocaust.”

Perhaps the best known CIA setback in the war against communism was the Bay of Pigs:

“The CIA sends 1,500 Cuban exiles to invade Castro’s Cuba. But “Operation Mongoose” fails, due to poor planning, security and backing. The planners had imagined that the invasion will spark a popular uprising against Castro -– which never happens. A promised American air strike also never occurs. This is the CIA’s first public setback, causing President Kennedy to fire CIA Director Allen Dulles.

All in all the death toll from Communism in the 20th century is staggering. According to Stéphane Courtois author of “The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repressionover 94,000,000 people died at the hands of communists not to mention the greater number that were imprisoned and others who were tortured but lived to tell the story. In the introduction to this book, Courtois stated that “Communist regimes… turned mass crime into a full-blown system of government.”  He wrote that Communist regimes are responsible for a greater number of deaths than any other political ideal or movement. The following are non-inflated estimates that represent the number civilians killed or starved to death Communist governments since 1918. These numbers do not include the war dead listed above.  TOTAL: Civilian Deaths due to Communist Chastisement: 149,469,610.


Rank Flag Country
1 China Flag People’s Republic of China
Body Count: 73,237,000
1949-Present (57+ years and counting)R.J. Rummel originally estimated China’s body count between between the years of 1949-1987 to be 35,236,000 (Rummel 1994). This excluded 38,000,000 million that died of famine during the Great Leap Forward. After the release of Mao: The Unknown Story, Rummel became convinced that the Chinese government was directly responsible for the famine, thus increasing his original estimate by 38,000,000 (Rummel 2005). 1,000 was added for Tienanmen Square in 1989 (Courtois 1999).
2 USSR Flag Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
Body Count: 58,627,000
1922-1991 (69 years)The body count only covers the years 1923-1987 (Rummel 1996).
3 Russia Flag Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic
Body Count: 3,284,000
1918-1922 (4 years)This body count does not include the 6,210,000 killed in the civil war (Rummel 1996).
4 North Korea Flag Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Body Count: 3,163,000
1948-Present (58+ years and counting)1,663,000 is attributed between 1948-1987 excluding the Korean War (Rummel 1994). 2,500,000 is the mid-estimate for those who starved to death between 1995-1998 (U.S. Committee for Human Rights in North Korea 2006).
5 Cambodia Flag Cambodia
Body Count: 2,627,000
1975-1987 (12 years)The body count estimate is complete (Rummel 1994). The offical country name was Democratic Kampuchea during Pol Pot’s reign and then known as People’s Republic of Kampuchea afterwards.
6 Afghanistan Flag Democratic Republic of Afghanistan
Body Count: 1,750,000
1978-1992 (14 years)The body count estimate is complete (Courtois 1999).
7 Vietnam Flag Vietnam
Body Count: 1,670,000
1975-Present (30+ years and counting)The body count covers the years 1945-1987 for Vietnam/North Vietnam and excludes 1,062,000 from the Vietnam War (Rummel 1994).
8 Ethiopia Flag People’s Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Body Count: 1,343,610
1974-1991 (17 years)The body count includes 10,000 political assasinations during 1977-1978, 1,000 children killed in 1977, 110 massacred in an Orthodox church in 1975, 80,000 during the civil war between 1978-1980, 250,000 that died in 1982 through Transit Camps, and 2,500 killed in a bombing raid (Courtois 1999). Another 1,000,000 is added for the famine during 1984-1985 (BBC News 2000).
9 Yugoslavia Flag Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Body Count: 1,072,000
1945-1992 (47 years)The body count only covers the years 1945-1992 excluding 100,000 from the Tito Partisans between 1941-1944 (Rummel 1994).
10 Chinese Soviet Republic Flag Chinese Soviet Republic
Body Count: 700,000
1931-1934 (3 years)The body count only includes the Jiangxi and Fujian provinces (Chang 2005). Although Mozambique has 700,000 to its name, the Chinese Soviet Republic produced more bodies in a shorter time period and the estimate is low.
11 Mozambique Flag People’s Republic of Mozambique
Body Count: 700,000
1975-1990 (15 years)100,000 civilians murdered between 1986 and mid-1988 (Young 1991) and 600,000 starved to death between 1975-1985 (Courtois 1999).
12 Romania Flag Socialist Republic of Romania
Body Count: 435,000
1947-1989 (42 years)The body count only covers the years 1947-1987 (Rummel 1997).
13 Bulgaria Flag People’s Republic of Bulgaria
Body Count: 222,000
1946-1990 (44 years)The body count only covers the years 1948-1987 (Rummel 1997).
14 Angola Flag People’s Republic of Angola
Body Count: 125,000
1975-1992 (17 years)The body count only covers the years 1975-1987 (Rummel 1997).
15 Mongolia Flag Mongolian People’s Republic
Body Count: 100,000
1924-1992 (68 years)The body count only covers the years 1924-1987 (Rummel 1997).
16 Albania Flag People’s Socialist Republic of Albania
Body Count: 100,000
1946-1991 (45 years)The body count only covers the years 1944-1987 (Rummel 1997).
17 Cuba Flag Republic of Cuba
Body Count: 73,000
1961-Present (45+ years and counting)The body count only covers the years 1959-1987 (Rummel 1997).
18 East Germany Flag German Democratic Republic
Body Count: 70,000
1949-1990 (41 years)The body count only covers the years 1948-1987 (Rummel 1997).
19 Czechoslovakia Flag Socialist Republic of Czechoslovakia
Body Count: 65,000
1948-1990 (42 years)The body count only covers the years 1948-1968 (Rummel 1997).
20 Laos Flag Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Body Count: 56,000
1975-Present (31+ years and counting)The body count only covers the years 1975-1987 excluding 47,000 war dead (Rummel 1997).
21 Hungary Flag Hungarian People’s Republic
Body Count: 27,000
1949-1989 (40 years)The body count only covers the years 1948-1987 (Rummel 1997).
22 Poland Flag People’s Republic of Poland
Body Count: 22,000
1948-1989 (41 years)The body count only covers the years 1948-1987 (Rummel 1997). Excludes 1,585,000 from ethnic cleansing between 1945-1950 (Rummel 1994).
23 Yemen Flag People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen
Body Count: 1,000
1969-1990 (21 years)The body count only covers the years 1969-1987 (Rummel 1997).

TABLE Created by Scott Manning

If Russia is to be the cause of a future chastisement, how in heaven’s name do we understand that which the world just went through?

Communism also spread to Western Europe and even into America as its economic and philosophical principles slowly ascended into the once hallowed halls of American and European universities where the errors of liberalism are regent today. Communism did not limit itself to political repression; it also employed increasingly sophisticated psychological warfare which greatly enhanced efforts to dehumanize human beings. Humans were to be reduced to and treated as animals motivated and controlled by biological reflexes paired with associated ideas planted in the mind using advanced psychological weapons employing light and sound waves in multi-media production. Employing the media as the basis for psychological warfare entered its infancy during the reign of Lenin; today it has reached heights that even he would not have dreamed possible (see video below).



Fortunately, Communism is being defeated thanks to a supernatural tidal wave unleashed by the Consecration of Russia by Pope John Paul II on March 25, 1984. Today Gorbachev is a fossil, liberalism is in decline, the Communist Chastisement has been ended and Russia, the scourge of humanity is being converted as we head step by step to an Era of Peace.

The writing is on the wall as Poland and Russia accompanied by the Slavic nations of Eastern Europe and an increasing array of populist parties committed to family and traditional values continue to spread across Europe to the chagrin of globalists who are being outplayed by the Mother of God.


Is That not Conversion – Profound Conversion?

The consecration was repeated in churches throughout Poland. The people united under the leadership of the Polish episcopate, statesmen and military leaders raised their voices:

“Immortal King of Ages Lord Jesus Christ, we Poles stand before you to acknowledge your reign, surrender to your law, and entrust our homeland and the whole nation to you.”


“Humbly bowing our heads before you, King of the Universe, we acknowledge your dominion over the Polish nation, those living in the homeland and throughout the world. Wishing to worship the majesty of Thy power and glory, with great faith and love, we cry out: Rule us, Christ!”

Prior to this Pope John Paul cried out:

“The hour has come when the message of Divine Mercy is able to fill hearts with hope and to become the spark of a new civilization: the civilization of love. —POPE JOHN PAUL II, Homily, August 18th, 2002

The Message of Divine Mercy is intimately linked with the Message of Fatima and the promised Era of Peace.  Jesus Himself told Saint Faustina:

Mankind will not have ‘peace’ until it turns with trust to My mercy.”

He told her to:

“Speak to the world about My mercy; let all mankind recognize My unfathomable mercy. It is a sign for the end times; after it will come the day of justice. … You will prepare the world for My final coming (Diary, 848 and 429).

He also told Faustina, that the spark for the Hour of Mercy precipitating the Era of Peace, both conterminous and ancillary to His “final coming”, the spark He said would come forth from Poland. It has!


Yes, the world is a mess, yes here is a great amount of work to be done, yes the stench of Communist errors are enveloping the atmosphere, but the curse of communism has been abated, these forces are weakening, signs of the promised triumph are all around, but they are not being reported. Newera News, however, is committed to high quality news, to the truth about the Virgin Mary, about the Hour of Mercy and the Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart, please take time and review some of the many news stories we have published during the past year.


CONCLUSION: If Russia is to be the cause of a future chastisement,what in Heaven’s name do we call that which the world just went through?  Russia is no longer implementing, supporting or disseminating all the errors and horrors examined above.  Instead, they are supporting life, fighting abortion, building churches, putting Christian prayer in public schools, requiring teachers to take theology and ethics courses, fighting liberalism, and protecting Christians around the globe. As Our Lady promised: Communism has been defeated in Russia – the 20th Century Chastisement spearheaded by Russia has ended! Russia is becoming a Christian Nation!!


Thank God and thank the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary!!!


Communism has ended in Russia!  Russia is becoming a Christian Nation!! Thank God and thank the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary!!!








Why is Russia Being Converted? Triumph of the Immaculate Heart Part I

(New Era World News)

THE WORLD AND THE CHURCH have both lived through and barely survived a calamitous twentieth century, a century often referred to as “A Century of Martyrs”, a century in which the Church experienced the largest and most heinous onslaught in the history of humanity, a century characterized by world wars, apostasy, persecution of the good, and global chastisement as foretold by Our Lady of Fatima.  Father John Hardon lamented the colossal blood-soaked global chastisement of the 20th century:

“On the bloody side, our century has had more Christians who were martyred for Christ than in all the centuries from Calvary to nineteen hundred included.”

Pope John Paul II also recognized the fury unleashed against the Church in the 20th century:

“In our own century the martyrs have returned….The Church has once again become a Church of martyrs. The persecutions of believers —priests, religious and laity—has caused a great sowing of martyrdom in different parts of the world” (Tertio Millennio-Adveniente).

The scope of 20th Century Christian Martyrdom, was so broad that it moved Pope John Paul II to devote more ink to the topic than any other pope in human history:

Never in the history of the papacy has any Bishop of Rome written at greater length about martyrdom than Pope John Paul II.”

Fortunately, this century, this abominable century, has ended, but few seem to have taken notice of the global improvement; they are too focused on the sea of evils that the media place before them on a daily basis in order to perpetrate a nefarious deception, a deception intended to keep them from knowing the truth, keep them from realizing that Communism is dying, Russia is being converted and that we are headed for an “Era of Peace” as promised by the Mother of God at Fatima.  The media is engaged in a collusion of silence and a distortion of the truth about Russia. Russia’s ongoing conversion must be distorted because it is related to the consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by Pope John Paul II and the subsequent Triumph promised by the Virgin Mary at Fatima.

When Sister Lucia asked Our Lord why the Holy Father had to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart, why He, as King of Kings and High Priest, could not forego the papal consecration and convert Russia without the input of a pope?  Jesus responded that it is His will that His entire Church attribute the conversion of Russia to His Mother’s Immaculate Heart so that the Church would thereafter raise devotion to Her Immaculate Heart next to devotion to His Sacred Heart.  In His own words, Jesus told Lucia:

“I want My whole Church to acknowledge that consecration (of Russia) as a triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so that it may extend its cult later on, and put this devotion beside the devotion to My Sacred Heart.”

Jesus, in obedience to the fourth commandment, wants His Mother honored – He wants her honored because He loves her. It is she who gave Him His Body, the Body that died and rose from the dead, the Body that is the Temple of the Holy Spirit and the New Israel, the Church. Thus, as Mother of His Body; she is the Mother of all the faithful, who in accordance with scripture, shall call her blessed forever. Since all prophetic scriptures are to be fulfilled, “all generations” (even this perverse generation), will call her blessed (Luke 1:48). To help assure the fulfillment of Luke 1:48 in this generation, Jesus wished to stress the intimate connection linking the conversion of Russia to the Immaculate Heart. He wants His entire Church to recognize that the conversion of Russia is the direct result of the consecration to her Heart, thereby motivating the Church to elevate devotion to this Heart by placing it along side of His own.

Because the Consecration of Russia is associated with the victory of Mary’s Immaculate Heart and Russia’s conversion as foretold at Fatima, because of this, Russia must be vilified, the truth about its conversion must be distorted and twisted to hide the fact that Russia, rather than helping advance global liberalism, is in fact now opposing the hegemony of the globalists. RUSSIA’S CONVERSION, THE PAPAL CONSECRATION, AND THE VICTORY OF THE IMMACULATE HEART ARE INTIMATELY CONNECTED; therefore, all hell is opposed to the truth about the papal consecration and subsequent events that are occurring in Russia.  In this regard, renowned media professor Marshall McLuhan wrote:

“The modern media are engaged in Luciferian conspiracy against the truth.”

Lucifer is at perpetual war with the Virgin Mary (Gen 3:15; Rev 12: 13-15). It thus behooves him to sequester, camouflage, pervert and disguise knowledge about Russia’s conversion, to dissociate that country’s conversion from the Immaculate Heart.  His cohorts therefore distort information about the consecration and about change underway in Russia and throughout the world, change that clearly indicates that the triumph she promised is occurring.  Her triumph and the promised conversion of Russia must be kept hidden from all the world. The legions of hell and their adepts are ceaselessly working through such clandestine apparatus as fake news, staged political events, false apparitions and diabolical chicanery to obfuscate and confuse all mankind in order to railroad or steal the promised Era of Peace. Father John Hardon elucidating McLuhan’s meaning stated:

“Millions of words are published every day and heard over the radio and television. Consciously and deliberately, much of this written and spoken communication is not true. It is estimated that ninety percent of the books borrowed from American libraries are fiction. Whole nations are living in a dream world created by the media, and the dreams are scientifically calculated to keep the human mind from contact with reality.”

Father Hardon wrote the above before the turn of the last century, what would he say today? If the diablerie of the past century are allowed to slip from memory, it is easy to fall prey to the deceptive propaganda coming forth from legions intent on spreading their confusing message, intent on keeping men and women oblivious to what is really going on. These legions, capitalizing on manufactured ignorance and historical amnesia, would have everyone believe that Russia is still a furtive communist nemesis playing possum, a feigned sleep from which it will awake to devour the world in an onslaught of evil militarism. In the near future, Russia will be at the forefront of a colossal chastisement, which, they would have us believe, is looming on the horizon.  Media allies in the Catholic Press and supposed advocates of Fatima are seemingly working hand in hand with the purveyors of “fake news” to advance the theme of an heretical pope and a great chastisement led by Russia and the monster Vladimir Putin;  they are doing this to misrepresent and steal the Era of Peace and advance their long planned eschatological scenario in its stead. But, no matter how hard they try, they cannot alter the historical facts; they cannot pawn of past events as future events.

In truth, we have just lived through a chastisement led by Russia, a chastisement unparalleled in the annals of human history, a chastisement that has abated with the Consecration of the World to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by Pope John Paul II (March 25, 1984). In truth, in the wake of this consecration, we are rapidly heading toward an Era of Peace.  We are heading toward an Era of Peace, but the doomsayers are still focusing on chastisement despite the fact that we just lived through a hundred years of living hell, a hell which they would like us to forget so that they can advance their idea that a false pope (if you follow this or any of the following links please exercise caution, the articles are loaded with distortions – see if you can find some of them) and accompanying chastisement are imminent. These so-called pundits claim that a false-church is rising around Pope Francis, when in fact, they themselves, are most likely the false church, the false church that they surreptitiously warn everyone against – the accuser is usually a crafty liar, a liar guilty of the things he falsely accuses others of (Rev 12:10John 8:44).

Pope John Paul II, a pope who knew Mary’s promise was contingent upon the consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, this pope of the 20th century did NOT think that a chastisement was imminent. Rather, filled with a deep understanding and experience of the horrors of the bygone 20th century, this pope consecrated the World to Mary’s Immaculate Heart as she had requested and afterward stated:

After purification through trial and suffering (inflicted by atheistic communism), the dawn of a new era is about to break.  (POPE ST. JOHN PAUL II, General Audience, September 10, 2003).

In other words, the world had already passed through the chastisement spoken of by Our Lady at Fatima. As a Son of Poland, Saint John Paul had imbibed the words of his mentor Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski who often told him:

“Victory when it comes, will be a victory of the Most Blessed Mother”.

Like Wyszynski, Wojtyla had suffered through the pogrom, the great chastisement of Communism linked to the 20th century.  He lived to see the Red Flag come down from the Kremlin, he lived to see the rebirth of Christianity in Poland (video below) and in Russia as well, he lived to see the beginnings of a rebirth that foreshadows the Triumph of Mary’s Immaculate Heart, a rebirth associated with the conversion of Russia and the defeat of liberalism that is underway worldwide.  This is a rebirth that the global media is straining all its might to suppress. A chastisement is not imminent; the chastisement foretold at Fatima has already been lived through; it has ended as Our Lady promised with the consecration of Russia. The horrors we are currently witnessing are the frantic outcries of the dying breath of liberalism, a mad dog penned up against the wall and frothing at its mouth – angry and dangerous, but nearing defeat.



The consecration was repeated in churches throughout Poland. The people united under the leadership of the Polish episcopate, statesmen and military raised their voices :

“Immortal King of Ages Lord Jesus Christ, we Poles stand before you to acknowledge your reign, surrender to your law, and entrust our homeland and the whole nation to you.”


“Humbly bowing our heads before you, King of the Universe, we acknowledge your dominion over the Polish nation, those living in the homeland and throughout the world. Wishing to worship the majesty of Thy power and glory, with great faith and love, we cry out: Rule us, Christ!”

Instead of celebrating this manifest victory over communism and the return of Russia to its Christian roots,  the global press is trying to divide classes and races, trying to create conflict in (1) hopes of advancing their dying dream of one world liberal culture, (2) to hide the truth about Russia and (3) to hinder reconciliation and cooperation resulting in peace; when men and women stop fighting each other and join hands, there is greater likelihood that they will realize who the enemy really is.

Karl Marx and a generation of social scientists trained in the conflict school of social progress are masters of divisive politics, masters of confusion, masters of creating a smoke screen for their paymasters to hide behind while advancing their pernicious global agenda.  Thus, hired press agents have the world focused on manufactured protests between liberals and conservatives, on divisive racial imbroglios and the evils of terrorism while their overlords endeavor to advance a now failing game plan, a plan that includes at times real, but often manufactured, conflict to advance their agenda and to make it appear as if all hell is breaking loose and a chastisement is imminent, when in fact a chastisement has just ended and its remnants are fading while its purveyors spend billions to try and keep their plan of global conquest afloat. Liberalism is falling apart, Christianity is being reborn in Russia and around the globe, but we must believe that a chastisement lies in front of us.  Because Russia and Putin have become a threat to liberal globalism, they must be portrayed as a growing menace.  The truth is Russia is becoming Christian and opposing the liberal world agenda but we must believe that they are part of a plan to control the world devised by those who actually imposing  a dehumanizing global hegemony.



The conflict currently underway, the conflict daily portrayed in the media, is best understood as the beating back of the still significant forces of liberalism, forces that are straining to unleash all their fury in hopes of holding onto a world rapidly fading from their grip, but we are to believe that they are signs of a looming great chastisement, when in fact the chastisement is behind us.

Whole nations were annihilated by communist armies and we are to believe that liberal “snow flakes” blocking traffic are somehow a great threat? They are a threat, but a manageable threat, a threat that backfires and raises ire against them with their every epicene performance. The 20th century was plagued by two World Wars followed by other atrocious wars fought all over the globe, wars accompanied by gruesome tortures, death camps and gulags where priests and nuns were brutalized along with innocent women and children, churches desecrated by the tens of thousands, nuclear holocaust at the door and we are to think that a cohort of paid for terrorists, poverty stricken men without a country, men driving jeeps paid for by American and Saudi dollars equipped with nothing but machine guns and IEDs, we are to believe that such feeble forces are somehow a match for the world’s superpowers, somehow equal to or greater than the evils of Communism. The threat of terrorism is minimal compared to the atrocities of Communism, which was a real chastisement, not a manufactured one

A review of the Twentieth Century would be a good anecdote to the manufactured false consciousness resulting from false news narratives, which are both indicative signs of the times.



Tradition Family & Property (TFP) Distorting Fatima and Consecration of Russia?

(New Era World News)

THE WORLD APOSTOLATE OF FATIMA  is the sole organization commissioned by the Roman Catholic Church to propagate the authentic Message of Fatima.  Nonetheless, a self-proclaimed Catholic organization, Tradition Family and Property (TFP congruent with other Traditionalist apostolates) seems to have little problem pretending that it is the ultimate world authority on the Heaven sent message. TFP apparently believes that it, not the Catholic Church but it, should be listened to by Catholics worldwide contrary to what the apostolic line of popes and bishops teach and have taught about the Message of Fatima.

Regarding the crucial question concerning the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart as requested by the Virgin Mary  (June 13, 1929), the Vatican has clearly concluded based upon attestation of the visionary, Sister Lucia herself, based upon her testimony, the Vatican has definitively concluded that the papal consecration of March 25, 1984 was both valid and perpetually definitive.  As Pope John Paul II pronounced:

 According to the Vatican:


In her own words:


Though they do not often state it explicitly, TFP representatives and their subsidiary, “America Needs Fatima”, apparently do not believe (contrary to the official position adumbrated by the Vatican, the World Apostolate of Fatima, and Sister Lucia herself) that the papal consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary made by Pope John Paul II on March 25, 1984 was valid:

TFP pontificates) that men have not converted. There is no doubt that Our Lady’s requests have not been heeded. And given the present state of world affairs, it is unlikely that men will do this in the near future. Therefore, Fatima is more urgent than ever because it foresees a chastisement (not peace, but a chastisement) for a world that has lost all sense of order.”

TFP does not possess any sort of canonical title or even a scintilla of juridic personality, it possesses no mandate or ecclesial approbation to teach about Fatima in the name of the Church; TFP has none of these things, yet it holds a position completely antithetical to that advanced by the Church and by the WAF and is thereby causing confusion, confusion which is not of God:

For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all churches of the saints” (1 Corinthians 14:33).

Consequently, the WAF prohibits any talk and certainly any pronouncements pertaining to a supposed need to consecrate Russia. The WAF prohibits these things because the consecration has already been accomplished by Pope John Paul II as confirmed by Sister Lucia and the Church itself. To teach anything to the contrary reeks of pride, the root cause of confusion and then of division contrary to the plan of God who wills that in all things His Church be one.

“That they all may be one, as thou, Father, in me, and I in thee; that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that thou hast sent me” (John 17:21).

Thus, the WAF firmly promotes and requires obedience to properly invested ecclesial authorities so that, crowned with concord, peace, and the strength of unanimity, the world and the entire Church may accept and implement the Message of Fatima:

Faithfulness to the magisterial teaching of the Church and loyalty to the Pope and the Bishops and Pastors in communion with the Chair of Peter is an absolute requirement. Any and all discussion of things like defects in the Consecration of Russia performed by Blessed Pope John Paul II on March 25, 1984 which made it unacceptable to heaven, and any and all discussion about alleged parts of the Secret of Fatima which are purported in certain corners to have not yet been revealed is strictly prohibited.  People who promote either of these two allegation (are)… causing great confusion and deep division.”


The World Apostolate of Fatima (WAF) Only Organization Commissioned by Church to Propagate and Implement the Message of Fatima


The WAF, speaking with ecclesial authority, teaches that Russia has been consecrated and is subsequently being converted (as evidenced by numerous news reports), while TFP, pretending to be Catholic, is engaged in an antithetical and on-going contradictory moral crusade against Russia. TFP continues to claim that Pope John Paul II’s (1984) Papal Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary was invalid or incorrectly implemented and must therefore be repeated (correctly), while the WAF following Sister Lucia, the seer herself, and the Church all claim that the consecration was accepted by heaven.

When Sister Lucia asked Our Lord why the Holy Father had to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart, why He, as King of Kings and High Priest, could not forego the papal consecration and convert Russia without the input of a pope?  Jesus responded that it is His will that His entire Church attribute the conversion of Russia to His Mother’s Immaculate Heart so that the Church would thereafter raise devotion to Her Immaculate Heart next to devotion to His Sacred Heart.  In His own words. Jesus told Lucia:

Jesus, in obedience to the fourth commandment, wants His Mother honored – He wants her honored because He loves her. It is she who gave Him His Body, the Body that died and rose from the dead, the Body that is the Temple of the Holy Spirit and the New Israel, the Church. Thus, as Mother of His Body; she is the Mother of all the faithful, who in accordance with scripture, shall call her blessed forever. Since all prophetic scriptures are to be fulfilled, “all generations” (even this perverse generation), will call her blessed (Luke 1:48). To help assure the fulfillment of Luke 1:48 in this generation, Jesus wished to stress the intimate connection linking the conversion of Russia to the Immaculate Heart. He wants His entire Church to recognize that the conversion of Russia is the direct result of the consecration to her Immaculate Heart, thereby motivating the Church to elevate devotion to this heart by placing it along side of the Heart of Jesus.

Satan, on the other hand, is at perpetual war with this Woman (Gen 3:15); he loathes the Virgin Mary (Rev 12: 13-15). It thus behooves him to sequester, camouflage, pervert and disguise knowledge about Russia’s conversion, to dissociate her conversion from the Immaculate Heart.  He therefore distorts information about the consecration and about change underway in Russia and throughout the world, change that clearly indicates that the triumph she promised is occurring.  Her triumph and the promised conversion of Russia must be kept hidden from all the world. The legions of hell and their adepts are ceaselessly working through such clandestine apparatus as fake news, staged political events, false apparitions and diabolical chicanery to obfuscate and confuse all mankind in order to railroad or steal the promised Era of Peace.  Unfortunately (and hopefully unknown to) the TFP, in the name of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary, has inadvertently taken the side of forces arrayed against the august Mother of God and the will of her Divine Son. For in addition to misrepresenting the consecration of Russia to the world, TFP also misrepresents social, economic and political facts about Russia in publication after publication. This seemingly benign apostolate (and other similarly misinformed and misinforming apostolates) thus appears to be doing the work of the devil rather than the work of the Holy Trinity.


According to TFP Russia is not Only Mis-Consecrated or Un-Concentrated; It is also a “Sinking Ship”

In a recent article , entitled “Is that the Titanic Sinking? No? Its the Russian Economy  TFP claimed (without providing any citation):

“Bloomberg has ranked the Russian economic performance expected in 2016 as the fourth worst in the world, surpassed only by Venezuela, Brazil and Greece.

Likening the Russian economy to the Titanic, they reported that:

“The Titanic has already crashed, its bow is filling with cold water but the crew and first class passengers behave as if nothing is happening….More of the same poison will only cause Russia to suffer more as her economy sinks like the Titanic with Putin at the helm.”

But in 2016 Bloomberg actually reported:

Russia is ready to make a comeback.  This might not be entirely translatable in its stock market however, which is already up over 40% year-to-date. On Monday, the Russian Ministry of Economic Development revised its outlook for industrial production in 2016 to 1% compared to the previous 0.4%. In November, national statistics firm Rosstat said industrial production in the first 11 months of 2016 rose 0.8% from 2015 and 2.7% compared to the same month a year ago. IP also rose around 1% from October levels.”

In 2016 Bloomberg also stated:

“The ruble, which plunged to a record low in January, has stabilized as crude rebounded. It’s gained more than 13 percent against the dollar, the best performance globally this year (2016), after a 20 percent loss in 2015….“The most important thing right now is probably how the economy is adjusting to new conditions,… we see some positive signals, some of the expected shifts have began in the structure of the Russian economy. There’s a shift from non-tradable sectors to tradables, especially those oriented toward exports.”

TFP continued its false-theological driven bogus tirade

“So it is no wonder that Russia, while endowed with remarkable natural resources, fails to meet even the basic needs of her people.

Yet reliable sources, such as the Agrisek inform us that Russia is now an “grain superpower“.  It has become the largest grain exporter in the world:

“Grain flows from Russia are expected rise again this year after strong wheat output growth, with production expected to hit new records at around 70m tonnes. “[Russia’s] harvest is absolutely huge,” says Amy Reynolds, analyst at International Grains Council.

According to Bloomberg:

“Last season, Russian topped the U.S. in wheat exports for the first time in decades and is expected to extend those gains to displace the EU from the top spot this year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Investors from local farmers to billionaire tycoons are pumping money into the business.”

“Russian wheat has crowded out U.S. supplies in Egypt, the world’s biggest buyer, and is gaining footholds in some other countries, such as Nigeria, Bangladesh and Indonesia. That’s four decades after the Soviet Union turned to U.S. shipments of wheat and corn to offset shortfalls in its own harvests. Over the last decade, Russia has been the biggest single source of growth in wheat exports, vital to meeting surging global demand.”

flourishing. The Japanese Times reports that “Russia is an emerging superpower in food resource-rich land awayAccording to the Financial Times, it is improved economic conditions in Russia that are driving its unexpected agricultural growth. Nevertheless, TFP must be the purveyor of Russian doom, or its allegations that Russia’s consecration has not been properly performed come to naught. Russia’s economic and food debacle and its purported inability to feed its own people, as falsely told by TFP, is as untrue as its spiritual accounts regarding the consecration of Russia: simply not true.

TFP would like everyone to believe that Communism is still alive in Russia, that it is killing the Russian economy and that therefore Russia must be consecrated again. In short, they seem to be Nationalist Neocons believing that without sacrosanct Capitalism, Russia is doomed-there can be no other way to prosperity except state-sponsored usury and unlimited private property. Damn the Russians, if they are not capitalists, they must therefore still be communists.  As was previously stated, TFP publications are full of false reports about the Russian economy:

“The stale ideas of communism were not removed, and much of the capitalist financial resources evaporated maintaining collective property. Now that the exceptional commodity bonanza is over, so is the illusion.(3)”

On the one hand, TFP cites Bloomberg (without providing any source information) for verification purposes and then, on the other, they fail to cite Bloomberg when it, contrary to the TFP script, informs the public that:

Big retailers like Sweden’s Ikea Group and France’s Leroy Merlin SA have begun pumping billions of dollars in new stores and factories….Ikea is putting $1.6 billion into new stores over the next five years or so. Leroy Merlin in September announced a 2-billion-euro plan to more than double the number of outlets in Russia over the same period. Pfizer Inc. is building a new drug factory, while Mars Inc. is expanding plants for chewing gum and pet food.”


This is the moment for investment,” said Walter Kadnar, country head for Ikea, which last launched a new store in Russia five years ago but this fall opened a $60 million furniture factory near St. Petersburg and acquired land for a third Mega mall near the city. “I strongly believe in the potential of the Russian market long-term.”


“The government said its annual meeting of foreign investors in September drew the most top executives in a decadeForeign direct investment surged to $8.3 billion in the first nine months of this year, more than the $5.9 billion reported for all of 2015, according to central bank data.

To further bolster Bloomberg and FT reports (misrepresented by TFP), the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, has announced verifiable economic data congruent with Bloomberg and FT data. Putin recently gave his State of the Union Address in which he stated:

“We have seen a slight overall decline in the automotive industry, although trucks have shown an increase of 14.7 percentlight commercial vehicles, up 2.9 percent, and buses, up 35.1 percent. In railway engineering, there is a 21.8 percent growth, and freight cars are up 26 percentAgricultural machinery and equipment have shown very good momentum, 26.8 percent. The light industry is also demonstrating an upward trend.”


“We have ensured macroeconomic stability, which is very important, and have maintained financial reserves. The Central Bank gold and currency reserves have not decreased, but have even grown. Whereas on January 1, 2016 they totalled $368.39 billion, now they stand at $389.4, almost 400 billion. Here, too, we can see positive dynamics.”


Agricultural produce exports bring in more revenue today than arms exports. Only recently, we would probably have scarcely imagined such a thing possible. I have already spoken publicly about this and can say it again here today. Incidentally, as far as our arms exports go, we are still a serious contender on this market. Our exports came to $14.5 billion in 2015, and our agricultural produce exports came to $16.2 billion. This year, we expect a figure of $16.9 billion.”


The IT industry is one of the most rapidly developing sectors, which is heartening. Russian IT companies have doubled their exports over the past five years…. Our IT exports were almost zero only recently, but they have risen to $7 billion now.”

Because they refuse to see the truth, the guardians of false information generated by TFP maestros claim that, “A key fact remains, and its effects are devastating: Vladimir Putin’s Russia has not put an end to socialist collectivism and the hens have come home to roost.

Instead of scholarly documentation to support this specious contention, the maestros stealthily provide an outdated and irrelevant link to papal encyclicals against socialism. What? News Flash: Socialism/Communism in Russia is dead.  Russia is undergoing a Christian renewal as recognized by Politico, the New York Times, Newsweek, by other members of the world press and by Pope Francis himself:

unprecedented renewal of the Christian faith in Russia, as well as in many other countries of Eastern Europe, formerly dominated for decades by atheist regimes. Today, the chains of militant atheism have been broken and in many places Christians can now freely confess their faith.”

notWikipedia has this one right:

Russia has an upper-middle income mixed economy with state ownership in strategic areas of the economy. Market reforms in the 1990s privatized much of Russian industry and agriculture, with notable exceptions to this privatization occurring in the energy and defense-related sectors.

A mixed economy does provide for state ownership of key sectors, as stated, but it is also characterized by extensive private ownership as well. Russia, moreover, is poised to experience a new round of economic growth. 

The improving outlook is driving appetite for Russian assets. The ruble was the second-best performer in emerging markets last quarter with a gain of 4.8 percent against the dollar. It traded little changed at 64.8225 against the dollar as of 3:36.m. in Moscow. Ruble volatility is at the lowest level since 2014, with investors seeking close to four times the government debt tendered at an auction on Wednesday.”

Bloomberg  was referring to organizations such as TFP when it recently stated:

“It’s time to bury the expectation that Russia will fall apart economically under pressure from falling oil prices and economic sanctions, and that Russians, angered by a drop in their living standards, will rise up and sweep Putin out of office. Western powers face a tough choice: Settle for a lengthy siege and ratchet up the sanctions despite the progress in Ukraine, or start looking for ways to restart dialogue with Russia, a country that just won’t go away.”

There is little or no truth in these assertions. The USSR carried out a systematic and heinous pogrom against Christians. Today Russia has rebuilt 25,000 churches and restored religious freedom to main-stream churches; it has outlawed homosexual propaganda, protected the integrity of its sacred places from desecration, introduced religious education into public schools, is campaigning for an end to abortion, is globally opposing the advance of liberalism among many other developments that were anathema in the USSR.  In short, the Communists persecuted millions of Christians and demolished thousands of Christian Churches. In Putin’s Russia and abroad, Christian churches and communities are being supported, funded, protected and rebuilt.

Russia is still in the ascendant mode and will remain in that mode until complimented and then surpassed by a resurgent Europe (a Newera projection to be discussed at a later time). Today, this is the type of cultural event occurring on Red Square at the Kremlin (see video below), the type of Marian event that Satan hates, anti-Christian globalists abhor and that radically traditionalist foundations and news agencies attempt to keep out of the news.


Unlike this Russian choir, TFP sings an unsupported refrain against the Rus and in so doing perverts the Fatima Message esp. regarding the consecration of Russia and the promised “Era of Peace”.

Like other traditionalist groups, TFP seems to be waging a war with the Catholic episcopate. Thus, according to the Brazilian Bishop Castro de Meyer:

“There is a visceral anticlericalism in TFP: everything that comes from the clergy is prejudicially received. Basically, it holds that all priests are ignorant, not very zealous or interesting, and have other such qualities. Well, then, keeping in mind the divine Constitution of the Church which was instituted by Jesus Christ, TFP’s habitual anti-clericalism, latent, makes it an heretical sect, and therefore, as I have said, is animated by a principle contrary to the dogma established by Jesus Christ in the constitution of His Church”

TFP combines a unique blend of elitism, anti-communism, anti-modernism, mystical theology, monarchism, and avid devotion to its founder, Plinio Correa de Oliveira. Under his regime, TFP members exercised considerable influence in the Brazilian government and military. As social elitists representing traditional values and insistent on private property rights and large land-holdings, they were (and still are) rabid anti-Communists. They distinguished themselves by hiding behind ardent opposition to aberrant liberation theology thereby ignoring their Christian social responsibility to engage in much needed land reform throughout Latin America. TFP represents a throwback to medieval Feudalism, to knighthood, and social privilege; they view themselves as remnants of the noble class of landowning “aristocrats”.

Given their strict adherence to American Foreign Policy, excessive private property and Cold war anti-communist rhetoric, TFP advocates might be mistaken for Neocons. The US foreign policy initiatives fully embraced by TFP seem to make it morally complicit in war-mongering around the globe, in the destabilizing advancement of NATO to the very borders of Russia (see maps on this page), in American engagement or involvement in Afghanistan, Libya, Kosovo, Iraq, Syria, Yemen as well as the South Pacific and Latin America, in the building and maintaining of two thousand military bases outside of the homeland compared to Russia’s two or three, and they insist Russia is a threat to world peace.

According to John Horvat, current president of TFP, Russia “calls to mind the threats to world peace mentioned by Our Lady at Fatima.”

“From the chilling winds of a Cold War, one can see that the Russian danger that seemed so distant after the fall of the Berlin Wall is back at the gates. The warning of Our Lady at Fatima about Russian errors spreading about the earth now comes back onto the stage – and her message is ever more timely.”

The USSR is gone, and liberalism of the West is tottering, but rather than focusing on the demise of liberalism, the global spread of American militarism, and rejoicing that we are moving toward an Era of Peace, TFP will have none of it.  As expected, from the far right fringe, everything must be viewed through a negative lens, there must be a devil behind every stone, the world must be kept from knowing the truth about Fatima and the Christian renewal that is actually happening in Russia and Eastern Europe. The World Apostolate of Fatima (WAF), the only Fatima apostolate with juridic personality, the only apostolate that speaks with the voice of the Church on Fatima, the WAF tells us that Russia is being converted, but TFP people tell us Russia is about to devour us in a diabolical new wave of communism.

No wonder this group was banned by the Brazilian bishops.

As far as communism in Russia is concerned, TFP is a radical organization, which in the spirit of its founder Plinio Correa de Oliveira, refuses obedience, obedience even to the Vicar of Christ:

“Holy Father, order whatever you want, except that we should stop fighting Communism. To this, our conscience refuses obedience. On this matter, we will resist” (Plinio’s response t Pope Paul VI).

Resistance is a common term used by members of TFP, Plinio’s resistance motif resurfaced in some of his followers, including Marian Horvat, among others, who gave it a more acute twist, speaking to the “heretic” John Paul II, they said, “We resist you to your face.” 

However, the “heretic” John Paul II’s successor, Pope Benedict XVI said that: 

“It is necessary to be strong in faith and to resist error even when it masquerades as piety, so that by professing truth in love, we may embrace in the love of the Lord those who have strayed (cf. Eph. 4:15).”